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Is it wrong to feel jealous and angry


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Ive been going out with my girlfriend for about 3 weeks now and i really like her, the only real problem though is that shes a big flirt and even though she says theres no harm in it it still gets my blood running. Most of the time i can forget and forgive her but theres one bloke who just goes out of his way to get her attention and to flirt with her even though im only about a dozen feet away. Last nite i had to go off from our group of friends and calm down because he had just been doing his whole attention routine where he would act sad or moody and go sit off alone and when my girlfriend would go and talk to him he would laugh and act happy and when she goes home he just springs out if it and acts as if theres no care in the world. So is it wrong for me to feel angry at her for not seeing what she's doing to me and is it wrong to feel like giving him a smack cos thats what i keep coming up with.

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This dosent seem right of her, but you cant loose your cool even though you sould b upset


talk to her and tell her whats up, and ask her to try and control her flirtagous behavor, but make sure your careful by the way you say this, because it may seem like your asking her to change who she is, which isnt the case. Just becareful.

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If you dont like her behaviour (especially being flirtacious) then u have the choice not to be with her (especially when its still new). I know its sounds a little harsh , but would you be happy with your relationship?


Everyone's different , some are big flirts, some respect the partner's feelings, some doesnt mind.


There's somebody for everybody out there. Some things can be worked out, and some things arent meant to be .


I was with a big flirt before (read my previous post) and it really wasnt a good experience, not to mention the sadness that i was in after the break up.


I learned that i should be looking for someone with different qualities.


Thats just my opinion though. Good luck .

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Dude, you better talk about on it that noMAN in this world likes that..And i am a MAN.. tell her that I am not jealous I like when somebody give me good comments about you..but I dont like when you act like that..SO i think we should need some space to think abt it..just wirte us back her reaction..okay..remmember be polite...she basically need attention bcoz she doesnt have confident on herself..


let us know..



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