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either they are completely evil and like leading people on, or they just want to get to know you better so when they do decide they want to be in a relationship with you they'll know everything and there will be no secrets between either of you.

or they're just evil.

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It means they don't want a girlfriend/boyfriend at that time in their lives.


LOL! Here is man's perspective - simple and probably exactly how it is! I love how women will always try to look at situations like this from every angle, while most men will just take things at face value and for what they're worth. I wish I could do that sometimes!


Just because he flirts with you, doesn't mean that he is interested in a romantic relationship. I will flirt with no intentions usually. It's best not to read too much into some harmless flirting.

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In my opinion, it would mean that the other person isn't quite ready yet or has other priorities first and does not want a source of distraction. Thus, they aren't ready to commit to anything major yet. Of course, it doesn't mean you still can't flirt or be friends with them.

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ok, this is a standard case of testing the water scenereo:


A. The guy is flirting just to hone his flirting skills in order to be better at flirting with someone he would want to pursue a serious relationship with. (IE he is just flirting for the fun of it, to get a reaction out of you.)


B. The guy likes you enough to sleep with you, but does not want to get you confused into thinking that he is interested in you for more then just sex. If you are somewhat attractive this is probably the case.


C. The guy is already seeing someone else who he's happy with, and doesnt want to break it off but enjoys flirting on the side in a harmless manner.


D. You are unattractive. example: I sometimes flirt with girls I find repulsive, but i will compliment them and say nice things, so its never mean.


E. The wold is a phigment of our own imagination, where there is no actual continuous and connected logic to justify means and ends, so as a result is a confusing chaos which really has no real explanation or reason. This can be justified because every person is as unique from the next as every drop of water is as different from the last. Either way I tend to side with this explanation, because in reality there are no Isolated explanations that absolutely render a solution to a question, things sometimes just dont make sense.

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E. The wold is a phigment of our own imagination, where there is no actual continuous and connected logic to justify means and ends, so as a result is a confusing chaos which really has no real explanation or reason. This can be justified because every person is as unique from the next as every drop of water is as different from the last. Either way I tend to side with this explanation, because in reality there are no Isolated explanations that absolutely render a solution to a question, things sometimes just dont make sense.


Pav....the above is priceless!!! LOL!

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