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Bright socks with a suit

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Interesting CNN article on the new rules of dressing for interviews. Personally, I think the taste, quality and effort that you put into your appearance is important. You want to look polished. But I don't think that means looking drab. Personality is ok, carelessness is bad. Just my opinion.



"Choosing a classic top, pair of trousers or shift dress in a rich and vibrant color (like spring's bold tangerine) demonstrates a certain level of confidence -- a must-have for any job.


Splashy prints, like florals or stripes, can also be interview-appropriate... when worn in moderation."

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Bright colors would not land a position where I'm at (teaching) unless it is an art teaching position. I noticed after the past few years that I got more offers wearing a blue dress with a black blazer than my magenta dress. At my sisters job in politics, they would through you under the rug for wearing bright colors since it's not considered professional in the world of politics. Again, it depends on what industry you are applying for.

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It is absurd to think that someone who has been unemployed for months would think that "expressing his inner freedom" would dress inappropriately for an interview!!


Let hubby actually land a job and he can wear whatever socks he wants...until he is told to dress appropriately... unless he is inter viewing for the greeter at KFC.

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This came up on another thread and I'm curious to know if this is a trend in other parts of North America or other parts of the world.


Here it's quite common for men to wear nice, well tailored black or grey suits with bright socks - pink, orange, blue. More recently I've also seen more guys going a step further and matching the socks with bright colored shoelaces.


Have any of you seen this?


And another question that came up in the other thread - would this pass in an interview for a serious, well paid professional job? (My initial thought is that in an interview you always play it super safe and boring in general but curious to hear if anyone else would wear it.)


Interviewers are not paying attention to your socks and shoes. All they see is your face, hair, and suit. They neve get a opportunity to see your shoes.

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