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What Should I Say?


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I've resigned from my job and will be starting a new job soon. There's this guy at work I have interest in, and occasionally talk to (but he's a busy guy so we haven't talked as much as I would have liked). He's less than a year older than me and is a consultant.

Anyway, I don't have his number and I don't want to leave this job without doing something (don't want what ifs) so what should I say before I go?

I've never been the type to make the first move, but I don't want regrets. I feel we're both kind of shy so any suggestions? He seems more relaxed when talking to other females at work but I have this gut feeling he does have some sort of interest in me.


I have a week left. It has to come out casual...What should I say?




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Other stuff that usually begins with some simple question that sometimes related to the job. We've talked about meaning of life, relationships, dreams/aspirations, philosophy, history and just day to day life. He's a consultant so he's busy, but we talked for like an hour after work a couple of times, the convos weren't surfacy things at all. I'm just awkward around him cos I have interest.

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How about just popping by him there.. saying 'oh, i'm leaving next week, would it alright to get your email address, so we can at least keep in contact- would that be okay?"


Either way I think he'd agree with that- at least. NO real fears, there.

Could always go from there- after email swapping.. to the idea of sharing phone #'s.

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