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Happpybear's fitness/nutrition/wellness journal


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Fitness Goals


I'm starting this journal to motivate myself and keep myself on track. It find it really easy to avoid fitness, there is always a book to read, or a project to work on etc. and I find that I have been making excuses lately to avoid working out. It would also be nice to get some feedback or advice from others who may read this and feel compelled to contribute.


It's not that I dislike working out, it's just that when I get out of my routine I find it really difficult to get back into it. I broke my routine in mid-December, and I haven't been working out regularly since. I have also slacked-off on Yoga too, mostly because I hadn't found a new studio yet and because it has been so cold outside that I had no desire to go outside unless absolutely necessary.


I have decided to try hot yoga, and there is a studio near me that only does hot yoga so I am going to try it out for a week and see if I like it. I tried hot yoga once before and didn't like the experience, though I think a lot of that was because the class was too advanced for me and I had a hard time keeping up. I like the idea of hot yoga, that the heat helps you to stretch more deeply, and the sweating helps to clear out toxins, but I don't know how I feel about sweating like a beast in public, and being in close proximity to strangers who are also dripping sweat all over the place....we shall see. I am gonna go to the studio on Friday and check it out.


I live in a highrise on the 10 floor, so I am going to start climbing the stairs instead of taking the elevator. I aim to be able to climb the whole ten flights once a day, everyday. Right now I don't think I can do the whole 10 flights, but I am going to work my way up. I used to do this all the time, and it was great for keeping my bum and legs strong and toned.


I also found a rock-climbing gym that offers a "climbers without partners" night, for people that are solo but still want to climb. I'm gonna check that out too, I hope to do it this weekend, but I don't think I will have time, so I may put it off until next weekend.





I have several food intolerances/sensitivities and so have to be very careful what I eat. Consequently, I make everything I eat from scratch and the only pre-packaged things I buy are basics that I can't make myself (olive oil, vinegar, maple syrup etc.). I love experimental baking and have been experimenting with converting regular recipes into healthier recipes by using alternatives grains, fats, and sweeteners. Right now I am in a bread baking phase. I can't eat much wheat, but I can have ancient grains like spelt, kamut and rye. So I am experimenting with baking breads with these alternative flours. I would also like to experiment with adding sprouted seeds/nuts/grains to bread, to up the nutrition content.


Also, I want to experiment with making gluten-free breads that are naturally leavened without commercial yeast, and contain no stabilizers or starches. I can eat gluten, but gluten-free flours (like rice, quinoa, buckwheat) are wheat-free so that's why I experiment with them and like to eat them. I find most gluten free products and breads are so loaded with starches and gums and other crap that they are really not all that healthy for you. I really want to make a traditional sourdough starter with a gluten free flour, make gluten-free bread dough with it, and then let it slow ferment and "rise" in the fridge for a few days and then bake it. The bread will be gluten-free AND free of all the crap, just flour, salt, water and wild yeast. God knows if it will taste good, and what the texture will be like!! But I am going try it anyway.




I stopped meditating in mid-December, and I really need to get back into the routine. The problem is that my routine changed and now I have a hard time fitting it back in to my schedule. I find it best to do in the morning before work. I am going to have to get up 20 minutes earlier so that I can do this. I have been noticing that since I stopped meditating, I have been a bit cranky at times. I find that I am getting stressed out sometimes, and I keep letting unproductive negative thoughts circle through my head. I worked really hard to stamp out negativity.


There have been times in my life when I have been extremely negative, cynical and generally unhappy, and I would say that I naturally lean more toward pessimism than optimism. Over the years I have worked really hard to express gratitude toward the things in my life that would normally bring me down. I do this because I feel that to change my attitude toward negative events will help me accept them and deal with them in a more positive and healthy manner, plus I think that any experience whether positive or negative are really gifts that enables you to grow and become a better and deeper person, so all experiences should be embraced. Meditating is a practice I adopted about 1.5 years ago and I really has made all the difference in my ability to be more optimistic, accept challenges and feel at peace with my life no matter what is happening in it. Since I fell out of the practice, I find myself thinking bitter thoughts from time to time regarding a family situation, not sleeping as peacefully, feeling a bit anxious and out of sorts...not in a drastic way or anything, but enough that I have noticed the change...so I need to get back to meditating.


