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I've been lucky in that any break-ups have ended on a pretty mature note, although it may have hurt. I've made sure to let them know that I wish them the best and that they deserve the utmost happiness. The only thing I regret not having mentioned (to some more than others) is that I would miss them.

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Our actual last words went something like:


Him: I do love you, I'm just confused and f'ed up

Me: Just because you love someone doesn't mean you're suppose to be in their life I guess. I think we just need to realize that finally and stop trying. Take care, wish you well, and happy early birthday (his birthday was in a few days)

Him: thanks


Last time we spoke a few months ago through texts. A lot led up to that convo, he decided to reenter my life and mislead me again. Honestly there is nothing else I could have or would have chosen to say to him at that point except that, and was glad I finally said it. Was hard, but exactly how I felt. Still not sure if he totally understands, or even gave a damn, but I said it and I'm glad I did.


There are so many things I want to say to him these days, but none of them would matter in the grander scheme of things so they are irrelevant.

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So my ex sent me a sorry text after a month of NC...I left her with this. It's 5 1/2 yrs worth of how I felt on how she used & abused me with this sick on again off again, indecisive relationship. I've been heartbroken by her over 100 times. I deserve much better even though doing this hurt so bad.



"You know, you don't have to respond to this...I just have one last thing to say & hopefully this doesn't go in one ear & out the other like everything else I've ever told you. You want to say I deserve better, & that I do I deserve a sh*t ton better. I deserve someone to appreciate everything I do at that time, not a month after she basically guts me like a pig & tells me every possible thing to destroy me & push me away...The thing is you saying that is like you saying you can't do something because you're not smart enough or whatever. You saying I deserve better is you saying that you're too f*cking lazy to give a f*ck about me at all, you are too lazy for commitment, you're too lazy to give me the little bit I asked for...Don't ever tell me sorry again, because you are far from sorry. You've told me the most cruel, vile things & done the most cruel & vile things to me that I couldn't ever imagine doing to anyone, especially the one I claim to love so much. You've used & abused me for years now, & continued your selfish ways without any regard for my feelings. You operated as an individual in our relationship & never as a partner. You did a you pleased, came & went as you pleased, fed me bullsh*t lies about love & marriage & cr*p just to keep me around while you decided if you wanted a relationship or to be a cool cat & live the single life. You talked me down from day one, talking about your exes & other guys trying to make me insecure & trying to gain control over me. I applaud your efforts because they succeeded greatly & you had me wrapped around your finger. You'd get what you wanted from me then get up & leave without hesitation & put me through days, months, & weeks of punishment I didn't deserve & I was left all alone to sob & cry in hopes of your return. You looked me in the eyes & told me boldfaced lies about how you loved me & how you'd never leave me. You'd tell me to my face how terrible I was, how much you hated me, how you only used me, how you were only playing me, you'd uptalk guys you didn't even know but believed their bullsh*t they posted on their facebook. You are the one that began the onslaught that tore me down with negativity & pure evil. You can go on with your life & say you're finding yourself, which I hope you do but it'll only end up like every other time & your family & friends will lead you on to some bullsh*t dead end path that'll only leave you sad & depressed like every other time. I'm not trying to be mean, but it'll happen because you trust the wrong people. You're better than that, I truly believe it but you're too easily influenced by others. You saying you left me to find yourself is bullsh*t, I gave you freedom to do what you want with unlimited support & motivation from me. I was there to catch you, to lift you up, & would have always been there no matter how many times you f*cked up because I truly loved you. You never loved me, or cared for me otherwise you would have never done what you did to me & you did it constantly, not just once. If you think you coming out of the blue to tell me sorry makes you any better of a person & makes you sleep better, well it doesn't & shouldn't. Your sorry is based purely off of selfish bullsh*t that manifests within you. You knew you'd get a rise out of me like everytime, good job. You caught me at a vulnerable time. You can take your sorry & every other sorry & throw it in the garbage like you always did with me. You're not sorry, you're just a sick individual that has played head games in relationships since you were 14. Well we're grown ups now, & I'm