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Online Dating - A Woman's Journal


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I've found out that men share way more than women, actually. Most of the guys I've met know very few things about me and I know all their life..lol


Yes, especially if you ask the right open ended questions in the right tone...

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Yes, especially if you ask the right open ended questions in the right tone...


Not even that! With Gael, he was the one who started the conversation about past relationships and it went like this:


G: so, when was your last relationship?

mm: 2 years ago..yours?


That was enough for him to tell me the whole story

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New guy.

Corey is 47, divorced, no kids, company clerk. He's 5'10, with long-ish black hair, brown eyes, unshaven look, a few extra pounds but proportionate, looks quite attractive and he lives 20 mins away. We only exchanged a couple of messages and he gave me his phone number. He told me he has been divorced for 5 years and he's been on the site for a couple of months. He's not a net fan (he doesn't have f/b, for example) and he believes in meeting people in person...he's gone on 3 dates but there was no chemistry. I told him I have a cat, he said he's ok with cats although his preference is dogs (typical male..lol) and he likes exercising..he plays basketball and a little football. He also told me he likes taking short trips and the nature, in general...and he's a smoker like myself.

After we had talked for 10-15 minutes, he asked me if I'm free to meet tonight. I'm not so I asked him about tomorrow and we made a date for 8pm tomorrow evening since we're both of the opinion that it's best to meet as soon as possible.

He sounded very normal and we have things in common...especially in the way we express ourselves..he sounds like a no-nonsense guy which is how I am, too. Also, we both agreed we don't want kids...another important detail as I've talked to many men close to my age who haven't had kids yet but want to.

I have a good feeling about him..hopefully, there will be some chemistry there

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More new guys (weekends are always busy!)


Marvin is 48, single, no kids, an accountant. He's 6'1, short black hair, brown eyes, good looking. We talked on the site for a while and he sounds interesting and clever, with an intellectual flair. He told me he wants a partner who's clever, has a sense of humour and a good heart. I said I want those things, too. He is new on the site and hasn't met anyone in person yet but he told me he'd like to meet me. He gave me his phone numbers (both home and cell phone) and I said I'll call him this afternoon at 6.


Brent is 51, divorced for many years with a 30yo son (he got married very young) and works in real estate. He's 6'3, grey hair, green eyes and of Italian origin...charming pictures We exchanged a few emails, he told me his last relationship was a few months ago and asked for my phone number. He's going to call me this afternoon at 7.


Men today are doing my head in

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Sooooooooo, I talked to both Marvin and Brent.


Impressions: Brent is VERY talkative and not very modest...lol. He's done many things in his life, including modelling (he still has a great body), TV ads and has even played some small parts in some TV series but his main job is real estate. His great grandfather was Italian, from Florence but both his parents grew up over here. He sounds very sociable, lots of friends, etc. He still exercises a lot (goes swimming every morning and played basketball for years until he had some surgery and had to stop). His last serious relationship was 3 years ago with a 35yo woman who wanted to get married and have kids and he doesn't want kids. He told me she's married now but they still talk on f/b from time to time as friends. He asked me to meet and we said something about Wednesday but left it open..which was good because.......


Because I made a date for Wednesday with Marvin

I liked my phonecall with him much more. He's more 'my type'. First of all, he comes from a small town where he grew up (concidentally, same town where my mum is from and so, I know it very well) but he's been here since college (30 years). He was talkative but not overbearing. Great sense of humour, we really clicked on the phone. His last relationship was a few months ago, he used to live with a woman who had 2 young kids..I understood that he had been very close to the kids (they called him 'dad' sometimes) as their father was out of the picture..and their break-up was bad. I asked him if he's sure he's over her, he said he is and that things had been bad between them for months.

He asked me to meet tomorrow but I couldn't (I have the date with Corey), I asked him about Tuesday but he couldn't (he plays football every Tuesday evening) and we agreed on Wednesday. Then I had to go as I was meeting friends but he told me he'd like to talk to me later and, if I felt like it, I could call him tonight.

After we hung up the phone, he sent me a text message saying he has enjoyed our chat, wishing me a good time with my friends and saying he'll be glad to hear me again, whatever time I get back.

I may just call him tonight again...I'm thinking about it.

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Marvin sent me a good morning, have a great week text (at 8.15am!) and I replied with the same.


I texted Corey half an hour ago to confirm plans for tonight and he still hasn't replied. I hope he won't flake on me :suspicion:


Edited to add: Ok, he just confirmed plans..we're on for tonight.

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Marvin just called me from work (I'm at home). He asked lots of things like am I on the site (I was), what time I'm going out tonight, if I'm going to be in a house or outside, etc. Also, he asked if our date for Wednesday is on and he said he hopes I won't back down.


