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Online Dating - A Woman's Journal


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My coworker is like this. He literally eats 3-4 big meals at work every day, and I'm assuming 2-3 more at home. Hope you've got a big fridge and/or food budget.


He doesn't eat much. All he eats is protein shakes, egg whites and some special bread. He wants to lose weight, too, apart from the exercise. He plans to take part in a kick-boxing competition, too, so, he pays extra attention to his diet.

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Just talked to a new guy on the phone.


Austin is 51, divorced with a 16yo son, works for a phone company and lives relatively close to me. He's 5'10, grey hair, brown eyes, a bit of an unshaven look...seems to be good-looking, in general. He has a deep, sexy voice and a sense of humour...we couldn't talk in detail because he called me from work with other people present, etc, but he asked if I'm free tonight...and, considering Andrew hasn't called (he had said he would at least 2 hrs ago), I said I am. He'll call me back in a couple of hours because he's not sure what time he'll be off work and if it's early enough, we'll meet.

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The date with Austin was ok. He was a bit shorter than he had said and looked a bit different to his pic...more 'nerdy' than I expected. However, we got along well, the conversation was easy, we shared some laughs, too. I don't know if anything romantic will come out of it but I'll go out with him once more if he asks. We have some things in common (mainly our sense of humour) and he is very polite. He paid me some compliments that I appreciated as I was in a bit of a bad mood because Andrew didn't call at all today. Not because I am so much into him (I was having second thoughts about him, anyway) but I just didn't expect him to disappear. Ah, the joys of dating!

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Austin texted me this morning with I hope I didn't bore you last night...good morning

I replied with No, it was fun...good morning to you, too

I detect a bit of insecurity on his part and that's not too attractive.


Passively seeking compliments, definitely insecure and not very attractive.

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Austin called me. We talked for half an hour or so, he complimented me some more, he tried to fish some compliments out of me, too, but no luck..lol. I hate it when people can't ask something straight out and they go around it. After a while I got bored and said I had to go and that was that.

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Passively seeking compliments, definitely insecure and not very attractive.


My goodness...i do that all the time. YIKES. I guess i'll have to watch myself. I could easily say....hope i wasn't too boring last night! Or downgrade myself in some way....ugh. I guess when i had bf's theyd never compliment me...so i had to fish for then.....


Dang I'm in my late 50's and haven't learned all this stuff yet that i read on ena.!

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Well....I've got some news.

First of all, I took Tristan (the economist-turned-taxi-driver who had slept with all 4 women he had gone out with) off my list. That happened after a conversation on the site (our second one) that started off nicely and ended in him acting all weird and I never even understood why. All I know is that, suddenly, he became quite aggressive, saying stuff like 'you can't have me' and 'he only goes out with women who bring out something in him' and 'he wants to get to know someone online before they meet and I don't give him that opportunity so something must be wrong with me' and 'don't expect to meet someone our age who will want a serious relationship' and other stuff that I forget. I read his ranting and then just said 'ah, ok, good luck, then, I hope you meet someone who will bring out something in you'..lol..I didn't know what else to say but I was relieved to delete him..I don't know what kind of issues he has but he certainly has a lot of them!


On a more optimistic note, after a few emails, I exchanged phone numbers with 2 new guys who I will talk to on the phone in the morning.


Luis is 47, single, no kids, lives close to me and works at a food company. He's 5'7 (shorter than my usual type) but looks very nice in his pics..the athletic type with reddish hair and green eyes. We didn't say much in the emails but he'll call me in the morning and, since we live close, we said we may meet tomorrow evening.


Gael is 49, divorced with 2 kids and a civil servant. He's 6 ft, with grey hair and brown eyes, with a sweet face. I'll call him in the morning, after I talk to Luis.

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Luis called me and we made a date for 8pm tonight, at a nice coffee-bar near my neighbourhood. I found out he's never been married or even engaged, I asked him why, he said it wasn't out of choice, it just didn't happen, but admitted he hadn't been too interested in marriage when he was younger. He works for a company and travels often (not abroad) but for 2-3 days at a time so, it's not a problem. Also, he loves animals and used to raise canaries. That was all I found out about him, he was at work so couldn't talk for longer...however, he sounded talkative and laughed a couple of times so, hopefully, we'll have a good time tonight.

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I just called Gael.

It turned out he's a colleague..he teaches Physics. He's been divorced for 10 years and he has 2 young sons, 14 and 10yo who live with his ex wife.

