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Beautifulpeople.com...Anyone heard of it?


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A generous view is these people have a hard time meeting others, because people are too intimidated to approach them. This way they are with their peers and feel more comfortable. Not sure I believe this, maybe I'm just feeling optimistic today


I do not believe that for one second. Being attractove increases your chances of finding someone.

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I heard of that site a few years ago, back before you needed a membership to see any profile pics, and took a peek. I was surprised at how the "beautiful people" did not impress me. They all looked just ordinary. Physical attractiveness is subjective after all.

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I do not believe that for one second. Being attractove increases your chances of finding someone.


Being attractive increases your chances of finding people to date but not necessarily finding someone who is a good match -two different things. I have a very beautiful friend (she did model at one time, still looks gorgeous) who got lots of male attention but did not make good choices in partners. She and her husband were crazy about each other when they were dating and later married. They've been married 10 years. He just served her with divorce papers. It wasn't such a shock -their marriage hasn't been good for years. I don't believe her story is the exception -I know of many very attractive looking people who have an easy time meeting people as a technical matter but it doesn't mean they have the relationship skills for the long term.


On the other hand I've known many very charming and charismatic people who are homely or very plain looking who find the right person and are happily married or together.

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I do not believe that for one second. Being attractove increases your chances of finding someone.


It increases the chances of being found attractive. That doesn't necessarily translate into being approached more by quality men/women. Anyone can gawk at a beautiful woman but realistically how many are going to approach her. PUAs?, guys that hit on anything? The problem with really attractive people is there are fewer of them in their peer group. More average people have a much huger peer group to choose from.


If anyone believes looks aren't a significant part of life and the game of dating you're fooling yourself.

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Being attractive increases your chances of finding people to date but not necessarily finding someone who is a good match -two different things. I have a very beautiful friend (she did model at one time, still looks gorgeous) who got lots of male attention but did not make good choices in partners. She and her husband were crazy about each other when they were dating and later married. They've been married 10 years. He just served her with divorce papers. It wasn't such a shock -their marriage hasn't been good for years. I don't believe her story is the exception -I know of many very attractive looking people who have an easy time meeting people as a technical matter but it doesn't mean they have the relationship skills for the long term.


Well, that could go for everyone. Having someone into you doesn't mean they are a good match or even someone you like. But being attractive does give you more choices and chances of finding something that you do like than not being attractive does.

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It increases the chances of being found attractive. That doesn't necessarily translate into being approached more by quality men/women. Anyone can gawk at a beautiful woman but realistically how many are going to approach her. PUAs?, guys that hit on anything? The problem with really attractive people is there are fewer of them in their peer group. More average people have a much huger peer group to choose from.


If anyone believes looks aren't a significant part of life and the game of dating you're fooling yourself.


Their peer group? Do they just hang around hot people in the hopes that more hotties will join so they can date them?


There is no problem with being attractive.


Sure, there can be some jealous people. But as long as you don't have a horrible personality, things aren't going to be bad from a social perspective when it comes to being attractive.

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So I decided to check this site out and offer a report to ENA. So far...


My pic is still be voted on. Have about 30 hours to go. While it doesn't tell you how many people voted on you it does give bars that show how many Yes, Ok, No, and Definitely Not you have received.


The people are Ok, honestly most of the guys pictures I have seen haven't done anything for me.


I will keep you posted with further updates



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So I decided to check this site out and offer a report to ENA. So far...


My pic is still be voted on. Have about 30 hours to go. While it doesn't tell you how many people voted on you it does give bars that show how many Yes, Ok, No, and Definitely Not you have received.


The people are Ok, honestly most of the guys pictures I have seen haven't done anything for me.


I will keep you posted with further updates



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Because of this post, I decided to do it too. Rofl. I agree with you about the guys. They're mainly "ehh." But then, maybe I am too. I don't really know what constitutes as "beautiful" to the extreme. I don't think I look like my pictures anyway, dunno. But then again, when my mom showed my ex my school pictures throughout the years, he was like, "You look different every year, it's like a complete morph." Haha, so maybe pictures + me don't mix.


Funny, the few minutes into it, the vote was (though was still average generally) was mostly on "definitely not." Then I refreshed and bam, extremely "yes". Refreshed again and mostly "okay." I find this funny. It's a weird system. Think I'm going to delete it soon.

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I thought this would be a laugh to do, too, especially as most of the guys visible are less than half my age (103)! At the moment I'm quite definitely on the "In" side - it has to be said, to my surprise. Does anyone really take this seriously?


P.S. I was very tempted to put this in as my application pic:


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Nutbrownhare, omg I could not stop laughing when I saw that pictures!!! Please make another account using this and tell us what happens!


No real up date yet. I have swung from No, to Ok, to Yes a few times already. Last I checked I was holding steady at Ok.



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Dude, you must post up that picture!


