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Maybe this is just venting or me discouraged, I don't know. But, I feel I still need some healing but I'm in a better place to start dating or looking for someone to connect with. I'm tired of being single and I would like to find someone to enjoy my time with. But I don't know what it is, but I meet the most incompatible people ever. I don't feel like I'm being closed off to people because I really have broadened the type of guys I meet. And I don't think I'm emotionally closed off, but hell I don't know maybe I am? It's been 8 months since my split and i know good things take time, but 8 months is a long time to not find even one person I would want around for more than a month. I'm not saying i want to find "the one" right now, but even one decently compatible person I would consider dating for a while. I don't look like a troll and I'm a pretty fun, decent person, at least so I've been told. But the guys I like, never like me and the ones I don't like are obsessed. Sigh hah.


Anyone else with dating woes? I'm afraid I'm destined to be single forever which I guess won't be the worst thing in the world, but I would like to meet someone.

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It can be really hard sometimes to meet the right people. I spent almost 3 years being single before I met my current boyfriend. I remember even my mom asking me why I haven't met anyone, saying isn't there someone you work with maybe? (Turns out she was right lol but oh well).


I don't think you are single right now because there's anything wrong with you either. I also think you are right in saying that you don't necessarily need "the one" right now, especially if you've gone through a recent enough breakup. When you say you aren't meeting compatible people, what is it that is incompatible about them specifically? Maybe that's a good place to start. I know sometimes we usually meet people when we're not even trying. Is there anything you really enjoy doing as a hobby?

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We just have different personalities, they're very demanding or they are just playing games and pretend to be interested, ie they take 2 weeks to respond to texts etc. Last guy I met, we started texting and within our first week of talking, I was at work and couldn't answer one of his calls, so he called me 5 more times in the last hour and then googled my work number and called me there looking for me. I had only met him 1 week ago. Needless to say, I ended that. Guy before that seemed pretty alright, except he wanted To move to Europe forever, which great I love Europe but I don't want to do an international relationship.


I love doing a lot of things, hiking, gym, traveling, yoga, sports, movies, fishing, Recently I took up a cooking class and joined a soccer league. I've met a ton of people, maybe Someone will happen unexpectedly who knows. It's just been discouraging I guess.

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Ever notice that when you are dating and happy, everyone talks to you? You get guys flirting with you and you wonder why dont you get this when you are single? Its because when you are happy, you attract happy people and they want to know what makes you smile all the time.

And when you are single no one wants to talk to you, everyone avoids you and its like you have a sign on your head saying "stay away".

That is because you are not always happy and people who are happy feel that you are on the hunt and will avoid you.

Right now you are putting out a vibe that you want someone right freaking now.....and some people can be turned off by that.

So quit searching for now, take a few weeks off from looking. Im not saying totally avoid all eye contact, just tell yourself that you are going to quit looking. Relax for a few weeks and if you see a good looking guy, smile and say hi and see what happens

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I find dating such effort. It was waaaay too soon and I realise that now but I recently dipped my toe in to the dating pool


Oh dear. The guys i'm not keen on as you say are literally obsessed with you and think youre in a full blown relationship from day 1


The ones you have a crush on like to play it cool so you never know where you stand.


Its a minefield!

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No1- surprisingly it's always the opposite for me. When I'm Ina relationship, I never get hit on, maybe I have this "I'm taken" vibe I secretly give off, idk? But when I get single, I get approached more. But yeah you're advice is solid, I think I'm just going to just go out and have fun and see what happens.


Anyone with dating stories/experiences post break up? How's it been for others?

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Yeah, but I get approached by the obsessed crazies or balding 50 something men who wanna live it up in their midlife with a younger one(no joke he actually said those exact words to me!)


But hey, makes for a good story I guess! =P


How many bad dates did everyone else have before meeting a decent one?

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