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my inner lover is fighting my inner loner.

zombie king

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My inner loner,.. which has dominated me for almost as long as I can remember,... is being punched in the face by my inner lover. This is a major event as my inner lover has remained complacent and under the heal of my inner loner without hardly a struggle.


It's quite possible that there might be a major overthrow of my current social/romantic attitude.


Some girl I've been chatting with at the local music store for almost a year has got me actually thinking about persuing some kind of relationship. I don't even know her name because I forgot to look at her nametag or even ask her because I'm stupid when it comes to social/romantic matters. I've been chatting with this girl for a year and I don't even know her freakin' name!!!!!


Our chatting is more like a few sentences exchanged for about 3 minutes,.. and she's only working at the music store one or two weekends a month,... and....


Maybe i'm just in a short positive mood that has me thinking this way and I'll go back to my normal isolationist I don't give a crap mood by the time I go back to work. (going to work always eradictes any trace of positivity in my mind and I turn into my regular seething angry, depressed, planning suicide, no point in trying anything mood.)


Or,.. tomorrow I could go back up there and(if she's there,) make sure I get her name and ask her if it'd be okay to ask for her phone number. (y'know,.. because it's easier than actually asking for her phone number outright.)


All I know is that for the few minutes that we chat,... I'm in pure bliss. So,.. that's gotta mean something right? I go to the music store every weekend,.. and on the weekends she's there it's like a gift that makes me instantly happy. She doesn't have any rings on her hands when I see her,.. so she's at least not engaged or married. I'll try and ask one of her co-workers if they know if she's already got a boyfriend before I even try to ask.


I'm the kinda guy who actually wants a girlfriend for the actual hanging out/having fun/making out/loving to be with eachother and eventually falling in love type stuff. Y'know,.. actual romance.


And if she turns me down,.. oh well,.. I have tons of videogames I can play by myself.

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Move in slowly on this one dude! Try and make friends with her. If she makes you feel happy, then I think that you are really interested in a friend, friend.


That is really the first step to growing up, is meeting interesting people that make you feel happy when you see them. Don't ask her out or ask anyone about her. Just be friendly.

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Move in slowly on this one dude! Try and make friends with her. If she makes you feel happy, then I think that you are really interested in a friend, friend.


That is really the first step to growing up, is meeting interesting people that make you feel happy when you see them. Don't ask her out or ask anyone about her. Just be friendly.



, ... but that place has a high turnover. I'm surprised she's been there for six months! I fear If I just keep up thie little chatting twice a month,.. I'll just remain a customer she chats with while she actually gets a boyfriend or quits and she'd just be another one that got away because I didn't do anything.


I don't wanna loiter around the store and bug her the whole time she's trying to work. The only way you can be friends with someone is if you actually have time to talk. But she doesn't have time to talk much at her job. (thus the small chatting) We don't actually have time to get to know eachother.

Thus me wanting to get her phone number so we actually can talk and get to know eachother so we actually can be friends or possibly more.


If i just keep up what I'm doing now ,.. we won't even have a chance to be friends. So you can understand my urgency to get her phone number.

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this kind of situation doesn't lend itself to "be friendly" advice, because you're right, you see her very little, and you don't know when she might be gone.


Get her number, go from there. Any outing you guys do can still be friendly, its just important at this poit to move past the worker/customer relationship. And by dong that, you need to talk to her/see her away from her work place.

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Next time you see her, chat up a topic you know you both have an interest in. Talk for 5 minutes, look at your watch and say you have to be somewhere, but would love to continue the conversation.... if she takes the hint, you might get a phone number or the opportunity for a date. If not, ask her for her email!! A lot of times, girls don't feel giving out they're email is as obtrusive as a phone number.


Hey, it's a step!! I've used it myself once or twice and it's worked!

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