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Ex GF contacts out of the blue and wants to... borrow money


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Sorry for my english obviously.


Some background first.


My ex dumped me almost 2 months ago for another guy. At the beginning I tried to convince her to rethink her decision but she just gave me usual stuff of "I love you but we can't..." blah blah. We all know it too well, I guess. Same day, I found out that she not only wants to letf me for this another guy, but also cheated on me earlier with yet ANOTHER one! So there was no other choice for me to call it quits and start full-NC. I even told her that I won't be talking to her anymore and would really appreciate if she does the same. I told her to sent my remaining things at my sister's place and deleted her cell etc.


Never seen my things again, but I was expecting that. She contacted by text me week after breakup, asking how my bar exam went, and I was epecting that too, so I ignored it.


And she contacted me today, by text, asking to lend her some money for rent. And I was absolutely NOT expecting this. Seriously? Girl lefts me for another guy and two months later asks me to lend her money for her apartment? Obviously I'm not going to give her any money, because why should I? But do I answer her at all? Or just ignore this text as well? Has anyone here ever been in similiar situation?

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I wouldnt answer at all and especially if she is asking for money. Any answer you give will only lead to a conversation. If you say no, she will respond with why, and then give you a guilt trip and get mad. You dont need that.

From what you said she sounds like one of those girls that needs to be told she is pretty and is needy. But dont worry about her, she is a survivor and will get her money from someone esle. She will do what it takes to get what she wants. You do your thing.. you are doing well.

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Holy Toledo, the nerve of some people. A part of me wishes you'd text back, "Seriously W.T.F????" but actually the better thing to do is...silence, utter and total loud, screaming in your ears, can't miss it silence. She'll squirm wondering why she hasn't heard from you. She'll squirm knowing she's probably lost control. She'll panic about where she's going to get the rent money when it dawns on her finally that she's not so precious and the center of the universe that people she screws over are going to now help her. Too late it'll dawn on her mabye she coulda...woulda...shoulda...not been such a tool. (Yes, women can be tools too.) Oh, well.


Nope, radio silence all the way. In fact delete and block her if at all possible. Besides it keeps you from getting sucked into the drama of it all, which she probably craves as well.

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