He seems to be TOO interested considering we haven't even met yet. So far, I'm not annoyed (much) but if he keeps this up, I think I will be.

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Marvin just called me from work (I'm at home). He asked lots of things like am I on the site (I was), what time I'm going out tonight, if I'm going to be in a house or outside, etc. Also, he asked if our date for Wednesday is on and he said he hopes I won't back down.


He seems to be TOO interested considering we haven't even met yet. So far, I'm not annoyed (much) but if he keeps this up, I think I will be.


Sorry but reading this just made me cringe a little, triggered the "danger, something smells rotten" alarm.


Btw, I think that asking someone if they are over their break up is an exercise in futility. Someone looking to get a date with you is not going to tell you the truth and may not even be willing to admit that to themselves, let alone you. Only way you can tell is by observation. His clingy behavior, asking you to call him back no matter how late, contacting you in the morning, then asking for all these details about what you are doing, etc.... to me, screams like he is either crazy or looking desperately to fill the post break up hole and get into an instant relationship.

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Corey did flake after all.

He called me 5 minutes before we were supposed to meet (I was in the taxi!) and said something came up blah blah.

Yeah, right..probably some other date


Let's hope karma works. Sorry about the aggravation -did you at least go out and have a good time?

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My friend texted the guy to say she was running a little late but would be there soon at the park where the were meeting. He the said that he just started his laundry!!!! What the heck? So she made a date with another guy who flaked on her as well. The first guy offered to reschedule for Monday at 3, and she's like, "ummm, I have work." What the heck!!!?!

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My friend texted the guy to say she was running a little late but would be there soon at the park where the were meeting. He the said that he just started his laundry!!!! What the heck? So she made a date with another guy who flaked on her as well. The first guy offered to reschedule for Monday at 3, and she's like, "ummm, I have work." What the heck!!!?!


Tell me about it.

No wonder so many of my gf's are also single. Something must be wrong with men these days..maybe it's something in the air..lol

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I called Marvin and we talked for a while. Apparently, he's into exercise and he even gave me some advice (which I didn't ask for) but, in general, it was a fun conversation.

Then I had to work and turned the cell off. When I turned it on again, I found 2 text messages by him, with 1 hour difference between them, saying 'call me'. So, I did. He said we can meet tonight because his football playing had been cancelled. I said that's great but I have other plans for tonight and let's just meet tomorrow as planned. He said he'll call me tomorrow to confirm.

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Marvin called (I don't think I've talked with anyone as much before a first date as with him), we talked for 20 minutes, made the date for tomorrow, had a disagreement about the time (he said 7, I said 8 ) I won (lol) and tomorrow we'll see what he's like in person.

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I saw Gael, the Physics teacher, on the site and we confirmed that I'll call him tomorrow at 2pm and, if nothing has changed, we'll meet in the evening.


Then, Brent called me. He's the handsome Italian (who used to be a model and now works in real estate) and wanted to know what time we're meeting tonight! We had talked 3 days ago and had said we may meet on Wednesday but he never contacted me after that and, today, he called at 3pm...I told him that I made other plans since I didn't hear from him earlier today (a little white lie but I wouldn't have gone out with him tonight, anyway, since he called this late), he asked about tomorrow, I said I'm busy again and, finally, we agreed on Friday. He said we're definitely meeting and he'll just call me on Friday to agree on a time and place..I told him, ok, just make sure you call early enough this time.


And, finally, Austin (phone company guy who I went on one date with a week ago and I didn't particularly like) texted to ask how I'm doing, I said I'm sleepy and doing fine and he wished me sweet dreams...I wished him a nice evening and that was that. I don't care if I don't hear from him again..lol

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Well, I did something I never thought I would but I've had enough of liars.


Marvin was NOTHING like his pic..that picture must be from over 5 years ago. He was, at least, 60 pounds heavier, with a belly bigger than my dad's (and my dad is 72 and fat), bald (in the pic he had a full head of black hair) and no way is he just 48. He was waiting outside the cafe, I was in the taxi and I told the driver to take me straight back home...I called him and told him something had come up and I couldn't make it.


I felt guilty for about 5 minutes..then the anger kicked in. This is a guy who had told me he exercises and when I had told him I want to lose FIVE pounds, he had said I should lose them as soon as possible because 'at our age, weight piles up easily'...little did I know that he was talking about himself!


Why can't people post RECENT pictures of themselves?

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It was him. The face was the same (except older), the height was the same, the clothes he had told me he would wear were the same and he was the only person standing exactly where the date was (next to a tree)...it was him but older, fatter and balder.

Oh, I forgot: when I called him, he told me he had already been waiting for 10 minutes so, yeah, he was my date.

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