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Online Dating - A Woman's Journal


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As I said we all have the values that we look for in a partner, especially a long term partner. He does not value being truthful about his age if he can get benefits or advantages by lying. You believe that his lying and misleading behavior is limited to his age. You know him best. In my experience people who justify lying for the reasons he does do not limit it to just one aspect of their lives. I probably would be careful about combining finances or purchasing property with a person who justifies that type of lie in that way because you don't want to be drawn into his way of behaving towards others. JMHO! I don't think he has baggage - I think he simply chooses to lie to get certain benefits and advantages.

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New guy.

Jack is 48, an insurance agent, divorced for 4 years, no kids, 5'9, grey/brown hair, brown eyes, looks good and he's quite athletic. He lives about an hour away but his office is relatively close to my house. We exchanged a few emails and he gave me his phone numbers (home, work and cell phone)...he didn't ask for mine but, anyway, I told him I'll call him this afternoon..and we'll see.

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I called Jack and we talked for about half an hour. Very sexy voice (he does have a cold so maybe that was why..lol) and easy to talk to. He has a sense of humour, he sounds very smart (he's one of the very few guys who have asked me how I chose my nickname) and he loves animals (always a plus for me). He has a cat and a dog, both strays and he also used to have canaries, budgies and even a duck! He does lots of sports....running, cycling, martial arts and goes to the gym twice a week. Also, he's not a smoker.

I told him that it sounds like we're very different...I'm not into sports, I smoke and my hobbies have more to do with indoor activities. He laughed and said that doesn't matter as long as there is good communication between 2 people.

He told me he'd like to meet me and I told him that I'm free on Monday and Tuesday and to let me know when he's available so, he said he'll call me the day before to agree on the time and place...but he'll be coming to my part of town, we established that.

Overall, he left me with a good impression and I think he's someone I can, at least, spend an interesting evening with.

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A quick update about a new guy.

Chad, 48, engineer, divorced, with a 20yo son, 6'3, black hair, brown eyes, a windsurfing fan (he wants to teach me..lol). We exchanged a few emails and I gave him my phone number and he said he'll call me this morning.

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Chad called me. We couldn't talk for long (I was at work) but we made a date for tonight.


Jack also called but much later. He asked me about tonight, I said I'm busy so he suggested Wednesday but he wasn't sure he could make it. We agreed he'll call me on Wednesday and we'll see. I don't know about him, he sounds too busy for me.

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I don't know if you guys remember Will. He was a 52yo guy I had gone on one date with back in January...very good looking and a lively personality. I had enjoyed the date and was hoping he'd get in touch but he never did. A few days later I was out with friends and I had had a few drinks and I sent him a silly text to which he never replied.

Well, I discovered him on the dating site today (not the one we had met at). Apparently, now he is...44 ..and is looking for a woman from...20 ( ) to 40.


So, now, I feel much better and quite lucky that he had never gotten in touch after that date. The guy is a douche

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The date with Jack went very well. He's very good looking in person, tall, dark, with a nice body and a great smile. We have a lot of things in common, personality-wise and the conversation was easy. We laughed a lot, too. We talked about many things, from music to football to food, etc etc.There was a lot of chemistry between us or, at least, that's how it felt. He told me a few things about his last relationship...it lasted for 5 years and they had even bought a house together when she broke up with him. That house is for sale now. He also told me about his family (his mother and brother) and that he shares his time between his mother's house and a house he has bought himself, about an hour away from the city (nice place by the sea, I've been there a few times).

When it was time for me to go he said he's travelling out of town tomorrow until Thursday (he has to, a few times a month, for his job) but he said he'd like to see me again. I said that I would, too, and I told him to call me when he's back. He asked if I'm free on Friday, I said I am and he said he'll call....sooooooooooooo, we'll see what happens.

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I just had an online chat with Ricky...43, single, no kids, 6'2, brown hair, green eyes, goatee, good looking, a gym teacher who's also a musician. We had exchanged a couple of emails on the site a week ago but this was the first time we were online at the same time.

I wasn't impressed. He seems nice and good-hearted and everything but a bit too whiney for my taste (my job is hard, we are very far, my finances aren't so good because of the bad economy, my music isn't going as well as it used to, etc etc) and he does live far..about an hour away although in the same city (it's a big city). After about 20 mins I told him I had to go (I was bored to death). If he asks for my number, I'll give it to him but I don't see any kind of future with him.

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This guy, 48, no pic on the site, sent me a message asking for my email so he could send me his pic. I did give it to him and he sent me a couple of pics....and he added 'this is me, if you find the rest of my profile interesting, let me know'.

Good looking guy and, according to his online profile, divorced with 2 kids.

So, I emailed him back 'thank you for the pics, will you tell me some things about yourself?' Keep in mind our only communication up until then had been his message on the site and that email with his pics.

His reply?


Writing bores me. Besides, we shouldn't talk about ourselves...other people should. Do you agree?


