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What does it mean when a girl says!


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Ok so I have a stupid question but we were talking at lunch and the female language came up. What does it mean if your friend is talking to a girl and just happens to mention that you think they are cute, and there reply is "thats so sweet, he is so nice and really cute"


By the way this girl is single, and we have not seen eachother for over two years and are nothing more than mere aquiantences. Also is it a good sign that she at least knew who I was?

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What does it mean if your friend is talking to a girl and just happens to mention that you think they are cute, and there reply is "thats so sweet, he is so nice and really cute"


It could mean everything, or it could mean nothing. To show you what I mean, here are two [extreme] scenarios:



1)Your friend tells her you think she is cute. She thinks:


Wow! That guy is SO hot! I can't believe he noticed me! He actually thinks I'm cute!


"How sweet of him! He's so nice...and really cute, too!"


I wonder if that means he'll ask me out to the Christmas dance? That would be SO awesome! I would love to spend the evening with him!




2) Your friend tells her you think she is cute. She thinks:


How nice and sweet that this guy realizes how good I look! I guess that hour I spend doing my hair and make-up each morning really pays off! Oh, that reminds me...I need to go get some more highlights! That hair dye they used last time was just too dark! Maybe I should try out that new salon down the street...hmmmm...what's the name of that place? Hey...ummm...why's this guy staring at me? Oh! I guess he's expecting me to say something about his friend...


"That's really sweet of him! He's so nice...and really cute, too".


Now, where was I? Oh yeah...what IS the name of that beauty salon?



Get the picture? The only way to know what she's thinking is to test the waters -- talk to her, ask her out, etc..

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I agree with DayWalker... Could just be that she is recognizing that you are attractive. "Woman language"-- how you put it really isn't that complex as a lot of people think-- just requires more listening than reading between the lines.


Amethyst had a great reply as far as the different scenerios it could be taken. Sometimes, in recognizing that someone is attractive-- or that you like them, to come off very subtle or coy is usually a tell tale sign that they do have the beginnings of potentially going on a date with you--- BUT-- In the "realm of friendship/aquaintance"-- that part is up to you. Pursue it lightly, perhaps flirt a little bit, but don't be overbearing. Body language plays a HUGE role at this stage of the game...

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