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Online Dating - A Woman's Journal


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Eddie (the guy who couldn't arrange a date to save his life) texted me if I'm free tonight. I didn't even answer him.



Patrick, the guy whose mother had broken her ankle, called me. From what he said it seems that his mother really broke her ankle, he returned last night and brought her along and she's staying with his sister for now. He asked me when we can meet for that coffee, I said I'm only free next Wednesday (I'm a passionate world-cup follower) unless some plans I have for Friday (with Kane) fall through. He asked me to call him on Friday, anyway and if I'm free, we'll meet on that evening..if not, we'll arrange something for Wednesday. So, it seems that, one way or another, I'll meet someone on Friday..lol

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Vern, the doctor, even though he's had my phone number since yesterday, sent me one more email, this time a HUGE one...I started counting words out of curiosity and stopped when I got to over 600 It was full of 'I am like this', 'I want a relationship like this', blah blah blah...and he also sent me like 10 more pics...and, at the end of the..novel, he asked me for more pics, too and promised to 'call me some time'.


I replied with


Good morning but there's no reason to keep talking. I'm looking for something completely different. Good luck

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What was Vern saying that turned you off to him? Some people just like to write long emails.


He was going on and on and on about how great he is, what a great partner he is, how honest, clever and a good lover he is, how hard he's worked in his life, he's ambitious, he respects women, he's this, he's that..and another 300 words on how he wants the perfect relationship, how he'll be 'one' with his partner, he'll bring her breakfast to bed, they'll share all the details of their life...frankly, it was all rather disturbing and by the end of the novel...sorry, email, I wanted to throw up.


On other news, Kane called me and was very vague about Friday. He said that he's not sure what time he'll be working, so, I said, 'well, when will you know?' and he couldn't even tell me that and we might have to cancel but he wasn't sure blah blah. In the end, I just gave up and told him 'call me when you know'.


Patrick also called me but I was at work and couldn't talk. I told him I'll call him tonight. I'll meet him on Friday, after all. I don't like Kane's attitude at all...I think he may turn out to be one more flake.

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Vern, the doctor, even though he's had my phone number since yesterday, sent me one more email, this time a HUGE one...I started counting words out of curiosity and stopped when I got to over 600 It was full of 'I am like this', 'I want a relationship like this', blah blah blah...and he also sent me like 10 more pics...and, at the end of the..novel, he asked me for more pics, too and promised to 'call me some time'.


I replied with


Good morning but there's no reason to keep talking. I'm looking for something completely different. Good luck


Do you think it was a form email? That would turn me off too - I wanted a relationship with a person not an email penpal. One of the worst, pulling teeth phone convos I ever had -he sounded half-dead - was with a guy who wrote emails like that but not as long so they were far more interesting.

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Do you think it was a form email? That would turn me off too - I wanted a relationship with a person not an email penpal. One of the worst, pulling teeth phone convos I ever had -he sounded half-dead - was with a guy who wrote emails like that but not as long so they were far more interesting.


I hadn't thought of that but now that you mention it, it was obviously not directed to me..it was more like a monologue..and, come to think of it, I found one of his comments very strange.

At some point he said 'from your email I imagine you to be a romantic woman'. My email had been about 5-6 sentences long and it included age/profession/family status/where I live, that I have a cat and my phone number. I even went back and read it because I wondered what on earth could I have written that would make someone imagine me to be romantic (I'm not, especially not with guys I haven't even met yet!).

So, yeah, you could be right.

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Just this week i had a really long email from someone on OKCupid. It took me awhile....and I had to really think about what he wrote, and realized i think it was a form letter! Not once did he mention anything about what i had written...but talked vaguely about 'that smile' etc. Never mentioned anything 'specific'.....ugh.


Of course, i guess you could always send out a form letter...and throw in ONE sentence mentioning something off your profile. Geez....I didn't know people did that...but it makes sense now!

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Max, the guy who had cancelled our date because of some trip that he had never mentioned the day before has sent me a few text messages and called a couple of times. I don't know why as I have never replied to him since I got that cancellation message 2 days ago.

