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i want a real relationship! HELP


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okay so my bestfriend has been goin out with this amazing guy for 2 months now...they have the best relationship ever!! they are together almost ever day, they talk about everything! he doesnt pressure her into sex or anything beyond kissing..exactly the kind of guy i want! they are like best friends! its amazing! i want someone like him...i dont know if im just jealous of them or wut but seeing them together makes me feel lonley and like i will never have a boyfriend like him...i havent had a boyfriend in over 7 months....i cant seem to deal with this very well..its all i think about now, my whole stressful day is devoted to thinking about guys...its sad,,,i want a relationship that will last for a while, one where we can talk about nething and someone who can be my best friend!!! please help me i need advice!

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O girly... If I dont know exactly how you feel. I found myself feeling the same way many times

but you have to realize that you are young and have soo much time to find the person of your dreams. Right now may not even be a good time for you to deal with a boyfriend because of other important things happening in your life. Try to focus on findind someone who you can just chill and have fun with. Sometimes when we forget about things they come our way or we just become more content because we realize we can be content without them. I assure you there is someone out there for you and if you just concentrate on some hobby or something that you find fun your anxiety about getting a man will go away and eventually the perfect person will enter your path...

hope this helps...toodles!!

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Well, that's how the world of dating is.


You've got plenty of time to find a guy. And don't think about this all day long. Find some new hobbies or something else to occupy your mind for a while. There's no need to be thinking about it all day when it just causes you stress. You don't want to end up clinging on to the guy anyway so try to find some happiness being single as well beforehand.

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I know how you feel...I was in a situation where a friend of mine had the "perfect" relationship and the best boyfriend...I was so jealous. It was very unhealthy.


The best thing to do is to get involved. Join a sport or club...not only will you meet some new friends, but you'll probably find some cute guys to flirt with.


Seriously though, the worst thing you can do is "push" a relationship. True love happens when you least expect it, so stop looking. Work on improving your wonderful self and *then* guys go "Whoa, who's that?"


A "real" relationship, by my definition, is when two people love each other. It doesn't matter how long they've been going out. If and when you find a guy, don't push for something big right away. Allow your relationship to grow. The honeymoon stage is the best part!


Also, don't compare your relationships or dates to your best friend's boyfriend. It's not the same thing, and in the end you'll end up jealous. Instead, support her and see if you can become better friends with her guy. That way, he can help you scout out some potential boyfriends.


Point in case: Don't be jealous, it's not worth it. Love comes unexpectedly, so stop expecting it. Find a hobby. Good luck!

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All I can say is just wait. Be patient. Do a sport or hobby. Get a job where people around your age hang out. Even though I am a guy, I know kinda how you feel. I waited for a couple years for my real relationship girl. All I know is, is that when I look for someone, I want them to do things I do. I like girls who do soccer or worked at the same place I did. I just got to spend time with them and talk and really get to know them. Who knows, maybe the right one will come along, but remember, your still young. Don't be too ancy to get out there, you got your whole life to look ahead to.

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Hey everyone! thankz so much for replying! that means a lot to me and it really helped! a lot of u were sayin to find a hobby well i have one and it does help cuz it takes my mind off things when im there...i cheer on my highschool squad and an allstar squad so i stay busy which does relive my mind for a few hours but jus wanted to say thanx! yall are great!

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