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How do you get men to clean up after themselves


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I have to say, it disgusts me to be everyone's maid all the time. It is not like I have ever been a stay at home wife and have an abundance of free time. I accept that I do all the housework. After all, there are lots of jobs that my husband inherits because I such at them, such as fixing plumbing issues. Does that give him a free pass to be a big PIG, especially since he isn't like that anywhere else? His work space at his office is very nicely organized. Our house, though, is a dumping ground. Nothing ever gets put back ore hung up. I am only asking him to be clean. I am tired of stubble in the sink, guck sprayed over the mirrors, clothes dropped in every room (both clean and dirty), nail clippings all over the floors, Band-Aids and other garbage on the floors, food crumbs everywhere. It is plainly gross, thoughtless and lazy. I shouldn't have to use an entire day of vacation to make my house bearable . Any suggestions or tricks on how I can get him to improve? I am at wits end.

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This is nothing unique to one gender. Almost every woman I've had a relationship with has been a slob around the house exactly as you describe while I do all the work. It's a tough one and I've ended relationships over it more than once. I've actually never seen anyone change in this way.


For me it's about respect. Obviously he knows how to pick up after himself because you've seen him do it. He just doesn't feel you're important enough to make that effort for. He knows his employer won't tolerate this kind of disrespect, you on the other hand will. I suggest telling him that exactly and that you expect him to either clean up after himself or pay someone to do it for him without it financially impacting the family. Tell him you're not going to be his mother anymore nagging and reminding him to be respectful of others. He either gets it done or you don't share living space. If he won't you have to either drop the issue or break up.

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