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Having opinions - important in relationship?


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Somewhere between being a person who shares no opinions with their bf or gf and being the person with an opinion about everything, there must be a happy middle ground. Nice guys and nice girls complain that no one gives them a chance but sometimes it is not that they are too nice. It is that they do not have anything interesting to say. They do not have their own mind about things.


Some people, not all, who are nice go along with everything their gf or bf wants, so they do not contribute any ideas or give their bfs or gfs anything different to think about. That is my opinion anyway. How important is it to you to date someone who has opinions?

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Of course it's important. I think everyone has their own ideal about it. Too opinionated is more of a turn off to me than not enough. One of the contributing factors to me breaking up w/ last bf was he was extremely opinionated about a couple of things, to the point he would rant about it and these opinions were so extreme they were ridiculous. It was a complete turn off and it got to where I didn't even want to be around him. There definitely needs to be a balance.

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History is a sour topic. He is such a history and science buff and I am better with speaking, using different words and I tend to teach him a new word often lol!... I do wish I was better in History so I can have a nice stimulation intellectual conversation with him. I try my best to give my opinion tho lol!

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