I'm currently on the "no" but on the edge. I suspect I won't make it, and you know what? I like that I "applied" for the site because now I know the extent of my feelings myself - I simply don't care what they think of my appearance.


It's kind of weird for the voting system though.

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Dude, you must post up that picture!


I'm currently on the "no" but on the edge. I suspect I won't make it, and you know what? I like that I "applied" for the site because now I know the extent of my feelings myself - I simply don't care what they think of my appearance.


It's kind of weird for the voting system though.


It's getting late here, and time for bed... however, I'll put it up tomorrow, along with a proper profile. Things like under favourite books: 'Fishing for Boys' and so on.

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Seriously, some of these guys are weird looking. There is a dude with a total 70's porn stach.


Anyway, 26 hours to go! Still holding steady at OK. There is a "who is checking you out" feature. Not sure if this just means the people who have looked at your profile or what. If I'm accepted I will do a full run down on this.

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Well, that could go for everyone. Having someone into you doesn't mean they are a good match or even someone you like. But being attractive does give you more choices and chances of finding something that you do like than not being attractive does.


Nope. It only takes one (one good match) -just because you date a lot of different people doesn't mean you necessarily increase your chances of finding a good match - it's not about quantity -it's about many other things -your approach to relationships, to people, how you interact, what you're looking for.


I agree that people who are objectively attractive have an easier time meeting people for just dating or flings - situations where the numbers game works in their favor.

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35 hours to go, and I'm still "In". Have looked through the members in my area. I'm old enuff to be a mother to nearly all of them; a grandmother to one or two if I'd started really early. There are three guys who are sensibly in my age range and, I have to say, they are seriously pretty.

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I'm back on "yes" this time, weirdly.


Most guys on the site seems older than me. Already got some messages (that I can't read) and I see that they're older. Meh, dude. I've seen some around my age but I'm usually just "meh" or "hm, okay." But you know what, now that I think it, there's so few I consider a "ooh, what now?" (Lol), so I guess that's the problem of a site like this? People of the extreme beauty that makes one really look should be very tiny (and that's the point! Too many is repetitive conditioning, erasing novelty) and wouldn't make a site grow. That's not going work to the site's advantage but on elitism, I'd gather. That's the true point, I feel. Like the movie (that I forgot the name of! Good movie tho. Advertising movie), create desire by giving the illusion of exclusivity. Plus, I think the whole system is silly. Everyone's standard of "ooh" is vastly different also. I know I did see some that others mention differently and vice versa.


Okay, enough ramble. Sorry, wine talking. Lol.


Hm. Back on "okay." That was quick.

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Right... on to more serious matters. I've created another profile. I'm being voted out. In fact, the only votes cast so far are "Absolutely Not". Just don't understand it... here's a screen grab of my profile, so would you mind taking a look at it and see what you think?


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Nope. It only takes one (one good match) -just because you date a lot of different people doesn't mean you necessarily increase your chances of finding a good match - it's not about quantity -it's about many other things -your approach to relationships, to people, how you interact, what you're looking for.


I agree that people who are objectively attractive have an easier time meeting people for just dating or flings - situations where the numbers game works in their favor.


Having more people to meet for flings and dating increases your chances of finding someone you really like. That is just common since. Attractive people do have that advantage.

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Having more people to meet for flings and dating increases your chances of finding someone you really like. That is just common since. Attractive people do have that advantage.


No -because it depends on what the attractive person is looking for in the first place -and whether the attractive person is picking people who are suitable for a long term relationship. I agree that attractive people who also have the right mindset and approach to finding a healthy relationship probably have it easier than people who are not attractive (and I mean not attractive as in not healthy looking for various reasons and negative people who project negative energy and body language -not just an outside appearance thing). I was no model -far from it -but I was "cute" and extroverted and knew how to carry myself (I was told as a young child that I had good posture -I had to since I was short -wanted to make the most of my height) and dress in a flattering (not overly "sexy") way -I also knew where I was more likely to meet suitable men and in what environments I shone as opposed to faded into the background.


I think your explanation is too simplistic and I agree that in certain cases it's easier to be attractive rather than not. I also think most people can increase their attractiveness through the basics -good diet, exercise and enough sleep and then having the confidence to carry yourself and dress in a way that makes you more approachable and not just in dating situations.

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On a more serious note; I have many gorgeous, intelligent female friends. Most of them are single, having had abusive, exploitative relationships - and I wonder if the problem is that they are likely to attract narcissistic guys whose primary attraction is that they will enhance his overall image. Being very attractive does not necessarily mean that you'll attract nice people.

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I find sites like that just sad sad sad. Anyone past the age of 18 who still needs to feel like they're in the 'in' crowd or a cheerleader or homecoming king getting voted 'bestest looking' really is sad. Life is so rich and about so much more than looks, and the happiest people I know don't focus on that, rather on how rich and interesting life is if you get out and looking for rewarding things to do/be.

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