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Beautifulpeople.com...Anyone heard of it?


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Has anyone tried this out? I signed up a few days ago and wasn't taking it seriously. Figured it'd be a good way to get an objective opinion on how I appeared to the opposite sex and thought it'd be fun to browse eye candy when I'm bored.


What you do is you sign up and send an application photo. Then the site gives people 48 hours to determine whether you 'belong' on the site or not. They essentially vote on you. Yes it's shallow and pointless-I didn't sign up hoping to talk to anyone. Just needed it cos I haven't been feeling great for ages =S


Anyway I've been accepted. I now get to vote on new applicants too.

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Pictures are deceiving. I have yet to see one picture where I look exactly the way I look in person, therefore going on such a site would be pointless. I'm sure this is the case with many others. Everybody puts on the site their best picture, but that doesn't mean they look all that great in person. Of course there are exceptions to this, but I wouldn't bother.

If I feel like testing my hotness, lol, I go out and see how I appear to the opposite sex by the amount of attention I get. I feel this is closer to reality, because I care much more about how I look in the flesh than how I look in pictures.

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Yeah I get what you mean-I just think this way it's more objective. Attention in real life depends on several factors-one being how approachable you look. Some of the cutest people I know don't really get hit on much, cos they are shy/look unapproachable. I don't think people go on that site to actually 'meet' anyone. People just do it to see if they can get in lol.


And I put a few of my pics. Just random selfies from my phone. It is crazy how many people have semi professional pics on there! But a lot of the guys are very good looking, and it's nothing to do with angles. Just good genes haha.


^ Oh and it can be anything really. I think people post full body and lots of guys do it cos of their abs -_-.

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I'd be worried anybody I met there would be extremely shallow.


There used to be a site back in the late 90's, can't remember what it was called, but people would upload their pictures and you could rate their attractiveness 1-10.


I think if you could find a site like that if you want a outside view of your attractiveness from other people on average without having to deal with any dating angle. Be warned, anonymous people on the internet can be harsh and vote 1's just to mean. So, take it with a grain of salt.

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I'd be worried anybody I met there would be extremely shallow.


There used to be a site back in the late 90's, can't remember what it was called, but people would upload their pictures and you could rate their attractiveness 1-10.


I think if you could find a site like that if you want a outside view of your attractiveness from other people on average without having to deal with any dating angle. Be warned, anonymous people on the internet can be harsh and vote 1's just to mean. So, take it with a grain of salt.


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Why does anyone need to get a reading on a scale from 1 to 10 on their attractiveness anyway?

Just ask out women you are attracted to (the whole package, not just appearance). Who cares about what other people have determined to be your attractiveness?

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I'd be worried anybody I met there would be extremely shallow.


There used to be a site back in the late 90's, can't remember what it was called, but people would upload their pictures and you could rate their attractiveness 1-10.


I think if you could find a site like that if you want a outside view of your attractiveness from other people on average without having to deal with any dating angle. Be warned, anonymous people on the internet can be harsh and vote 1's just to mean. So, take it with a grain of salt.


You used to be able to do this on pof. You're right you better have a thick skin or be extremely beautiful to allow yourself to be rated. I have a thick skin so I thought it would be a hoot. I think I averaged around a strong three. Most of the high ratings were from men.


I have a grudging respect for people that use this site. Many people hide their shallowness. These people make no apologies about it, and are honest about it.

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It doesn't sound like a very nice site to be honest.


A generous view is these people have a hard time meeting others, because people are too intimidated to approach them. This way they are with their peers and feel more comfortable. Not sure I believe this, maybe I'm just feeling optimistic today

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Yeah I get what you mean-I just think this way it's more objective. Attention in real life depends on several factors-one being how approachable you look. Some of the cutest people I know don't really get hit on much, cos they are shy/look unapproachable. I don't think people go on that site to actually 'meet' anyone. People just do it to see if they can get in lol.


And I put a few of my pics. Just random selfies from my phone. It is crazy how many people have semi professional pics on there! But a lot of the guys are very good looking, and it's nothing to do with angles. Just good genes haha.


^ Oh and it can be anything really. I think people post full body and lots of guys do it cos of their abs -_-.


