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Online Dating - A Woman's Journal


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Well, it makes for interesting stories to tell on here and to your friends, right?


LOL, indeed.

My friends, at first, were telling me to give him a chance because maybe he was very nervous or very excited to have met me and so on. But, eventually, even the most romantic of them had to admit that all this contact after just one date was disturbing.

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I have a date with a new guy tomorrow.


Nick is 50, a math teacher, divorced, no kids. He's 5'10, black hair/eyes, rather athletic. We talked on the phone and it went very well...he sounds very open and 'genuine'. He comes from a small town and he lost both his parents when he was 18. That's when he moved to my city, where his sister already lived. He has an interesting hobby, beekeeping, and he also makes honey and creams and stuff from honey. He also laughs a lot. Our main difference is that he's not a smoker but, oh well, noone is perfect..lol

We're meeting tomorrow at 8pm.

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A bee charmer! I love bees. Cool hobby...that could make for a fun date.


I make moisturizers out of beeswax...I like this guy


He said something about moisturizers, too...I wonder if he'll bring me some..hehe I also find his hobby very interesting and unusual. I don't particularly love bees but I love honey

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The date with Nick was a failure.


He was at least 5-6 years older than his pic, he was dressed in all white (I kept expecting him to sell me ice-cream) and he was wearing...open toe sandals :subdued:

We had nothing in common and when he started telling me about his experience in a Tibetan monastery, I dozed off.

After about half an hour I said I had to go. I couldn't even bring myself to tell him 'see you'.

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Lol that's so funny, if a guy talked about a Tibetan Monastary, I'd be all over him! I've heard fashion is much more formal over there...his clothes sounded fine to me, you must faint when you see what we wear lol.


Hopefully the next guy won't be a dud



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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lol...Open toed sandals...just fine! As long as he's not wearing SOCKS!!!! lol


My sister said when she met her future husband, only 6 years ago, they both were wearing WHITE pants. She and he thought that was cute! I thought...dang...my guy would never be caught DEAD in white pants!!! lol


Her husband still likes to 'match' with her, which i think is STUPID! lol

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I have a date for tomorrow.


Patrick is 54, has a taxi company, has been divorced for many years and he has a 24yo son. 6'1, brown hair and eyes, a kind face and a nice smile. After a few emails, he called me today and we talked for about 30 minutes. He sounds calm and collected and we have some things in common..he loves chess, reading and animals (he prefers dogs but oh, well) and he's been following the World Cup just like me...and one thing not in common..he's quit smoking. I told him I'm a smoker and how does he feel about it, he said he's fine with it as long as I don't smoke inside the house. I do smoke inside my house, of course, but I'm willing to make a compromise in his house (if everything else about him is to my liking).

I liked his attitude in general although I feel I'm much more lively as a person. Then again he's a Scorpio like my ex husband and he had the exact same style at least on the phone.

His last serious relationship was a year ago and he asked me if I snore because, apparently, snoring was what finished that relationship...lol. His ex gf snored so loudly that they had to sleep in different rooms and he said that was the beginning of the end. I'm not sure what to make of that but I don't snore so I don't mind.

Then he asked me to meet over a cup of coffee and I suggested tomorrow evening. He lives about 30 minutes away but he's coming over here and the date is for 8pm..so...to be continued.

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Patrick cancelled our date. His excuse was that his mother, who lives 3 hours away, broke her ankle and he has to travel over there and spend the weekend with her but he'll call me when he's back, probably on Monday, blah blah.

I don't know if it's an excuse or just bad luck but I tend more towards the excuse because he said that it happened in the morning and yet he called me after 3pm.

Anyway, we'll see next week.

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I think calling you in the afternoon might be attributed to his having to spend the morning calling doctors, family members, making arrangements to go for the weekend, etc. If he doesn't call you by Tuesday I'd be suspicious.

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New guy I first talked to today.


Max is 45, a sales manager, divorced with a 11yo daughter who lives with her mum. He's 5'10, brown hair and eyes, very athletic. He has been on the site for a couple of months but hasn't gone out with anyone yet. Our conversation was easy..he seems to be my 'type', conversation-wise (he's an Aquarius, too). Polite but not excessively, a fast thinker and all his questions were to the point just like mine. We said a lot of things about our lives, hobbies, etc. I made sure to tell him I'm NOT athletic, he said he doesn't care...and he's also a smoker.

