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I have never really did anything like this before, but right now, I am desperate. I was w/a very wonderful lady for a year and a half. She told me about a month ago that she needed her space and some time to think about what she really wants. We were living w/each other and then this happened. I was forced to be the one to move out because of income status. I used to live 5min away from work and now I drive about and hour every morning and yet every morning I have to pass by my old home (home which me and her lived in). She still lives in the Apt by herself. Yesterday (Aug 14,) was her birthday so last Friday (Aug 9) I planned to do something hoping to stop this break up and get back home. I did the whold thing, I mean, I typed a 3 page poem, I drew her a picture (I like to draw) I bought her a promise ring and showered the place w/3 dozen roses. I got the key to get in the apt from the office because I am still on the lease. What I did that day I considered a do or die plan. Meaning, this is it, she will either give me my chance or just say no. Well, I received my answer and it was "NO" I understand that I should go ahead and let go, but my heart seems to tell me different. I have a gut feeling that I need to lay low and just hold on just enough until she opens her eyes. She was the sweetest girl I have ever been with, but now she seems to be the most cold hearted person. I can't cope w/this. I even try to keep my mind occupied,but she still sits in front of it all the time. It's hard for me to face this because she did so much for me and yet so did I for her, and now all of sudden she tells me it's over. I asked her to be honest w/me if there was another person and she promised and promised me that there isn't. She did tell me that her next semester at College is coming up and she just really wants to concentrate on her school. So she says that if she is w/me that I would be some sort of destraction to her. I don't agree. I have a saying for myself. She told me to be strong and to show her that I can be strong. My saying is this "Only week people give up on there love, and only the strong will fight and fight for the love he loves" I hope my situation that I just try to explain is not to hard to understand, but please bare w/me my mind is not right and I'm really just looking for something to get her back or just to help me out in anyway. If anyone has any advice for me, "PLEASE" help. Thanks

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I am dealing with the same shit. She told me about a 2 weeks ago that she needed her space and some time to think about what she really wants. She said she needs to find herself and that she was confused. Well in my situation all this info means that she has found someone else and they are occuping her head or someone found her. My plan of action is to forget about it and move on. Dude, don't get me wrong this shit hurts. But I have no other cards to play. Well, the cards I do have, are to contact her. But this will just push her away. Bro, abide by her message, give her space, and take care of number one (that's u). Then your next thought is well when is enough time to contact her again. That card is in her field. Bro suck it up. Send me an email. I been through break ups before and they are messy. The best thing you could do is get yourself better as soon as possible. The stronger u are by not talking to her. The better chance you have 4 her to come back to you. Which by that time the card could be in your corner. And hopefully you found something bigger and better.


Hope this helps,

Cause it kind of helps me,

email removed


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