It goes without saying that I never replied to that. What IS wrong with these people?!

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Jack was supposed to have called and we were supposed to have gone on our second date tonight. Well, he never did. He has been back from his trip as I saw he was on the site today. One more flake, I guess


I'm tempted to email and tell him that he could have, at least, let me know that he can't or doesn't want to see me tonight so I could have made other plans and not stay home on a Friday night!

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This guy, 48, no pic on the site, sent me a message asking for my email so he could send me his pic. I did give it to him and he sent me a couple of pics....and he added 'this is me, if you find the rest of my profile interesting, let me know'.

Good looking guy and, according to his online profile, divorced with 2 kids.

So, I emailed him back 'thank you for the pics, will you tell me some things about yourself?' Keep in mind our only communication up until then had been his message on the site and that email with his pics.

His reply?


Writing bores me. Besides, we shouldn't talk about ourselves...other people should. Do you agree?


It goes without saying that I never replied to that. What IS wrong with these people?!


I guess maybe he preferred the phone? The way he went about it is rude/ridiculous. Bye bye. As far as Jack I would have made other plans if I didn't hear by Thursday morning since he did not make time/place plans with you -all tentative.

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As far as Jack I would have made other plans if I didn't hear by Thursday morning since he did not make time/place plans with you -all tentative.


He had told me he's coming back from his trip on Thursday but I didn't know exactly when, so, yesterday I thought maybe he came back late and was tired and he would call me this morning (I was off work today and he knew it)...and then, when I realised he wouldn't call at all, it was already afternoon and too late to make other plans.

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I just talked to a new guy on the phone. Sidney, 46, jewellery designer, divorced with a 26 (!) yo son, 6'1, black hair and eyes, good looking but not exactly my type. Anyway, we talked for about half an hour, not about anything important, just general stuff. I couldn't feel any connection but maybe it will be different in person. He said he'll call me on Monday to arrange a date but, after my latest experiences, I'm not holding my breath.

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New guy.

Ben, 45, former businessman (long story) and currently living off a house he's been renting out and waiting to get some money from insurance (another long story). He's been divorced for 10 years and has a 19yo daughter who lives with him for now (she used to live with her mum and brother in a town far away but she's in the university in our city now) and a 14yo son who lives with his mum. He's 6'1, dark brown hair and eyes, a beard and in his 'bearded' pics he looks just ok..but he also sent me some without the beard and he looked much better in them.

We talked on the phone for a while and he was really nice and friendly. He had had a LTR with a woman he'd met online before and he's been on his own for over a year. He sounded like he knows what he wants and he asked me to meet tomorrow. I told him I'll call him in the morning to confirm.

Detail: his birthday is on May 22....that's the birthdate of an old b/f of mine with whom I'd had the best relationship of my life. Hopefully, that's a good sign.

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Ok, I just realised I confused 2 names before..Jack and Chad..lol! Chad, engineer, was the guy I went on a date with and we were supposed to meet again on Friday but he disappeared.


Jack is the insurance agent, 48, divorced, no kids that we talked on the phone over a week ago. He lives an hour away but his office is close to my house. He had called a couple days later, asking to meet but it was at the last minute and I already had plans. And he called again today (6 days since our last chat). First, he sent a text message 'are you free at 5pm'..and it was 3pm at the time! I just texted back No and then he called. He told me that by '5pm' he meant the afternoon, in general and, once more, I told him that if he wants to meet, he should at least let me know a day before...and, again, he said ok, he understands and he'll let me know when he's free. I wonder...if people are THAT busy that they can't plan ONE date, why do they want to date at all?!


Then, at 6pm, 2 hours before our date, Ben called and he told me some story that some friend had just returned from a trip abroad and could we change our date for 9.30pm? And not only that but, also, could I bring a friend along so the 4 of us could meet for a drink? I told him that I can't find a friend at the last minute (even if I could, I wouldn't want a first date to be in a group!) and let's meet some other day when he's free. He did apologise but didn't ask to reschedule for some other day....and I was left wondering why couldn't he have met his friend AFTER our date? It's not like we would spend hours together, it was just a coffee date!


I'm mad at all men right now

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Ridiculous!! I can relate -I was flaked on plenty during those online dating site days. Makes you want to double book just in case. I think you should forget about Ben - I think he called as much as he did because he was overly nervous about meeting and then made up this story so it could be a group meeting. Please.


I'm so glad you make plans quickly after talking with the person -imagine if you'd talked to Ben for weeks?

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Ridiculous!! I can relate -I was flaked on plenty during those online dating site days. Makes you want to double book just in case. I think you should forget about Ben - I think he called as much as he did because he was overly nervous about meeting and then made up this story so it could be a group meeting. Please.


I'm so glad you make plans quickly after talking with the person -imagine if you'd talked to Ben for weeks?


I agree with you about Ben. His story was just ridiculous.

And, yes, if we had been talking for weeks (or months like some people do!), I would feel like an idiot right now.

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