I have also decided that I am going to try creative writing. I daydream a lot, I always have. I think it might be a good idea to write this stuff out and turn it into stories. I have ever written like that before, so I don't know if it will stick, but I am going to give it a try, who knows, maybe I will end up writing a novel!! I find I daydream more in the morning and my brain is generally more creative and "snappy" in the morning, so I am going to spend every Sunday morning in a coffee shop engaging in some creative writing, with no agenda, no rules, no particular outcome...just let my mind take me where ever it goes.

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Ya I definitely need to work on my posture. I slouch at work, lack of core strength. I need to work my back, chest, abs and shoulders. I turn my shoulders in, and now it feels weird to square them. When I used to horse-back ride I had to have perfect square posture, but now I don't ride regularly and haven't done it consistently for years and I have definitely let slouching take over, and I tend to neglect my upper body when I work out. I usually focus more on my legs, bum the most.


I need to be more conscious of how I sit, and really force myself to sit up straight, roll my shoulders back and down (ha, I'm doing it right now) when I am at work. I need to find some upper body/core exercises that will help strengthen my spine and muscles to help support my posture.

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Hey thanks superman! Those are really good. I love doing deadlifts..I find it helps my posture too because you have to keep your back super straight.


I have not started any exercises yet lol, my doggy has been really sick the past few days so I haven't had a chance to go to the yoga place, and I'm exhausted from being up the past few nights with him. He seems better today though, so hopefully I can climb the stairs at least today.


I did meditate on Friday morning though, so that's good. I will today too.


I found this to help with my posture:


link removed


I found this part especially interesting:


"In addition, do exercises to improve proprioception, the body’s ability to know where it is in time and place. If you have poor proprioception, your body will have to compensate by looking down and over using vision to know what your feet are doing.

No matter how strong your upper back muscles are, poor proprioception will ultimately cause a hunched upper back because you will have to bend over to know what your feet are up to. Over time, this will cause the upper back to become rounded."


This is totally me, I have bad proprioception (I can barely even pronounce this lol), I always have to look down at my feet when walking up and down the stairs!! I never used to do this though.

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Ok so I found a yoga studio and I am pretty excited about it. It isn't the one I had on mind, because that one is a bit far, but this one also does hot yoga as well as a variety of other styles, has an infrared sauna and is a two minute walk from my apartment!!!


I'm so excited about this sauna, apparently infrared heat is fantastic for your skin. It penetrates more deeply and doesn't require the temp to be really high, so it's a more comfortable environment to sit in. and because the heat penetrates more deeply it helps your lymphatic system sweat out all the crap.


I have always had issues with saunas because I find I can't breathe when I am in one, just because it's so hot, but this one will be better. I haven't had a chance to attend a class yet or the sauna, but I bought a 1 month intro pass to test it out. If it is all good then I will buy monthly passes going forward. The instructors that I talked with seem really chill and one of the guys was pretty cute too hehe


I haven't gone to check out the rock climbing yet, and won't have time this weekend either...maybe next weekend or after Easter. This weekend I am super busy again, though I will have time to attend the sauna and yoga class on Sunday morning.


I have not climbed the stairs yet, but it is on the agenda tomorrow night.


I meditated Friday morning and this morning, mostly because my dog woke me up to go out at 5:30am, so I just stayed awake instead of going back to sleep, and spent some time meditating. I feel much better, mentally.


I think I will need to put off the creative writing exercise for the next 6 weeks or so, my weekends suddenly got super busy, though I may be able to find some time in there to write.


I have been trying to put together an energetic playlist to help me climb the stairs ('cause let's be honest...climbing stairs sucks) So far this song is at the top:


[video=youtube;hljW9uOcFpM] ]

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I did the stairs today. It was ok, by the seventh floor I was ready to sit down and have a picnic, but I kept going and it wasn't that bad. My dog got to the top before me lol. I have decided that I will forsake the elevator entirely from now on (unless I am in a hurry, or have groceries or something) and just take the stairs everytime I come in. Which means I will be clmbing that stair case at least 4-6 times a day at the least (coming home from work, and when I take my dog out).


