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A question for the women


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Tonight I was at my HS basketball game.

It was the first quarter whenever I saw this girl I'm interested in - and everyone else noticed her too... she isn't liked because she is pretty snobby but she shows interest.


The comments from some of the people were basically stating how she likes to try to break up other couples and cause controversy. She's really cute and nice to me, but being the successful young man ( ) that I am I want to get your opinions.


Is she just jealous that she doesn't have someone? Or is it deeper than that. And alot of the things they were saying were really mean, like personal jokes and how they are going to vandalize her car and whatnot.


Should I tell her this? or will it make me look bad? I'm already on her good side or should I just let her go?




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People sometimes like to creatnig rumors because of jealousy - she's cute; but there's also possibilies that she'd done those things and that's how people made statements on her. Donno.


Afterall you donno her that much. Why not judge her characters until you get to know her better? You don't have to tell her bout the rumors, she might probably know that already. But just find out who she is before going further.

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I really think it's jealousy; since she isn't exactly the type of girl most guys would break up with their girlfriend and get with. This just really put me off because I've been screwed over before with something similiar and was to dumb to realize it was too good to be true.


she seems like she is real to me, but I guess you can't really pick out the backstabbers from the regular people.



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What are you asking? I would make the assumption that they are all lying about her and destroying her reputation the way that women will talk, and everyone knows that they do do that!!


So I am not telling tales out of school, they are!!


They will not key her car unless they have a good reason to do that, right?


It is a fellony to vandalize anything. If it happens, then you are required to tell her that they were the ones that probably did it...you know?


You are worried that they wont be your friends anymore if something works out with this hated female?


the thing is you never know until you try, it -- right? You can't tell how well you play until you get in the game.


You will probably gain some dirty looks, but that goes with having a hot date, sweety!!

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Good news... today i went to school. Got to talk to her for about a good hour. She opened my notebook and said, "i'll tell you what, call me next week whenever we are on break, we can go out" so it's safe to say she is interested, and most likely from what i gathered she seems o.k.


so all good for me i guess - it was almost to easy, when I was going to get her number she just handed it over without me asking....



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