He's an interesting person, I enjoyed our conversation. Easy to talk to, good sense of humour and it seems like we have things in common. He likes animals and music, he used to play guitar in a band and he's done many different jobs. Apart from Physics, he's also studied microelectronics and worked at an electronic company for over 10 years..he's only been teaching for the last 10 years.

He's gone on 3 dates from the site (since last summer) and all 3 disappointed him because they had all lied in their profile..first one in age, second one height, third one weight.

We agreed we want to meet but the problem is that he works long hours (he also does lessons in the evenings) and he has the boys this weekend...so, the only day we were both free was next Thursday. I'll call him at 3pm on Thursday to, hopefully, arrange a meeting for the same evening.

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My date with Luis was nice. I like his looks..he may be a bit shorter than I'm used to but he has an interesting face and a personality to match. He's very athletic, he used to play football for years) and very proportionate. Also, it turned out that he had graduated from the school where I've been teaching for the last 15 years and we used to go to the same places...also, his best friend lives on the same street where the school is!

We talked about online dating (he's new on the site, has only met 2 women, I'm the third one) and our life, in general. He has travelled a lot (mostly because of work but, also, following his favourite football team abroad!) and we share a fear of airplanes..lol.

I couldn't tell if there was any chemistry between us, it felt more like I was meeting a friend but we both said that we are open to friendship, too (he's an Aquarian like myself, so, that was no surprise ). He said he'll call me..it remains to be seen if he will.

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Funny, I was going to comment that Tristan sounded like a socially inept/awkward dude trying to impress you by telling you how he slept with all his dates. In his warped mind he probably thinks that's supposed to be hot and make women chase him, raise his value and desirability. Methinks he's been reading some of them pick up artist crap, except he has so little common sense, he can't manage to apply it and since nothing is working for him, he is getting more crazy, angry, and unhinged.

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Gael, the Physics teacher, called me and we talked for a while. He told me about his last relationship - it lasted for 5 years, it was with another teacher and they broke up last summer. It was a bad break-up from what he said. After that, he dated an ex student of his (in her '30s now) for a couple of months but he realised he wasn't ready for a relationship and broke things off. According to him, he's now at a place in his life when he can have a relationship again. I told him a few things about me, too, but then he had to go pick up the kids (he has his sons this weekend) and we re-confirmed that I'll call him on Thursday to make plans for that evening.

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Ethan talked to me on the site today. Not a word about his disappearance or why I had deleted him or meeting again. He asked how my Easter was, he said he's doing fine and just kept talking about irrelevant things. After 15 minutes of that I'd had enough. I deleted him again and this time for good. If he wants to talk to me again, he'll have to call me.

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Gael, the Physics teacher, called me and we talked for a while. He told me about his last relationship - it lasted for 5 years, it was with another teacher and they broke up last summer. It was a bad break-up from what he said. After that, he dated an ex student of his (in her '30s now) for a couple of months but he realised he wasn't ready for a relationship and broke things off. According to him, he's now at a place in his life when he can have a relationship again. I told him a few things about me, too, but then he had to go pick up the kids (he has his sons this weekend) and we re-confirmed that I'll call him on Thursday to make plans for that evening.


Just as an FYI -in the last few months there was a great column in Oprah's magazine, written by Dr. Phil on why it's better in friendships and relationships, especially new ones, to share as little information as possible with the other person until there is a higher level of trust -that too many people don't wait until that level of trust is reached and needlessly share personal information that can end up hurting the person later for no good reason. He also discussed why he believed his opinion was realistic, not cynical or overly suspicious of people -it was an interesting perspective (and probably available on Oprah's site, too). This is NOT to suggest you overshare on any regular basis (we all do, sometimes I guess) but I remember you saying you tend to be chatty (me too) and that article reminded me about the value of being far more silent when getting to know someone.

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This is NOT to suggest you overshare on any regular basis (we all do, sometimes I guess) but I remember you saying you tend to be chatty (me too) and that article reminded me about the value of being far more silent when getting to know someone.


I am chatty but about general stuff...music, TV, hobbies, etc. About my personal life I'm very careful. I only share the necessary stuff (how long I've been divorced, when my last relationship was, etc)..and that's if the guy asks.

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I am chatty but about general stuff...music, TV, hobbies, etc. About my personal life I'm very careful. I only share the necessary stuff (how long I've been divorced, when my last relationship was, etc)..and that's if the guy asks.


Yes - I understand. His perspective was particularly interesting given his profession and talk show which is all about sharing personal information.

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