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the best way ot get rid of pimples is to prevent them from coming in the first place. Granted at your age they are pretty inevitable, your hormones are to blame...but you need to wash your face twice a day with a mild soap, or better yet a type of soap with an anti-acne formula...once at night and first thing when you get up. If you sweat a lot in gym class, make sure you wash your face afterwards then too...or at least splash water on and dry off...just to help rid yourself of some of the oils...


If you have a pimple, DON'T POP IT! you can be settingyourself up for infections and scars...


you aren't going to be judged for a zit or two...but if you end up scarring your face due to not caring for them properly...they will affect you later.


There are cremes on the market like clearasil that you can put on a pimple to dry it out...some say putting some toothpaste (not gl but paste) on it over night makes it dry up...not sure if that works or not...

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Hi Pal,

Do u like spicy food? I quite like curry, thai tomyam soup, and have been popping pimples since then. And recently i am under medication for a Slimmer and perfect body, I had taken some slimming pills which heated up my body quite badly.

I dun know whether my diet can helps u or not. But do cut down universally recognize chilli!! LoLx! Drink to take tea without milk also helps and YUPZ! lotsa of water helps.

I am presently using GARNIER anti-acne gel, something like Clearasil. Quite cooling on the skin, but remember to wash ur face b4 u apply.

Hmmz i bet ur gf will be happy to know u are growing up. Pimples mark a sign of youth. have fun

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about if we judge our bfs if they're not looking their best that week or whatever. well...just think, the way you would "judge" your gf. its not like we think any less or are less attracted to you not from one pimple, or a cut or something. but if my bf suddenly developed severe acne, im going to be honest here and say it would bother me at least a little. but if i was in a relationship like the one i was in that was amazing and i really loved the guy, it wouldnt matter. but i will say now that we broke up i love the weeks he isnt looking his best because when hes not i just want to go up to him and start kissing him the way we used to lol. but when you're dating someone these imperfections seem meaningless. what about you as a guy, how do you feel when your gf is not looking her "best"?


about getting rid of them, for me every month before my harmones go crazy i will get one. but the best thing that has kept my complexion almost perfect except for the occasional breakout as mentioned is this stuff called BLACK SOAP. im not going to attempt to describe it, but if you go to a place that sells all kinds of soaps or an african beauty store or something, ask for it. its AMAZING, it really keeps things looking pretty good! other then that, make sure to leave it alone, and sometimes i use spot treatments.

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[/color]. im not going to attempt to describe it, but if you go to a place that sells all kinds of soaps or an african beauty store or something, ask for it. its AMAZING, it really keeps things looking pretty good! other then that, make sure to leave it alone, and sometimes i use spot treatments.


That really doesn't work I tried that and it rarely works. I think it dries the skin. Too much

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