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PTSD ,Out of Darkness Into The Sun: My Recovery


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  • 2 weeks later...
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I'm resentful that I will have this for life ,yes ,resentful. I get so tired of fighting this inside war. Even though my symptoms are very reduced compared to the past it is still an inside fight every .single .day. And I friggin hate it. And I don't want it anymore. And some days I just want to end it. That's not a constant thought anymore but I surprised myself the other day when it popped up again.

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It took me years to be the woman my mother raised. And I didn't know where I was going until I got there. Thank you thank you for everything my life taught me and everything I couldn't yet know. I knew only that I didn't have to reach with my bare hands anymore. My life like all lives mysterious , irrevocable, and sacred. So very close. So very present. So very belonging to me.


~~~~ Cheryl Strayed

The movie , Wild

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  • 1 month later...

Yesterday we were in McDonald's just having a quick lunch. My eyes were drawn to this couple behind us and their kids it was obvious that they were having some kind of birthday party. The kids had gone off to the playland and I saw the man spitting pop at his wife through a straw. She asked him to stop because it was getting on her coat ,her face and in her hair and he kept doing it. And he was smiling and laughing while doing it. Immediately I thought oh crap he's gaslighting her and enjoying it. And sure enough he kept spitting pop at her and she mouthed to him you're an effing Ahole . And she gave him a little shove and he shoved her back. I could feel my agitation rising I was watching my parents all over again except that my mother never shoved or hit or anything like that. I watched them further arguing and him gaslighting her and laughing about it and then her shove him and him shove her. And then at one point she walked away from him to go into the Playland and he followed her and continued to gaslight her. For long her and most of the kids were crying not including the kids that weren't theirs but were there for the birthday party. We had to leave I couldn't stand it. I just wanted to punch his stupid smug face right into the floor.


Yeah great birthday and birthday memories you gave everybody, dad ,you stupid pinhead.

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My son always tells me mom you are just the sweetest most sensitive person in the world. You trying take on the world's pain and it just engulfs you sometimes. And at other times you're Mr. tough guy. You can have a really tough persona where you're just ready to get in somebody's face.


( not said to my son of course )That tough persona means that I'm scared. It means I'm gonna take you out before you take me out. So that tough girl is really a cover for a girl that is scared. If I puff up like a puffer fish maybe you'll back off. That's the psychology behind the tough girl. Because if I wasn't tough people would've taken me out long ago.

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  • 2 months later...

Tonight I was working with two social workers. One had been a domestic violence social worker for 15 years. And she had done victims support as well.


Anyway, it was so so so good to talk to them. They helped me to see something in a new way.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
Replace sister with niece and you get how vicious my uncle was. And replace son with brother. And replace adult woman with child.[video=youtube_share;qUcMohewjvI]


He really was that vicious. I was told he would kill my brother and my dad and my mother. And he would fake being heart broken.


Funny, I have no emotion about that.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I took a walk around the world

To ease my troubled mind

I left my body lying somewhere

In the sands of time

But I watched the world float

To the dark side of the moon


I feel there is nothing I can do, yeah


I watched the world float

To the dark side of the moon

After all I knew it had to be

Something to do with you

I really don’t mind what happens now and then

As long as you’ll be my friend at the end


If I go crazy then will you still

Call me Superman

If I’m alive and well, will you be

There a-holding my hand

I’ll keep you by my side

With my superhuman might



You called me strong, you called me weak,

But still your secrets I will keep

You took for granted all the times

I never let you down

You stumbled in and bumped your head,

If not for me then you'd be dead

I picked you up and put you back on solid ground


If I go crazy then will you still

Call me Superman

If I’m alive and well,

Will you be there a-holding my hand

I’ll keep you by my side

With my superhuman might



If I go crazy then will you still

Call me Superman

If I’m alive and well, will you be there

Holding my hand

I’ll keep you by my side

With my superhuman might




If I go crazy then will you still

Call me Superman

If I'm alive and well,

Will you be there a-holding my hand

I'll keep you by my side

With my superhuman might



Oh, whoa, whoa

Oh, whoa, whoa

Oh, whoa, whoa

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm having some delayed reaction from last night . I just burst out into tears for apparently no reason . And my first impulse last night was to slap the crap out of that guy . But I thought no ,I can't do that to little kids . Count to 10 ,L count to 10 and walk away . I successfully did that and I was able to keep very even keel . But today I just want to slap the shute out of everybody . I'm actually shaking I'm so angry . I guess it's good that I don't work today .

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