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Wish you were closer Happpybear. Then we could shop for records together.




So there is a record shop at the end of my street (convenient!) and I popped in last week to browse. I found this record (I forgot the name of the band) but it was a live recording of Irish folk tunes for "drinkin' and wenchin'"...seriously that was what it said on the record sleeve!!! That record would be hilarious for sure, can you imagine?!!


I didn't buy it because I still haven't gotten a new player, but a few days later I changed my mind and decided to go get it, but it had been sold already!!! Such a bummer...

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Ever read The Terror by Dan Simmons?


No never heard of it, is it good? The only book I have read that featured Franklin was "The Arctic Grail" by Pierre Berton, It's a history book but it wasn't just about Franklin alone, the book spans 1818 to 1909 and covers all of the main players searching for the Northwest Passage. Fascinating book, and written so well, not dry at all. Pierre Berton was such a talented writer.

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I have been feeling so unsorted since Thanksgiving. When I found out that dad has now retired and moved to London with his wife. It really bugs me that he gets to retire, while mom probably will be working until she dies. It bugs me that it has been easier for him, financially, to live comfortably, to go on fancy golf vacations, while I watched mom struggle, have to fight for every raise at work, helping out my bro so much and cover his bills when he was unemployed because dad wouldn't even deign to lend him $20 to put some gas in the car to go to interviews. It bugs me that, once again, A had to call dad on his own Bday--like he can't even take the initiative to call his own son. And still, once again, didn't even sign his own name with his own hand on A's bday card, had his wife do it for him. That's just f*cking pathetic behaviour from someone who claims to want to maintian a relationship with A.


The good thing is that I found my copy of the art of happiness in a box at mom's--thought I had left it at L's when we broke up, but no, just misplaced. I haven't read it since 2004, when I was going through this the first time. It feels good to read it again--it's like seeing an old friend, maybe that's weird. Its good reinforcement. I know these feelings will pass, and I know that it's not so black and white. Yes he has had it easier financially, but he has lost his children, and the respect of many of his family members and colleagues. And mom has grown and changed in good ways since that time, our side of the family has solidified in good ways. It all evens out, in it's own way.

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no, actually never heard of it, lol geez, you are full of good suggestions! I'm gonna check it out right now, thanks!


Yeah it's like social media for readers. I log in usually through Facebook, so I only have like 14 friends on it, but I love it. You can see what others are reading and tag books you want to read in the future.

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Haha, ya I made an account last night, I didn't get through the whole rating process though. It's ok, I skipped the step to add friends from contacts (I don't have social media and I didn't want it to comb through my email contact list) so I have no friends on it, lol and it's likely to stay that way!

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It's time. Time for rye bread.


Goals for the day: get flour - make starter.


Also, time to get off my ass again and start working out again. I feel better now, not 100%, still sleeping too much, but I don't NEED caffeine to get me through my day, I have much more energy now. I haven't had any weird dizzy spells in a while now which is great because those were scary, and I don't feel physically tired after walking my dog or climbing a flight of stairs now


I'm just realizing that this year has been a bad fitness year for me. For the first part of the year I was too busy to workout, then I was to weak to do anything with regularity, and now it's the end of October and I'm feeling rather un-toned.

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Curious about your rye bread!


I know the swiss used to make fantastic bread in the mountains. It often took a couple weeks to cure properly...but it was renowned for it's nourishing qualities. The same people lived almost exclusively on milk and cheese (and said bread)...and they had an interesting relationship with their cows, and the first butter of the spring. Many of the men ended up being recruited for the Vatican guard. It's an interesting story to me, because we're often told that we require so much variety as humans. I'm beginning to find the idea of variety exhausting though. Seasonal...local...etc...just has a good feeling for me. Eating becomes more enjoyable that way.




Bread. Care to share your recipe?

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Hey 90, ya I bet Swiss mountain rye bread would be pretty amazing. That's pretty interesting that they lived off mostly dairy and bread. I get what you're saying about eating diverse foods. I sometimes think that's crap too. It's funny how certain cultures in certain places (like the Swiss like you wrote) could live off of the same sort of food and be ok. Like the Inuit, that pretty much only lived off of raw seal meat and blubber, but managed to get all the nutrients they required for their bodies. I prefer to eat local and seasonal too.


