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so my ex and i broke about 5 weeks ago. i dumped him. we went for 2.5 years. anyway, for awhile I did NC. but he was very bad at that. so then we talkd about once a week in person. never on the phone or msn or anything. then we started having "relations". to me, it is basically meaningless. and altho i love him very much, i do not base a relationship around that kind of thing. he is still a very good friend of mine, and i still ask him for advice (even on guys) he is the person i ahve lost my virginity to and right now cannot imagine being with someone. right now i am dating two other guys - and will sono have to make a decision. i am very very scared when this happens my ex will literally fall aprt. because i will not be able to continue seeing him at all. there is too much sexual tension between us. i feel that when i start going out with someone new - i will cheat on them with my ex... when iw as with my ex, i always wanted to, and almost did very many times. I think it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to be with one person. i am so confused. any advice?

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damn girl!!! chill out!! you are 17 & flip flopping having sex w/ these guy(s). you guys JUST BROKE UP! give yourself time. tell these 2 dudes youre in a dilemma & need time for yourself. sorry this may come off harsh but if you wanna 'play' like an adult, act like one! youre gonna hurt more people than you think right now & youre gonna end up miserable, more than likely. think before you do & be single for a while. 5 weeks is nothing! especially when youre still bangin your ex!



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if you have no intentions of getting back together with him you need to stop contact. you need to be strong for the both of you right now. yes it will hurt him when you tell him about the other guys, you have been stringing him along and giving him false hope. if you really care for him you will stop letting him think he has a chance with you.

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hi Pal,

If it is a fling u are looking for the two guys, guess this is the time to drop them. Dun coz of any decision u got to make and make one which is the either or choose one option.


I know u are feeling guilty but whats done cant be done, wish them find their right ones, act cool and be cool and then leave!


Next i guess u shld have longer NC! i know ur ex is the best! But hey losing ur virginity doesnt mean u have to be with that one whom u lost to. A lot of gals end up with right guys that take them for what they are. I say this coz i hope u dun think virginity and sex and love shld be the issue here.


Advice: stay with ur decision why u wan to break up with him, give urself lotsa of self love, enjoy! hang out and play ard with ur frds, do the things u like, when he creeps into ur mind, focus on why u break up and well, stay cool ..

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