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HELP? my acne scarring/hyperpigmentation turn-off to girls??


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Ok so before you look at my age and blindly disreguard my post, thinking that Im too young, remember that im not looking to get married, have s3x, etc... , I just wanna have a gf to do stuff like go to the movies and school dances with, etc.... wouldnt mind making out ... (after a a while of being bf gf, of course ) ...


Anyway, when i was in 6th grade or so, i would get big pimples onthe side of my face, and pick at them and then pick at the scabs... now i have dark maroon spots that eventually fase to pink and then leave completely, but it takes several years... my brother had the same thing... I dont expect them to be gone before around senior year... (yeah im kicking myself now). The good news is that they are almost completely smooth, and aren't actually pimples, just hyperpigmentation... (no pitted scars)


Furthermore, I have enlarged pours on my nose from popping pimples (big mistake, unless they are big ones...). they're not too big, just noticeable from maybe a foot or closer... not big enough to feel, not really a big deal i guess... these shrink to normal after about six months.. (and you can really only see them in certain lighting anyway)


Aside from that, my acne is now just a few blackheads on my nose, my nose is redder than the rest of my face (a bit), and my nose is greasy, while the rest of my face is dry...


I would probably consider myself a 7/10 on the handsome scale (for my age group) if it werent for the scars.


So, to all you girls out there (most of which are at least 16... close enough), and even to the guys who have been in similar situations as me, is this type of scarring a turn off to girls... I have maybe 10 red speckles, each between about the size of this O (or a bit bigger) and the size of this o on each side of my face (below the temple). You really cant see them from farther than 5 feet or so... and not when the room is poorly lit. Is this considered a turn-off to girls? (ie would you still consider going out with someone who had such hyperpigmentation?)



I am hoping these scarings dont matter much because I am considering asking out the girl i like... (but thats a different story)

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=/ I almost don't want to tell you my opinion... but personally they matter. Everyone's different though so don't be discouraged. Besides, you can still make up with personality.


... eh.. they sell pore refining cream and stuff. I'm not sure if they work well but try them out?

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=/ I almost don't want to tell you my opinion...


Dont worry your not gonna hurt my feelings Inj fact, last time I asked someone out they didnt care about the dots, but thats just one person in many.


you can still make up with personality.


got lotsa that


... eh.. they sell pore refining cream and stuff. I'm not sure if they work well but try them out?


I'm not sure that that'll work, besides, the main poroblem is the spots... I think a face peeling might work (is that what they call it?), but that would be expensive, im a too young (or so my parents think), doesnt sound like fun (acid on your face... hmmm...), and i dont think that that's something guys usually get...


more opinions?

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I really don't think it is that big of a deal. I admit it doesn't help for initial attractiveness, (no offence here tea) but if you can't date someone because of a few little dots on your face, you must be pretty shallow. IMHO, if someone doesn't want to be with you because they can't get over something small like that, I wouldn't want to date that person. You aren't losing out on much.



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My ex had really bad acne for his age, yet it didnt bother me because i loved him and i saw past that to his personality. Thats how it should be, and its hard for some people to do that, but i did. Of course when you meet someone if their face is covered with acne it may force you to regard them as not "cute" or whatever words people use, but if deep down you like that person for who they are it wont matter. My friends always laughed at me for dating my ex because of his acne at the age of 21, but honestly, its not that big of a deal. Goodluck.

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You shouldn't worry so much about the little things! You should concentrate on who you are, not what you look like, and be confident in yourself. Any girl who would be bothered about that type of thing wouldn't be worth worrying about, and its your personality that counts at the end of the day. If a girls in a relationship with a guy whos got great looks but the personality of a wet fart then she aint gonna stick with him for long, as thats what counts in the long run. Learn to love and accept who you are, and other people will to

What your worrying about wouldn't worry me at all....any girl whos worth it will look beyond that. I think you should take a shot at this girl you like hope it all works out! xx

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aireyc and honeybunch -


wow, hadn't thought of that...



iceesnowbubble -


It sounds like you and ur ex were a bit older than I am... (like 95% of everyone else here ) However, your story does give me hope,k you sound like a nice person.


Of course when you meet someone if their face is covered with acne it may force you to regard them as not "cute" or whatever words people use


Yeah, that's kinda the problem at this point... although its not acne (ie no big pusy pimples...) just scars... After the first date/ going out the first time then she'll know my personality. Getting it is the problem... plus im obscenely shy... It took about an hour of convincing from one of my good friends to get me to ask someone out the first time...


