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Need help with my no contact


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Thanks for reading just a question for any1 with experience, does nc get any easier after the first couple of days as I am near the end of day two which will be the longest Nc for me and I have an extreme urge to contact my ex maybe some ways to distract myself or so reassurance it does get easier would be great.

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yes, it gets so much better... I seriously cannot describe to you how great the feeling is of not having the shackles of hope constantly pulling at me and just reading into every little thing my ex says. I'm sorry you're struggling though, make sure to not hold in frustration and if you need people to vent to, we're all willing to listen.

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Thanks for the reply so I'm kinda at the stage where I've realised begging sobbing and pleading is not working and is starting to make me feel worse so no contact is my last resort it's for the wrong reason I'm still trying to get her back and hope she misses me but I just don't think it's gna happen, my mind is telling me to let go it's for the best but my heart is telling me to hold on and prey she misses me. Am I going to be content with my life when I come out the over end or am I going to feel great because at the moment I feel awfull and have a feeling that I'm never going to find a girl that even closely matches how cute gorgeous and kind she was

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Been there man and you really will get better i can promise you it, i suggest reading this It helped me a great deal but i think everyone deals with problems in there own way... And yes if you can at least walk away with your dignity you should, nothing you say or do anymore will change her mind she has to decide for herself now. you've made what you want perfectly clear so she knows. Think about this man... wouldn't mutual love on it's own be better than how cute funny and gorgeous anyone is? Like seriously think about if she loved you as much as you loved here... wouldn't that be the best feeling to be reciprocated?

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I read the link to be honest I think I'm a long shot of where he is, when I was with my partner I felt like nothing mattered I was proud to walk down the street with her and didn't care what anyone thought about me she was gorgeous and it seemed that reflected on peoples perspective of me, now I'm on my own I worry very much about what girls may think of me if I'm attractive or not, because at the moment I don't have much else to offer I'm kind of in a ball the only person I can be myself in front of is my best friend who I'm working with and living with, meeting new women seems like an impossible task for me unless I'm drunk and let's face it what girl with any respect is gna go for a pisshead loud mouth. I do ask myself if it's even my girlfriend I want back or just the comfort and sense of meaning my life with her made me feel.

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Im sorry to tell you this but it's only something that can heal with time and prolonged no contact, It will get better... i promise it really will. Time will be the best healer of wounds and it will give you both the space you need to work things out in your head and figure out what went wrong and what's best for both of you. I'll tell you right now, if you feel like she deserved better than you your chances of getting back together are slim to none because your actions are going to portray that and she will start to think that. You have to be strong and show yourself you deserve her or better and it will show through everything you do in life not only to your ex but to other women as well.

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Great what a wanker went and broke no contact two days in and had a huge argument because I found that she is talking to a man I caught her cuddled up to on the sofa she told me they don't Speek anymore and I find them chatting this is sending me mad I would never have had a relationship If I thought this would be the outcome I really hate life at the minute this is sending me insane what can I do to feel better

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