So tonight I will climb the stairs at least two more times.

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You can do creative writing anywhere, anytime. Even if you just jot down a couple of sentences during a quiet moment, it gets the creativity sparked again and makes way for more.


I’m curious to see how you like hot yoga. I felt really anxious when I went, and it only really calmed down when I consciously focused on calming down. I don’t know that I’d go back. It was just soooo hot and crowded.

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I’m curious to see how you like hot yoga. I felt really anxious when I went, and it only really calmed down when I consciously focused on calming down. I don’t know that I’d go back. It was just soooo hot and crowded.


That was also my experience when I tried it years ago, it was an uncomfortable experience, also very cramped and way too advanced for me at the time, the instructors only called out the position names in Sanskrit, and I didn't know the Sanskrit names, nor had I even done half of the positions before, so attempting to try them for the first time in a crowded hot-flow class was not fun!


The good thing is that this place offers regular temp and warm classes in addition to the hot ones, so if the hot class is too much for me I can take the regular ones instead.


I am going to check out a warm yoga class tonight, it's cold and wet out today so I'm gonna welcome the warmth!

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So the yoga place is nice, I went to my first class earlier this evening--not a hot class, just regular hatha. I had wanted to go on the weekend, but my weekend was too busy. I had a date on Monday night (nice lad--but I'm not interested in a second date) and visited with a friend last night, so today was the first day that I had some time to attend a class.


I asked the instructor to do some poses to help open the chest--to help me with my posture and slouching issues. We did some really deep stretching of the shoulders, chest and back that felt really good but also rather uncomfortable.


She said something interesting during the session that really got me, as we were in one of the poses she asked us to think about why we slouch, what brought us to adopt that posture, she said that turning your shoulders in is a self-protective defensive pose, and asked us to think about what it is that we are protecting ourselves from so that we can release yourselves from it. I have never thought of it like this before, and I couldn't immediately come up with answers to her questions. It made me well-up with tears a little. Definitely something for me to ponder and work out. It's not just a physical issue, it's potentially and emotional one too. food for thought.


I am going to check out the sauna on Friday. They said I could take a book in there, it's dry heat so it isn't misty or foggy so visibility won't be an issue. I'm very excited! There is also a meditative class I'm going to check out as well.


I made some awesome experimental spelt bran muffins last night. I wasn't sure if they would turn out because I have never worked with spelt bran before and I was converting a wheat bran recipe. Spelt needs less liquid, so I reduces the overall liquid by ten percent. I also reduced the oil by half by subing in mashed bananas instead. The muffins taste great, and are nice an moist, I whipped the eggs until ribbon stage to help give some extra lift to the batter, because spelt can be quite dense. I also threw in some fresh ground flax, and some organic raisins (not a big fan of raisins but organic raisins are the only dried fruit I can find that are coated in sulphites). Definitely will make them again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Something was going on this week.


I am normally fairly skeptical of new-age metaphysics etc., but, I think it is more than a coincidence that all these things seemed to transpire around the blood moon earlier this week.


Of course, it was the yoga that helped me to gain the clarity and peace of mind to detach from the emotions and sort it out inside. Sometimes those wounds you think are healed and have put out of mind are really in need of a bit more care or a second look from a different perspective. Sometimes you have to take a look from outside yourself. This is why I love yoga, often it releases more than you know, or even expect.

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I miss being around horses regularly. It sucks that the only riding stables within a reasonable distance to me are exorbitantly expensive. I just can't afford it, well no actually I could afford it, but I feel like paying that much for riding lessons is a rip-off. Just not good value for the money, especially when you can find riding stables charging 1/3 the price of this place, just a half hour dive outside the city. But I don't drive, and I don't know any other horse people here who may drive, and buses won't get me to these stables in the rural areas. I also don't really want to take lessons either. did that for 10 yeas, I already know how to ride, I don't have any intentions of training for competitive purposes. I just want to ride for fun.