Honeybunch -


I think you should take a shot at this girl you like hope it all works out!


Thanks, I think I will, but I have to wait for a dance for the first time asking someone out... thats just how it works at my school i guess.

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I know that when you look in the mirror and see that you have something less that perfect about yourself, you are disappointed. But I would ignore that if I were you. I knew someone that had that problem and he turned out just fine. Work on your internal sense of self worth, that is what really sells people in this world.

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aww wel its never easy to pluck up the courage to ask someone out..i can be really shy too hehe but just have confidence and believe in yourself, she must be special for you to have chosen her and like i said dont worry about the little things....theyr not important.

have fun! x

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I know that when you look in the mirror and see that you have something less that perfect about yourself, you are disappointed.


You better believe it!




But I would ignore that if I were you. I knew someone that had that problem and he turned out just fine.


Eventually, yes, I know I will ... the problem is that theres this girl that I like now...



Work on your internal sense of self worth, that is what really sells people in this world.


I guess that's true.


Thanks for your comments so far all...




Any other girls aged 14 to mebbe 20 that would like to comment would also be helpful... (for example, I actually found tea's comment helpful, and would like more honest feedback... think "well, theres this guy who sits next to me in class, and he asked me to the dance this friday... He seems like a nice guy... I only know him a bit, we have talked in class, but thats it... " (assuming that this guy is me and has such red scars).

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Honestly, dating a guy with acne was not a huge deal at all....on certain guys I either didn't notice or grew attracted to it. It's like having a larger nose or bigger ears: it may turn some people off initially, but really, you grow to love them. I grew to love my own quirks! 8)


If you haven't already, however, do stop picking at your face. It will stop future scarring but in reality, I find that to be the biggest turn-off.


Follow the previous poster's advice: let your bright personality shine through! The right girl really will come along, trust me.

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If you haven't already, however, do stop picking at your face.


Yeah, I know that now... when i was younder i didnt listen too well...


Honestly, dating a guy with acne was not a huge deal at all....on certain guys I either didn't notice or grew attracted to it. It's like having a larger nose or bigger ears: it may turn some people off initially, but really, you grow to love them. I grew to love my own quirks!


Yeah.... I do know one kid who actually makes acne look good.


Follow the previous poster's advice: let your bright personality shine through! The right girl really will come along, trust me.


I hope so... although right now im not really looking for anything permanent. Thanks for the advice.

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about the face peeling stuff. i assume it works. and its about 12 dollars for a good amount. but 20 dollars for the good stuff. i would personally get the 20 dollar one, becuase i think it works better. Try apricot scrub by st. ives, scrub your face with this stuff daily, when in the shower after the heat of the water has been on your face for a while, it will help soften your skin and the scrubbing stuff in the wash will help exfoliate bring out new perftect skin. I would avoid sun, becuase it will make the marks darker maybe even a darker purple shade, so wear a sun screen made for your face so that you dont get greasy. also at walmart there are equate brand salicylic acid pads. they work well to exfoliate, and that would help too, it would also help with the small amount of blemishes you have, since i know you have very little now. make sure you use a non-comodegenic moisturizer, like cetaphil. it works good!


hope this helps alot!!

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Well, I dont' know if you have any asian stores around you, but contrary to the western culture, Asians have a long history of "wanting to be paler." (some scholars who don't know our culture think it's because we want to be "western"... not true. Rich guys don't have to work in the fields so they're pale.. we just want to look rich.)


Okay, eh.. what I'm getting at is... in Asian stores like Ranch 99 or Mitsuwa they often sell whitening products like lotion, cream, or face lift that doesn't hurt. They're not that expensive, usually 10~25 dollars a bottle and it'll last you a month. I tried a few before, they really do work but be careful and stay out of the sun.

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thanskl for the advice all


Have you gone to a specialist, like a plastic surgeon?


A bit young for plastic surgery... Its not that bad... just not exactly sexy to have acne scarring... I was thinking more of like a face peel like old womenget to remove wrinkles ... but im kinda yound for that and by the time im old enough theyll be mostly faded anyway.

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umm sounds gay but tryed make up? when i get a pimple i pop it then get a little scar for like 2 weeks but i up some makeup on it so it dont show...


anyways i herd after u pop a pimple u should wash ur fase right away so u dont get a infection or put some colone on the pour after u pop it. it will burn a bit

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