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Checking ex facebook

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I am having THE WORST time with Facebook! I have made it so that he does not show up on my newsfeed, BUT I cannot resist going to his profile and checking it. It is terrible, I do it multiple times per day. Today I saw that his sister and friends commented on something saying how they did not like me, these specific ppl never knew me for one thing, and for another why do I even come up in their minds? Why do they need to talk about me in life? UGH. That was very painful! The thing is that he doesn't 'like' any of that or respond to it, but he doesn't delete it or say not to post negative stuff about ppl on his wall either. Anyways, the whole point is that the fb stalking is killing me. It is 2 months post break up and only 20 days NC and I think it is really holding me back from moving on. The problem is that I cannot bring myself to delete him as a friend. For several reasons, that are probable stupid, I realize. I just really cannot bring myself to do it...Any one else experience something similar?

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I feel totally the same: stuck until I'll meet someone new and meeting a lot of people who just don't measure up. I really want that connection again with someone. I'm not willing to settle for less bc then I would be thinking back of my ex all the time.

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looking at his profile will keep you hooked on him, slow your healing and you may see things that hurt you.....you already have seen painful things written about you. I had the same problem as you but ive now deleted him. Its much easier to move on if you stop torturing yourself

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Sarahbeth-eventually you will come to the point with stalking his facebook where you will be tired of hurting yourself and you will be tired of the pain. Maybe that will stop you. Or maybe you can ask your ex to block. My ex blocked me(not bc I asked, probably bc he thinks it was better for my healing, idiot but that's another story hah). Or maybe just give ur acct to a trusted friend so you can stay off it till you heal.

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