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The Imsuperman Files


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Not being into the bar/party scene is a good thing, IMO.


Have you considered online dating? Or maybe doing meetup groups just to meet people in general?


I haven't really thought about it. I have difficulty in "forced" situations like that. I get kind of anxious when I feel like I'm job interviewing haha.

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Try link removed, it's a really great way to meet people in general and you can usually find a group for just about every interest/hobby you may have, so it's a good way to meet people ( and potentially single women!) that share common interests. All of the meetup events I have gone to have been super relaxed and not weird at all.

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^I may have to look into that.


Right now my schedule is like: work 9 to 6, gym after on Tu, Th, and Fri. Then right home. Home most or all of the weekend usually outside of the occasional lunch or dinner out or a movie. Then repeat. I think I kind of feel the lack of an SO now for the first time in years. I have a good job. I worked on myself all that time. Now there's a next step I wanna take, you know? I'm someone that always needs a goal.

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I'm in a good mood today.


Don't know why, but just am.


Must be that hoops season is near


Reporter: "Did Luke Recker only play 10 minutes in the second half because he

was tired?"


Bob Knight: "I was tired of watching his defense."


image removed

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Not too many people work at a place where they can play basketball on their lunch hour, but I do, and I'm doing that tomorrow. Last time I played, I scored in all five games I played but was most proud of sprinting out to the three point line from the baseline to block two consecutive threes, and the guy whose shot I blocked both times gave me five.


I shot yesterday. I continue to be surprised at how much better shape I'm in after my weight loss and lifting harder. My stamina is way up and I feel so much more athletic. I can change my layup midair, handle the ball better, and I just don't get as tired.


It's odd that I'm in better shape now than when I was 21. I was thinking that yesterday.

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You have inspired me to go get a basketball and play. I love basketball. Haven't played even completely casually in years though.


And you have a perfect basketball build! I'm just a short stuff, but, it's still such a fun game.


That is so awesome that you are reaping the rewards of working out athletically and - saw your pic - it shows aesthetically too. Good job!

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^Aw thanks. You guys are making me blush. I took another pic today and changed my Facebook profile pic to it, which is the first time my profile pic has changed in 1.5 years. I don't usually do photos or selfies, but you guys made me feel good about myself so I did.


Have you posted one in the photo thread?


And basketball is THE sport! I probably annoy most people for talking so much about it.

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Email buddy got back. Said she had been battling depression. Moving to her UK boyfriend by the end of the year. I knew she had a crush on a guy in the UK, but didn't really know what was going on there. She has about half a year left at college I guess since she is leaving her current university.


I feel sorry for her. It always hits you a little different when you're feeling really good and someone you know isn't. You almost want to apologize.


My sister keeps hitting me up for money now that I have a better job. She has got to grow up. She spends all hers.


Other than that, I'm kicking wholesale a-word at this job so far. I'm well-liked. It's a good feeling I've even gotten other people saying "Cool" when confirming they understand something like I do lol. It's catching on.

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My aunt, my dad's only sister, informed him yesterday that she thought it best that she and their mom (my grandma) have Thanksgiving together for the second year in a row.


I think my dad feels bad about it. It was tradition for us to go there every year, now we just have it with immediate family.


I mean I understand that she thinks it's too much for my grandma but I don't think she realizes how it makes my dad feel. Which is left out.

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My life now is pretty good. It's a little weird because for the first time I'm not really sure what my next big goal is (maybe find a girlfriend/date someone?), but I like my life now. I've always been easy-going, but I feel happier and more confident now than I have in maybe...maybe ever.


My "new" job is still going really well. After over two months, I've really adjusted. The days don't seem sixteen hours long anymore like they did the first month. I seem to be well-liked. All that.


Maybe by March or April I'll take some vacation time. I feel a need to travel now. I want some adventure. Where to go? Who to go with? Don't know.

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[video=youtube;4Ne91ZMbYmM] ]


You probably shouldn't read this. It's rambling and pointless.


It was a cloudy, strange, and lazy day.


Email buddy has been on my mind today for some reason. Meaning I'll likely hear back from her soon. That's usually how that works. I still miss the days when we talked daily. She was fun then. Now I'm just in the way.


Thought about my countless missed opportunities with women in general, in fact. And you know what? I take full responsibility for all of it. I think much of my failure in the last five or so years has been due to me finally understanding women, but sort of putting all that into the backseat while I focused on getting another degree and my career, and they could tell. I really do believe I understand women fairly well, but can't quite reason myself to effort greatly to obtain a relationship due to my own vast stubbornness.


Long story short, I haven't had any success in so long because I trust only me. I hold everyone to high standards, most of all myself. I dislike all the mind games and posturing and trying to make me jealous. I don't drink. I don't go to bars, they just make me nervous.


Younger women are more attractive to me usually, but, simply put, they don't have the attention span for me. They see me as aloof/disinterested/moving too slow. Always. Every time. Happened with a girl at my old job (she wanted me, but wouldn't leave her boyfriend. I wanted to be more than a fling because I liked her, she was going back to college some two hours away) You could even say it kind of happened with email buddy to an extent. The pattern is usually: I'm attracted to X>X seems like she may have some interest in me> X pokerfaces>I'm hurt by her not showing more interest, so I pokerface back>X gets with another guy)> I realize I'm too late so try to be more forward> X shoots me down again because I'm public enemy number one now in their mind.


If anything, someone a little older may be better equipped to deal with me.


The older I get, the more I think it won't change. My grandma on my mom's side doesn't think I'll ever marry or have kids or anything. As I get older, it seems most likely that I will indeed stay single. It's debatable whether that will leave me better off, worse off, or about the same.


It's like I know what's wrong, but not how to stop it. I'm just wired differently than most. I can't really explain it.

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-Basketball at work on lunch. In one hour. I'm excited.


-Should I keep in contact with email buddy or no longer respond? I don't know. Probably need some advice on that. I don't know.


-Today's going to be a day where I'm hungry like all day long.


-You can tell the holidays are near, everyone at work is a little pissy. (Why does that always happen?) But not me. I like the holidays.

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