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Co-worker Friendship Confusion - What's happening??


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As the question states: Do YOU think it's a good idea to make/maintain friends who are co-workers?


For nearly three years, I've come to get to know and befriend a co-worker who is closest to my age. We would laugh, talk, exchange personal information, and even update on each other's own lives. I felt I confide in her so much. There were even times when she's said, "I could never be mad at you." I was thinking this could be a possible "confidant/best" friendship eventually.


Last December (already been a year ago), she becomes close to another co-worker. All of a sudden, they "click" and become nearly instantaneous best friends. Earlier this year, I was fearing I was losing my friendship with this "close" friend, especially since she would begin getting overly annoyed with co-workers' habits. I mean, they are habits that she shouldn't be stressing out over, since she is NOT the supervisor. She would then form this "cold shoulder" and "silent treatment" attitude with everyone as annoyances occurred to everyone involved EXCEPT, of course, this newly-formed best friend. Then, they would be telling our boss they're the only ones doing "all the work" and so forth. We work in a ten computer lab facility.


Nowadays, it is really difficult to tell what her mood will be. If she's in a good mood, fine. When she is in a bad mood I don't even wanna approach her and just work at the opposite end. She also is aware and has told our boss of her bad attitude problem and really wants to work on it. I was beginning to think she's letting the work-related situations interfer with the job.


It's difficult to tell what direction this friendship is heading. She just met this man over the internet and is in love. She met him him twice and is going to marry him in and move out of state in May 2005. She told me excitedly and hugged me. Okay, I am confused now....


Yesterday is our last day of work and will have 17 days of Christmas break off from work. Once again, she pulled an attitude over a work-related issue. When I failed to do something in her computer image she is building, I heard her mutter something under breath but did not ask her. Instead, I just disregarded it and just went off to get something else I needed to take care of. I haven't been apologizing because I see no point in doing so. I know it may sound mean, but I also don't appreciate her constant bad attitudes and her mood swings. I still don't know what the root problem of her anger towards us, especially me is, but I don't want to keep thinking about it.


So, she left for our 17-day vacation without even wishing me a happy holiday or even did not say "bye" or anything, so it's difficult to tell if she was just angry or just doesn't care anymore.


Anyway, I think it is best to just steer clear from her. She is just inscrutable!


So, is this a friendship OR not?

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