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Stair climbing sucks. It just really sucks.


On the bight side, I don't feel like stopping for a picnic at the 7th floor anymore, so that's good!


I still have not checked out the climbing gym, And I have no time for the next few weekends. I have way too much going on right now, lol.


I have been feeling off lately so went to the ND, some things are out of balance again, so I just dropped two hundred bucks on supplements, yikes!!! though, it's a three month supply. I have so many pills/remedies that I have to take throughout the day, that I think I need a "schedule" of sorts, lol. Or one of those pill organizers that old people use. Thankfully it's only temporary.

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Hatha today--it was brutal!! My upper body is weaker than I would like it to be. I had a hard time holding plank pose, and some of the other plank-like poses, also I found it difficult holding my arms up in warrior and a few other poses. I found that I had to keep dropping my arms in the standing poses, and doing plank pose with my elbows and forearms on the ground. So that is something to work on--upper body in general lol. Though I did a good job of engaging my core ad not arching my back. I have a very flexible lower back and find it hard to not overextend my lower back into an arch in most poses, I have always found it hard to tuck my tailbone when my natural inclination is to arch and stick my bum out--but today I really concentrated and kept my lower back straight.


I am going to Hatha tomorrow too, and a Yin class on Friday.


I climbed the stairs three times today, but will probably climb it twice more before bed. I have been averaging three climbs a day. Now I am going to start gradually increasing my pace so that I can eventually beat my dog to the top!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I suppose this is more a wellness post, more of a rant than anything, but there has been something that has been weighing on my mind for awhile.


It's profoundly disappointing when you discover that some members of your family don't have your back. I don't think you realize just how disappointed I am in your behavior. I think deep down, you know what you did was really wrong, and for what? A few moments where you felt that you could be in control?


Why does meddling in my business, or anyone's business, make you feel good? What is wrong with you--what is lacking in your life that you need to keep causing drama in the family and elsewhere. I know you will never sit down and introspect on this, which really is a shame. I know this will never change--this is how you are, and so I know that taking a step-back from our relationship is the only real option for me. You say you are trying to bring the family together, but by lying, meddling, gossiping, and making false assumptions you are actually breaking it apart. By involving yourself in this matter you have disrespected my feelings--basically this tells me that you have no respect for my decisions, that you see me as a child not capable of managing my own emotions or relationships and not an adult.


It upsets me that you needed to drag others into it and falsely blame them. The hypocrisy is astounding actually, you falsely accusing him and then lecturing him on not meddling in my situation, when you were meddling yourself! Do you not get that? And then to insult me when I call you out on this outrageous behavior! Well F you.


When I lose respect for someone, it is usually gone forever. Maybe that is wrong, I don't know. But considering how long it takes me, and how much BS I will put up with, once I have lost my good opinion it is due to a long history of BS from that person, and so that loss of respect is well deserved. I have lost respect for you and it's not coming back. I know you don't think what you did was a big deal, but that isn't the point, and it's what you don't understand. Just because you think it's trivial, it doesn't mean that it is trivial for me. You think I should just "get over it" but what you guys did was not innocent, it was calculated and disrespectful--and you knew it otherwise you wouldn't have had to lie about it.


It blows my mind the lengths you go to deceive yourselves, convincing yourselves that you had my best interests at heart and that your actions were justified--but it had nothing to do with my best interests, because I have made my best interests clear for years and you knew that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So happy that I gained 5 pounds!! Now I am 120lb, no longer underweight!! I am really happy that I managed to gain both fat and muscle, 3 pounds muscle and 2 pounds fat. I fear that I will gain muscle and lose too much fat, but I guess I am doing something right! Eating a lot of carbs--mostly spelt, oats, teff, beans


Hopefully, I can keep up the weight (or hopefully gain more) during my 100% gluten-free experiment I want to gain another 5 pounds. I have to keep up the carbs despite cutting out the spelt and oats.


