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best breast size


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Hey guys, I gotta question for you.


I'm about 5'5, 130, and fairly toned BUT that is not what the question's about. The question's this: Are big breasts attractive or unattractive? I'm talking 36D, not absolute B52s.


I've had 36D's since I was about 15 and have always been self-conscious about them. Yet at the same time, I'm getting in some awesome shape and they're getting a little smaller.


So I'm wondering if 36C's are more or less attractive to you?

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Note for all girls: guys like breasts. It doesn't matter the size, as long as they are there guys will like them. Some may prefer larger breasts, some may prefer smaller ones. But most will just be happy they are there. And it's not really important anyways. Big breasts can't make up for little personality.

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I'm not going to lie. I'm definitely a breast man. To me the perfect size is 38 DD . However that doesn't mean I am not attracted to somebody who has less. Come to think of it... most women have less. But in any event Larger Breasts defintley grab my attention.




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I don't really pay too much attention to breast size. I'm into uh...other parts of the body myself.



So to you, bottoms are more important?

If so, what's a good one?


Um, well I have a thing for legs and cute smiles. Like some other poster said, as long as they have breasts or have a bottom, then it doesn't really matter what the size is to me.

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like a previous post said "once they are there" its all good. I do not like huge breast. Just enough to fit into your hands. Its ok if they are big but i would rather beast that are a bit smaller. I think the shape is more important. I don't want them sagging at all. They should be soft yet firm.


But i do not find breast size to be all that important. I rather a cute smile and an OK butt.

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really depends on the guy. my ex didn't like big breasts, he was more of a leg guy. on the other hand, his friend was all about big boobs. either way, both of them loved breasts any shape, they had a preference, but they would never say no to a pair. just be happy in ur own body and that is ultimatly the sexiest thing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It depends on the person, I think. There are some people who like tiny breasts, som who like big ones. I think that the 36C is better, because I'm a guy who likes them in the middle, not too big not too small. So don't worry about it all the time, it's your decision. If you have a bf/ husband, ask for his input, but it should be up to you what breast size you feel comfortable with.

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it dosent really matter i like girls with pretty faces large breast are like a bonus


Amen to that. And let's not forget a woman's legs.. probaby one of the single most graceful things devised by mother nature.


To put it in more perspective, I'd sooner date a achingly beautiful girl with one breast missing than date a girl who has the "perfect" set of breasts but looks as if her face was pummeled with tire irons each morning.

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Hey guys, I gotta question for you.


I'm about 5'5, 130, and fairly toned BUT that is not what the question's about. The question's this: Are big breasts attractive or unattractive? I'm talking 36D, not absolute B52s.


I've had 36D's since I was about 15 and have always been self-conscious about them. Yet at the same time, I'm getting in some awesome shape and they're getting a little smaller.


So I'm wondering if 36C's are more or less attractive to you?


Who cares, as long as you're a cool gal to be with.


But to answer your question, from the pictures that I've seen in magazines (since I've never played with any 36C would be my perfect size. It's like the Baby Bear's bed, not too big, not too small, but just right. I think it's a great size. Not to sound like a boob, but you shouldn't worry about your breastststs and concentrate more on being you. Titties can only carry you but so far.

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