not up for the childish back & forth games anymore. You've held me down too long, while I waited for you to come around, but you never did. Your indecision about our relationship & life in general is bull cr*p. I gave you every oppurtunity you could imagine to go to school, find a good job, etc. & you just made excuses just like you make excuses about our relationship. I know what I want, you don't know what you want. I'm not there yet but at least I started my journey, without knowing the outcome & thats life, its all a risk. You've severely screwed me over more times than I can count. You've always led me to believe it was my fault. This time it's different. You are the problem. You lack any drive & fear any form of commitment. I didn't have to put up with this for this long, but I sacrificed & did. I bent over backwards for you, doing anything & everything for you while your family & friends were no wheres to be found, yet you choose them? You replace me with them? You'll come to realize what you had, & you will hurt when you know you'll never get it back. I hope you find a guy that'd do what I did & what I'd do for you, but you won't & if you do hopefully you're mature enough to appreciate it & not run from commitment. It's all a game still, last time you got jealous & ran back. It's not a game, this is life. If you think I wanted to be with other girls, you're sadly mistaken. If anything they were fillers to occupy my time while you were out partying with no cares for me. I wanted this so bad, I tried so hard & gave my everything, you still have my heart but you can keep it because I don't want it back. You aren't sorry & were never sorry. You are a selfish individual & I'm sorry, but I will never put myself through this again because I know my worth & I deserve a sh*t ton better & you never cared enough to try & give me what I deserved. If you think another guy is the answer, it isn't. You need to learn to be selfless, not selfish. It takes two individuals to come together & invest their entire self into a relstionship, not just a portion & not when they feel like it. It's for better or worse, no matter what, not when it's convenient. Your love was based off of how convenient it was, mine was everlasting every second of every hour of every day. I loved you even when I hated you. You'll regret this, but I won't. I know I gave my all & that's all that matters. Somebody out there will love me for everything good & bad about myself like I loved you, that somebody isn't you. I love you Mary E******** F******** dearly, I truly & unconditionally love you whole heartedly & no one can change that not even you. That love was unappreciated, abused, used, & just taken for granted & this is very hard for me & I honestly never thought it'd come to this, but I'm moving on with my life & can't wait around for you to maybe come around one day & realize what you have in front of you. One day you will, & I hope it doesn't hurt as bad as I've been hurt all these years. I love you, but your sorry isn't accepted because you don't really mean it. I truly hope you are happy, because I tried my damnedest to make you happy & failed. I wish you the best of luck & never down yourself, you are very beautiful & smart & could do anything you put your mind to. I believe in you, now you have to believe in yourself. If you ever need any type of help with anything, I'm always willing to help you in anyway because you deserve it as long as you are truly motivated to do it. I'm always a call a way, so don't be a stranger. I love you & want to keep typing because it's a b*tch to let go of something you love, but I deserve better & its the best for me. I love you Mary & won't ever forget you. Good luck & goodbye beautiful. ❤️""

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Last in-person convo:


Her: I do love you.

Me: I love you, if that still matters.

Her: It does.


Last words exchanged via Facebook:


Her: I just feel like we aren't compatible anymore. I don't hate you. I just want you to be happy.

Me: Compatibility doesn't change in a month.


And I haven't spoken to her in 51 days.

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In all honesty the song I played over and over to really get past him was "God Bless You" by Black Veil Brides, but I couldn't sing those lyrics to him. He'd never get the sarcasm and message in that particular song.


Oh my gosh, have you seen that award acceptance speech of theirs that kind of went viral? Cracked me up. (Yeah, that was kind of random.)




The very, very last thing I said, at the end of my very last ever communication to him was: If you can't see my heart, you must be blind.


He always told me: "Listen to your heart, follow it!"


Maybe in the end, he knew better than I did... but the last message I sent, whether he read it or not, let me lay things to rest. Finally. I don't feel a burning need to talk to him ever again, or the need to rehash anything or find any sort of closure. He showed me who he was... it just took me a really long time to believe it. It's coming up on two years since I sent that message, so I'd say it's probably a good bet that we'll never speak again.

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