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What did Max say in his texts?


Nothing significant. One was just hi, how are you, some other that he tried to call me but 'I must have been busy', in another one he asked me to call him, etc, etc. As if he hasn't noticed I've taken him off my list (which he must have as we were both online at the same time earlier today)....and because this guy is anything but stupid, I imagine he's chosen to pretend to ignore that I haven't replied to any of his messages in the last 2 days.

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Ah.... don't you just love those? I'll jerk you around, play dumb and see if you'll fall for it. Yuck.

I remember that one point some date asked me why I'm single and I remember thinking "...because finding a guy who is at least half way sane and normal with some basic decency is harder than you think." Didn't say it out loud though....lol....

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Ah.... don't you just love those? I'll jerk you around, play dumb and see if you'll fall for it. Yuck.

I remember that one point some date asked me why I'm single and I remember thinking "...because finding a guy who is at least half way sane and normal with some basic decency is harder than you think." Didn't say it out loud though....lol....


Ditto ^ I have given up on all of that, but Im happy, but I enjoy hearing and reading about other people, especially when they are more successful than I have been.

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Kane (the 40yo fireman) called at 2pm wanting to know where we're meeting tonight. I reminded him that the last time we talked, 2 days ago, he had said he might have to work today and he would let me know..and he didn't, so, I've made other plans. He insisted that I was wrong, that he had told me he'd call me on Thursday if he had to work on Friday..blah blah...I was so tired from work that I couldn't continue the conversation (he was very argumentative) so I just told him 'ok, it was a misunderstanding' and suggested we meet on Wednesday (it's going to be a few very busy days for me until then). He said he has to work on Wednesday evening so we left things like that..I told him I'll message him when I know when my next free day is going to be and he said the same.

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Patrick texted to tell me that the date stands (good for him...if he had cancelled again, it would be the last time )


I texted Kane that I can make it on Thursday, too, and he texted back with 'We'll talk on Thursday morning'..yeah, ok. If I have a better offer until then, I'm not going to wait for him.


I missed a couple of calls by Max. He finally sent a text...do you keep your phone off all the time? Yes, for jerks I do.

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I don't understand why none of these men can say, "I'll meet you at xxxx cafe on Thursday at 9 PM." why is that so hard!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


I have no idea. When I talked to Kane earlier, he said 'I'm not the type to plan days ahead' and this has been a comment I hear A LOT. I'm the exact opposite, I want to plan days ahead and if something changes, then, I let the other person know. I don't know why I seem to attract all the non-planners.

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My date with Patrick was...short and left me feeling very annoyed.


And yet, it had started out very well. He looked much better than his pics, younger than 55 and the conversation was going ok for the first minutes. He told me I'm the first 'honest' person he meets through the internet because his 4 previous dates were with women who had lied about age/height/weight etc and I told him a bit, too, about similar experiences I had had.

Then we talked a little about our families etc...it did annoy me that he didn't want to tell me his son's name at first (he made some comment that this was 'private info' but, eventually, told me the name) but I got over it.

Then, suddenly, at 9.15 I see him calling the waiter and paying. We had met at 8.30..by the time we had sat down and ordered our drinks the time was 8.40...so, we had barely talked for 35 minutes! I said why are you paying and he says he has plans with some friends he meets every Friday evening!

A little background info here: during our phone chats before the date he had mentioned this Friday date with his friends and I had told him that we could meet on Wednesday but he had said 'no, it's ok, we'll probably meet before 8.30 this Friday' and then left it at that. So, when at 9.15 he said he had to go I was very, very annoyed (even more so because I could have met Kane tonight and wouldn't be back home by 9.30).

So, I started collecting my things, thanked him for the drink and was about to leave when he asked if I'd like to have dinner with him on Wednesday. I said I don't think so and he said 'well, if you don't want to...'. In a few words I told him that I would go out with him again if he hadn't left me hanging on a Friday night and he said 'well, it was just a first meeting'. I said yeah, ok, call me and left.


I'm never talking to him again.

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