Eventually, he asked me to meet tomorrow but I'm busy so we agreed on Monday at 8.30pm. We also exchanged phone numbers. He seems to be a good 'candidate' but we'll see.

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Max called me today and we talked for a few. He has a sexy voice and he is a good conversationalist just like he was online. He had gone fishing with a friend of his today but he only caught a couple of fish..lol. It was a pleasant chat and we talked about tomorrow, too. We're going to a nice cafe by the sea near my house.

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3 hours before the date Max sent me 2 text messages...my cell was off at the time so I got them 2 hours before the date.


no1: Can I call you?


no2: I'm just leaving so and so (a town 2 hrs away!), I'm not going to make it, I'm sorry. I tried to call you but the phone was off. Call me when you can.


Yesterday, he had mentioned nothing about going out of town today. Frankly, I'm getting sick of excuses at the last minute. I deleted him from my list. Same with the other idiot who was supposed to call me today because his 'mum had broken her ankle'.

From now on, anyone who cancels a first date, won't be getting a second chance.

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While emergencies do happen, I think they are not that common. More likely, their wives made dinner reservations for that night!


I know, annie..and I think it took me a long time already. If in the 10 guys who cancel a first date there IS one honest emergency, too bad. I'm not going to risk it any more.

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Damn MM...i thought finally you were going to have ONE good date! I was thinking....about time! Darn.


I have a meetup tonite with a guy that i have been emailing for almost ONE month. He's been overseas in Romania. His hometown. He lives an hour away, and i'm driving up there. Actually, I'm a little nervous. He has a Ph.D...and is a professor. I do hair...lol...and massage. I've never dated anyone 'smart'...teehee. Oh well...we probably won't mesh.


And Friday i have my second meet/date with a guy that i saw 3 weeks ago, and we have been emailing for one month. He lives and hour and a half away. ugh. No men around here. We are going to see a play. I do like him.


Those are the ONLY two guys i have been emailing for a MONTH...and the one i like the best isn't even that regular of a communicator! So after those 2 guys go bust...i have no one else on the 'hook'...I'm done for! lol


You're so lucky that you have so many to chose from!!! But dang..i have never heard of so many flakes in my life! sigh. men.

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You're so lucky that you have so many to chose from!!! But dang..i have never heard of so many flakes in my life! sigh. men.


Indeed, lately, it's been full of flakes. I tried someone's (I forget who it was) approach to make concrete plans etc and, still, they flake. Go figure.

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Hi - Don't feel down on yourself!! Just show up and be your charming self. I have a PhD - I can tell you that for a lot of us, we don't require that our partners have one. Compatibility is more important. You're smart too, so don't worry! He also may enjoy having a non-academic gf. I think it can be hard on couples where both are professors - they always have deadlines, conferences, grant proposals, etc... It may help him out to have a steady lady at home who isn't gone every other week at a conference or workshop. just something to think about.

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New guy, new date..for Friday this time.


Kane is 40, single and a fireman. He's 5'10 with black hair and blue eyes and rather athletic. We just spent an hour talking on the phone. He's not particularly open and he has a strange sense of humour but I'll give him a chance as I think he was just shy. He's been on the site for a few months, has only met one girl and they've become friends but that's all. He lives relatively close to me, too.

I made a point of telling him that if something changes to LET ME KNOW IN TIME. He said he will at least a day before our date but he'll call me before Friday, too, just to talk. Let's see what will go wrong this time..lol

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3 hours before the date Max sent me 2 text messages...my cell was off at the time so I got them 2 hours before the date.


no1: Can I call you?


no2: I'm just leaving so and so (a town 2 hrs away!), I'm not going to make it, I'm sorry. I tried to call you but the phone was off. Call me when you can.


Yesterday, he had mentioned nothing about going out of town today. Frankly, I'm getting sick of excuses at the last minute. I deleted him from my list. Same with the other idiot who was supposed to call me today because his 'mum had broken her ankle'.

From now on, anyone who cancels a first date, won't be getting a second chance.


If he had said that his trip out of town was an emergency then sure but if he had wanted to keep it tentative he should have told you that from the get go. So rude.

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Just got an email by another one.


Vern is 48, a doctor, divorced for 11 years, with a 23yo daughter (she made the profile for him!), 6'1, brown hair and eyes, nice looking. He's lived in America for 26 years and came back to Europe about a year ago and that's when his last serious relationship ended (it had lasted for 3years). He seems serious from the way he writes but who knows. He wrote me his phone number, too. I replied with a few things about me and my own phone number.

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