I am going to start eating a nut and seed porridge in place of my usual steel cut oat porridge for breakfast. And I really should get started on a brown rice sourdough starter to try and make some experimental sourdough rice bread--in-place of my usual spelt bread--maybe this weekend


I will finally have some time this coming weekend to go to the garden center and get some seedlings to plant on my little balcony! Tomatoes are a must, herbs, and lettuces and spinach. I also want some strawberries and would love to get green beans, but i dunno. I really want to grow a tree, I am tempted to plant the pit from the next avocado I eat, and see what happens

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  • 3 months later...

My long forgotten Journal


I am pretty bummed that I have been totally unable to achieve my fitness goals this summer due to ridiculous health issues. Honestly this was the summer of the many vitamin/mineral deficiencies


It's frustrating, whenever I would get into a routine, boom, I would start to feel weird. Fatigue, lightheadedness and dizziness during the classes stopped me from continuing with spin-class, I started feeling like I would pass out. Turns out my iron was super low...again (story of my freaking life).


So when I started to feel a bit better again, I started to incorporate more light cardio and weight exercises, things were going well and then I started getting lightheaded again everyday and then started having disturbing bouts of vertigo that included nausea. I started to wonder if I had an inner ear problem. Nope...just a freaking magnesium deficiency...wth?


So once again, beginning of August, started to feel better, had started cardio and a resitance-band/weights routine and now I am feeling fatigue and constant tingling in my fingertips on my left hand--so of course I think I'm on the verge of a heart attack, nope just a vitamin B-12 deficiency.


So of the 5 pounds I had gained in the spring, I have lost three of those pound, likely muscle because I haven't been able to really get into a proper routine because I have been trying to take it easy on my body while my iron/magnesium goes up. I haven't started my B12 shots yet.


The only thing I have been able to do consistenly is yoga, yin yoga only, but that is going well.


Hopefully in the fall I will feel better and will lbe able to actually get into a routine again and keep at it. I have found some really awesome workout routines online for stability ball and resistance bands and I would really like to do them without the fear of blacking out in the middle of them!

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whoa, someone responded, lol


Haha, well iron is always an issue for me, has been forever. The only reason we can find is just, well....the fact that I am a women, lol, and that I had been slacking on my red meat/liver consumption. I don't have any major issues like internal bleeding or abdominal issues to cause it.


Low iron and low B12 tend to go hand in hand. I'm assuming it has something to do with that, I think the amount of B12 in my iron supplements is probably not high enough, the iron in my supplements is also fairly low-dose and are easier to stomach, I should probably try a pill that has more iron, and just deal with the stomach pain that will occur.


The magnesium is totally my fault because I had started taking this 2 month long chocolate-making class (how to make truffles and chocolate desserts, such fun! I have always wanted to learn how to properly work with chocolate--tempering and moulding etc.). In the first month, I only tasted small amounts of what I made and gave the rest away to friends/family (I shouldn't be eating this stuff because I don't eat sugar). But the second month, I couldn't resist and started to eat more than I should have. This stuff was loaded with sugar, and sugar interferes with magnesium absorption...so my doctor and my naturopath both suspect that is the culprit. I learned my lesson. I have never had this type of deficiency before.

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I know! I had to practically beg for people (aside from my girl DF) to write in my journal lol.


That's crazy. I get blood work done every year or two... I was a vegetarian for 26 years...and never had an iron or b12 deficiency...and I'm a sugar addict and I've never heard of the magnesium thing...I'm blown away. I guess our bodies are all different. But then again, I'm overweight and your underweight...so I'm probably getting my vitamins through sheer volume of food


Do you know to eat something high in vitamin C (like orange) with your iron foods?...and that your body can't process the iron in raw spinach, it needs cooking to break it down? Beans are pretty high in iron and magnesium...I eat a ton of beans...maybe that's why I'm okay? *shrugs*


I hope you feel better soon Vertigo sucks

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Wow, I was veggie for about a year when I was in my early twenties and I got very sick from iron deficiency. You are very lucky!


