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Does anyone have any advice on how to be an author?

I have ideas. And I know how to organize.

And have been on the internet. to find other ideas.

This is going to sound bad, but how do you start? I mean anytime I start writing it sounds like a stream of consciousness. I want to get away from that, or do I start with that and massive edit?

Please help.

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Pinterest has tons of author-friendly pins and how-tos. Join groups on LinkedIn. (Aspiring Writers is one that I'm a member of, for example.)


Write. Practice. Write some more. Edit. Edit more. Edit EVEN MORE.


It is a discipline, true. It's also one of those things that you have to sit your butt down and do. Find your voice. Find your niche. Write what you love. Read. A lot. Both what you want to write and things that are completely unrelated to it.


Participate in writing competitions, especially those that will give you feedback.


Don't be discouraged by rejection. (This one is big.)


Not everyone who wants to write is going to be super at it... but you can improve, and you can grow as a writer, and you can get better for it even if you never get published.

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I wasn't arguing. I was stating a completely unrelated thing. I understand the "rules" as well. I just haven't the discipline part of it down yet. That's where I'm getting lost. Does a workshop teach discipline? I was more inclined to believe that they teach how to get published and the details about writing the buck like character development.

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People can try to teach you discipline, but ultimately it is up to you. I wouldn't necessarily want to pay someone for that.


There are a bunch of websites that encourage you to write a certain # of words per day... if motivation is your issue, maybe joining one of those would help. Getting into the practice of writing regularly is sometimes the hardest part (it is for me, anyway.)


link removed is one example.

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Join a writing group that meets regularly to share and critique each other's writing. I know a number of authors and writers who do this.


Blog, and post regularly. Helps with discipline. Some published authors started out as bloggers, their blogs became popular, and they ended up compiling posts into printed books. (examples are Leo Babauta, Chris Guillebeau, and perhaps Seth Godin)


Liraele is absolutely right: " Write. Practice. Write some more. Edit. Edit more. Edit EVEN MORE." Write a lot, and edit, edit, edit. Good editing skills are very important. Starting out, it may be stream of consciousness writing, but then you edit, edit, edit. Eventually you'll gain some self-editing and self-organizing skills. You could also use mind-mapping to organize your thoughts before starting your writing.


If you are on LinkedIn join one of their writing groups and participate in discussions.


Some books that might help:

"Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life” by Anne Lamott

“On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft” by Stephen King

“Writing Down the Bones” by Natalie Goldberg

“If You Want to Write: A Book about Art, Independence and Spirit" by Brenda Ueland

"The Elements of Style" by William Strunk



Keep reading great literature that has stood the test of time.

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This is going to sound bad, but how do you start? I mean anytime I start writing it sounds like a stream of consciousness. I want to get away from that, or do I start with that and massive edit?

Please help.


Read the "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron. She is a successful writer (books and screenplays) and recommends doing stream of consciousness writing first thing every morning, first thing, for 3 full pages. Not necessarily for editing or refining later, but to get the flow going and the jumble out of your head and to help clear your thoughts. The book has been around for a long time and is a classic.

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Thank you for the advice. I got started the other day and I'm 390 words into it. It doesn't seem like a lot, but it's a start. I plan on finishing chapter one this weekend.

I don't know if you guys help with this as well, but I have this idea (read: big moment in book) and cannot decide what happens next, and I cant decide on an ending. Do you have suggestions on moving plot along ans well as choosing endings?

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