Your attraction to this site and need for that kind of attention is a very good way for you to start to explore what is obviously lacking in your life - it's really a blessing that you have it all in your face so to speak because many people don't get to have that kind of "aha" moment.

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Attractiveness is SO subjective. If anyone watches Game of Thrones, I actually think the dwarf on there is attractive. Aside from being small, he's handsome and he has an appeal about him. Granted hes an actor, but it's weird how once you look past someone's outward appearance, other things shine through.

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You say you did this because you haven't been feeling very great - What if you hadn't gotten accepted?


Never heard of this so I started digging around a bit. It says they have regular events and "beauty police" - That you need to be as attractive as your photos or you'll get turned away at the door.


I'm not beautiful, but even if I was I don't think I could get down like that.

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The people who care about the way they look the most are the people who have the lowest self esteem. Because all it means is you're forever judging yourself, comparing yourself and not thinking about your actual self...just how others see you.


And you are more than a person who ticks all the boxes the mainstream media demands you to do.

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Wow, and just...wow. People voting on whether you're pretty or handsome or not? And I thought it was sort of silly and shallow when me and my friends used to keep running scores of hoots, hollers, wolf whistles and other forms of appreciation shown to us whenever we went out. For us though it was more just a game to take the edge off the annoyance factor of public harassment.


Maybe I'm out of touch with what happens today in the younger set, but don't you get noticed and/or attention just being out in public? If you need validation from strangers over just how you look that's kind of sad, isn't it? Beauty doesn't last, so you'd better have something else to bring to the table later on in life.

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Attractiveness is SO subjective. If anyone watches Game of Thrones, I actually think the dwarf on there is attractive. Aside from being small, he's handsome and he has an appeal about him. Granted hes an actor, but it's weird how once you look past someone's outward appearance, other things shine through.


Aha! I am not the only woman who finds Peter Dinklage attractive. I would so date him if I were single and he asked me out, not gonna happen but still... I have the hugest actor crush on him. And he probably wouldn't get "accepted" to the website in question, which just goes to show that what's mainstream isn't always what someone will think is attractive.

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Oh I actually do get quite a bit of attention in real life and also get asked out pretty much daily. Was more curiosity than anything. I'd come accross an article on it.


Also regarding the whole cat fishing scenario, for ppl who actually want to use it n aren't doing it for sh and giggles they have an authentication process so they make sure you're legit.

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Oh I actually do get quite a bit of attention in real life and also get asked out pretty much daily. Was more curiosity than anything. I'd come accross an article on it.


Also regarding the whole cat fishing scenario, for ppl who actually want to use it n aren't doing it for sh and giggles they have an authentication process so they make sure you're legit.


That's pretty funny -an authentication process for mostly inauthentic people. I have a feeling their "process" is far from airtight! Since you posted about this it seems to me it was far more important to you than just minor curiosity.


It sounds like being asked out daily doesn't help the "not feeling great" feeling that you posted about above, so I would be surprised if being chosen by strangers for a site that's supposed to be about physical features would help.

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"I get asked out daily"




We weren't saying that you were not "desirable" enough to get attention in real life. I think people were just saying real life "attention" would be a better/easier indicator of attractiveness. There wasn't any mention that you were not getting the said attention....


I just think you should not look to anyone for validation of your self worth/attractiveness. The most attractive people are the original ones who are confidant enough to just be themselves I always think.


Who knows...


**** looks. **** "perfection" . Just be happy being you.

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The people who care about the way they look the most are the people who have the lowest self esteem. Because all it means is you're forever judging yourself, comparing yourself and not thinking about your actual self...just how others see you.


And you are more than a person who ticks all the boxes the mainstream media demands you to do.


On the contrary. Part of having good self-esteem is looking after yourself. Being good to yourself. Loving yourself, and yes caring about your appearance.

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This is one of those "I'm bored on a week night so lets see what this is" websites. I've check out a number of random dating sites over the years out because of this. I highly doubt anyone is getting a fulfill relationship on this site.


That being said, I am kind of bored tonight...hmmm.

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If I wanna feel 'hot'.....I just walk into a Walmart. Best ego boost ever lol.


While I do kinda think this is funny. I don't really think the people that shop there are any less attractive than the people that shop anywhere else. It is where I shop. But then again, i'm seriously ugly. LOL

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