Ya, the human body is quite mysterious, I think everyone has their own weaknesses.


I do eat beans (I try to sprout them first to increase the iron and B vitamin levels) but I find that I even with that, I really need the heme iron from red meat. When I slack off on eating red meat, I always end up in trouble. I alwasy try to get vit C when i eat red meat (so through a tomato sauce etc), and my iron pills do have Vit C in them too.


My ND told me that caffeine interferes with iron adsorption too, and also calcium, so I have decided to ditch tea for the next few months.


I used to eat a lot of sugar and never had magnesium probs either, but up until last month, I hadn't eaten sugar in 3 years. so I wonder if that ad something to do with it too. I had never heard of a magnesium deficiency either TBH! I was surprised myself. And then pissed because it was all my fault, lol



But then again, I'm overweight and your underweight...so I'm probably getting my vitamins through sheer volume of food


Nah, I eat like a mofo. I used to think I had serious absorption issues, but my doctors have never found that to be the case, so it's just one of those things.


body can't process the iron in raw spinach, it needs cooking to break it down


This I didn't know! I only eat spinach raw, 'cause cooked grosses me out....darn. I guess I can hide it in stuff, sauces etc.

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I think cooked spinach is disgusting too. I have no tips for you there


I didn't know about sprouting beans! That sounds cool, how long does it take? Idk if I'd have the patience...when I'm cooking, I don't really plan I just keep a really well stocked pantry and fridge..,and randomly scramble to make a dish out of beets, strawberry yogurt, and cilantro when they all are expiring at the same time I have drank 6 cups of coffee a day for the last 10 years....how the heck am I still alive? Lol. All these things I didn't know!


I thought it sounded like an absorption thing too...but doctors have the science...so what do we know? Sounds weird though. My GI specialist thinks different people have bad gut bacteria....and that's why absorption diseases like crohns happen...so maybe your lack of absorption is a bacterial thing? They're going to figure this stuff out soon.





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I do have a very sensitive gut, and multiple food intolerances too. I do take a probiotic daily, and have felt much better since having my food issues diagnosed. I have been eating clean for 3 years now, so I dunno, maybe I still have some sort of issue. But, it hasn't been diagnosed yet, lol.


It's funny whenever I have asked both my doc and ND if it is normal to have these issues with iron, they both say "well....yeah, it can be tricky" so I dunno...


For sprouting stuff, check out this website:


link removed


Not all beans are there, so you may have to google some separately.


I totally get what you mean about making things on the fly, I really had to work at scheduling and planning meals when I eliminated food from my diet (because I don't eat many prepared/packaged foods now). I try to soak or sprout most stuff, it really helps bring more nutrients and also helps your body absorb. But I do forget at times, or just don't have the time, lately I haven't had much time, so I'm sure that is impacting things too.


Sprouting will take a couple days, but it will make cooking your beans super fast.


They say to get these special sprouting jars etc. but I don't bother. What I do is soak the beans, then drain them in a colander, place the colander over an empty stock pot and cover it with a tea towel, and leave it on the counter. Rinse and drain as per instructions and keep putting the covered colander over the soup pot until they sprout. works great and no need to buy new jars or anything.

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That's good that you're a veggie and doing ok! Ya, I don't mind cooked spinach in stuff--soups, eggs, etc. anything that hides the texture, it's a texture thing with me. I can't eat sauteed spinach straight-ugh. I got a new iron supplement today, apparently it's a really high dose of iron but it won't upset your stomach, it's prescribed for people with coeliac disease because they have absorption issues (I don't have coeliacs).


Problem is that its really expensive! $60 for a 30 day supply! And it's filled with creepy stuff like talc, sucrose and a bunch of crap that I can't pronounce...I don't like that crap. But, I gotta do what I gotta do.


I felt really bad today, I had a hard time concentraing at work and felt like I was going to fall asleep at my desk. I started thinking about that Seinfeld episode where George made that little bed area under his desk...lol


I had a nap when I got home from work...that's how sleepy I am. Not good. At least it's only temporary, I'm sure I will bounce back soon enough.

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