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Another dilemma...


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Hey it's me again. I'm juggling through these situations all the time. lol


Well I'm going to keep it short and not detailed or anything.


There's this new girl I just met at work for 2 weeks now. When she first saw me she just looked and said nothing while my friend introduced me to her. I kind of fell in love at that point and took "note" of her beauty. The next couple of days I would see her at the soda machines and I would say hi and hav ebrief conversations with her and I would always catch her staring. So well, I looked back lol. Then about hours later I asked her how her day was going and she said she felt like going home and going to sleep and then she asked me did I want to go to sleep too. o_O it was pretty awkward. she used to ride the train but she drives now, but she used to sit me in the back and stare at me from afar.


I caught her in the copying room last week and she gave me a lot of eye contact even when I wasn't looking at her, we kept making jokes with her, and she would stand dangerously close to me. she dropped something and I gave it back to her but I didnt want to touch her hand so when I tried to put the clip in her hand it dropped. weird huh?


just today we meet again in the copying room and we started talkin gagain. she kept winking at me like 20 times and lookin, and her friend came over and actually tagteamed flirting with me. I was focused on my work so I didnt pay too much attention to it. then she told the girl[i like] that to just "put the phone down". but after that I still kept looking at her and vice verse and finding excuses to go back into the copying room.




I'm really trying to figure this out[she seems like a flirt, but if some other guys in the room she'll still focus on me]


HALP lol

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just make it friends first via work...lunch and such...nothing outside of office hours...


see if getting to know her out of the office, but still within a boundary helps you to get to know her better inorder to make a decision to go further with it or not...

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