I haven't made the actual rye bread yet. I'm still feeding my starter. It takes 3-4 weeks to get a nice healthy and robust flavoured sourdough starter. Bread making is an art, it really is. No two loaves are the same, and it can still be challenging even if you have made the same bread 100 times. I love it, and find it almost therapeutic.


I'm making 100% rye bread, which is something you don't find in most stores, as it isn't very popular here in Canada I think because it's so heavy and dense, it's a very German thing. Hopefully by late November I will have some nice bread, I'll post a picture!


And no I'm not gonna share my recipe It's top secret!

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  • 5 weeks later...


So there is a record shop at the end of my street (convenient!) and I popped in last week to browse. I found this record (I forgot the name of the band) but it was a live recording of Irish folk tunes for "drinkin' and wenchin'"...seriously that was what it said on the record sleeve!!! That record would be hilarious for sure, can you imagine?!!


I didn't buy it because I still haven't gotten a new player, but a few days later I changed my mind and decided to go get it, but it had been sold already!!! Such a bummer...


Been there done that on a few occasions. Should have picked it up when I saw it and when I went back it was gone. I wouldn't mind having a record store near my home.

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Been there done that on a few occasions. Should have picked it up when I saw it and when I went back it was gone. I wouldn't mind having a record store near my home.


I have two actually, one at the end of my street, and the other one is accross the street several yards away from the first one! I like the one at the end of my street better because it's sort of hidden, and usually empty.

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aaaaand life just keeps on rolling.


It's stupid to spend any more time trying to figure this thing out.Though I would lying if I said I wasn't a little bit hurt. I'm too sensitive and I know that. But no one can make me feel anything, so that's on me. So shame on me for....letting my imagination get away from me. For believing what I wanted to believe rather than seeing what was plain before my eyes. And none of this is new...I have been in this place before, and should have known better. I'm disappointed in myself.....Many lessons in all of this.


I think it's a good time to step away from all the things that distract me from focusing my attention on what is actually important in my life, what is real and tangible, and the people that are actually there for me.

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wow, that is quite long-distance. My issue is with a long-time friend. I realize now that I am not a priority in her life, yet she seems to expect that I will make her a priority. I'm done with it. There are better people out there. I just feel sometimes that the people in my life that I can actually count on to say what they mean and mean what they say are few and far between.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I want to start looking for a new job. I am so bored where I work. Nothing ever changes, including my job description. I am also at a dead-end, I am not a lawyer or an accountant so moving forward in this company will be next to impossible because it seems any job above mine requires a professional designation. I have asked to have my manager mentor me for her job--the woman is like 70 years old, she MUST retire at some point, and someone will have to move in to her role--but apparently my department's director would prefer to fill her position with someone outside the organization, so as not to create issues among the people in my department. I can see how there would be competition from others in the dept. who might also want that job, especially since some of my colleagues have been here way longer than I have been. But all it tells me is that I will not be going forward in this department. So I need to look elsewhere.


My lease is up in March and then I am month-to-month, and while I love living in the city, I don't think I can really make a life here. Real estate is just way too expensive. Even a decent resale condo is crazy overpriced. I have a decent amount of money saved for a down-payment, which would be perfect for a city that does not have insane real estate issues. I could buy in the 'burbs--but the commute expense would make it not much cheaper overall, and then there is the added commute time too. Plus, the condo's in the burbs are not that much cheaper these days either...So I think I need to focus my job search on other cities--as it is the unemployment rate is really high here anyway so I doubt I will find a decent job here anyway. I would rather not move too far from my mom, but I think I may have to change provinces in order to find both a decent job and a decent home.

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Crap, a lot has happened in just a short period of time. When opportunity strikes...And it is such a good one, but one that I don't think I am ready or prepared for...


I am so torn. This business has probably 100% potential for success, especially in downtown Toronto, I would have to be a complete dunce to fail at this, and I am not stupid so.... But, it seems like if I do it, I might be biting off more than I can chew. This industry is so unfamiliar to me, I would have a hell of a lot to learn. I know if I buy the license I can just sit on it until all my ducks are in a row. So thank God for that. And I know that I will lots of help from A. He has no choice anyway because he is family, lol. So I really have almost no business involving my self in this....but I would be a complete fool to let this pass me by, it would be so successful! And I would be the boss, no more working for anyone else. And I would get to make a life for myself here in the city!


But then I would have to put my own little business idea aside for the time being. Maybe that is for the best anyway. It isn't something I can do on the side either.

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