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Breaking up with a newborn


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Im having a difficult time understanding and accepting this, maybe someone can give me some insight.


Our relationship has been off and on, for different reasons. All of which include her inability to keep trying when things get rocky. We got engaged june 2012, now were seperated with a newborn.


She initiated the split . Saying she no longer has feel ngs for me, thinks our other 2 kids(Step family) hear us argue too much, and were just not good for one another. This came after weeks of her progressively distancing herself. She would get mad, or frustrated at anything i did, which caused most of our arguements. But she was never wrong and never apologized when she was clearly wrong. She would turn it all around on me instead of accepting responsibility for her actions, coming to an agreement and mov ng forward.


I am completely against breaking up mainly because of our newborn. I am devastated, crying, the whole nine yards. No matter how much ive tried explaining how wrong and selfish she is being, she doesnt get it. Its not just us anymore, so she cant just run when things get difficult, its immature.


Or am i wrong? Am i selfish? Dealing with her attitude for so long, bending over backwards to keep the relationship alive.


Ive never met a woman go so cold, distant and manipulative to her spouse when they have a newbirn! Ive suspected there has to be someone else she wont admit too. Is it possible for a woman to fall out of love like that so soon after a baby and there not be someone else?


I know im not perfect and have caused some issues being selfish. I need some help and understanding how to get this back on track.

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It sounds like the relationship was troubled. And unfortunately having another baby doesn't improve things. Ending a relationship isn't selfish. Ending a relationship and then re-starting it and then ending it etc is selfish. In other words, on and off relationships are selfish because your kids need stability.


You two need to get a custody agreement in place real quick.

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I agree with Ms Darcy. Sorry to say that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to get such a relationship back on track. It was never on track to begin with. Couple's therapy would be required. But this takes two. It always takes two and she doesn't sound like she is up for it. For your personal understanding regarding how relationships work, I recommend that you read through the articles in link removed

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It sounds like the relationship was troubled. And unfortunately having another baby doesn't improve things. Ending a relationship isn't selfish. Ending a relationship and then re-starting it and then ending it etc is selfish. In other words, on and off relationships are selfish because your kids need stability.


You two need to get a custody agreement in place real quick.


Very well said.

Establishing stability for your kids is the best you can hope for and work towards at this point. They deserve it.

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