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In my life, in the past, be it because I was younger and dumber and just did not think things through, I was very reckless with people's hearts. Broke a lot of them, led people on when I shouldn't have etc. I feel terrible for doing so and if I could take it back, I would. I guess now it's just become a learning experience. And I've apologized for my actions where I could. Either way, now I see myself go through almost many of the same things I put others through in very similar situations, be it heartbreak or anything else. It's good in a way because without experiencing it for myself, I would never have the same compassion and clarity to not want to do something hurtful again. For instance, when I was a lot younger I just couldn't get why exes were so mopey and sad about heartbreak, until I experienced it myself and understood just his sucky it is.


Has anyone ever experienced karma? Or seen that it's true In others? Do you all believe it really exists? I guess karma is a misnomer but maybe more of how you live your life and treat others affects you, ie cheaters form relationships with people who are okay with cheating, hence they are more likely to get cheated on.

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My first ever relationship was with a guy I didn't really like, I just said yes to going out with him because I had never kissed a boy before and everyone else had, I thought that no one would ever like me. I used him basically. I broke up with him after a week and then went back to him for another month while still talking to another guy, I feel terrible about it, I wish that I could say sorry to him! But it would be no use. I had a very exhausting and problematic relationship with the guy I was speaking to for the next two years, he's now left me and I'm heartbroken, so maybe this is my karma?

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I think karma's more about cause and effect, rather than a cosmic 'balance sheet'.


If you're someone who has problems establishing intimate relationships, then it follows that you will be attracted to others with the same issue - or people with the same level of comfort with intimacy. We can play any roles within the relationships-which-don't-quite-get-there - whether we're the one doing the pursuing or the distancing - and, ironically, are more likely to end up feeling victimised in relationships once we decide that we're going to be careful of others' feelings. This is not at all to say that we ought to go back to trampling on others, more that we need to work on ourselves and become more capable of having healthy relationships. And it would certainly be a mistake to view it as some kind of 'punishment'.


Outside the sphere of relationships, karma is well recognised in sayings like 'He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword', even though it's not called karma. We all choose, often unconsciously, which games we choose to play and the rules of the game will affect us in many subtle and not-so-subtle ways.

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