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Online Dating - A Woman's Journal


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After a long, dry spell I talked to 2 new guys today...2 guys that have so many things in common to each other and to me that it's scary!


Bill is 47, works at a bank, 6'3, brown hair/eyes, good looking, fellow Aquarian, an only child like myself, single, no kids, a smoker and loves animals.


Gary is 46, works at a company, 5'10, brown hair/eyes, good looking, fellow Aquarian, an only child like myself, divorced (twice!), no kids, a smoker and loves animals.


Both conversations were nice, they both write well..one difference is Gary paid me some compliments (about my pics etc.) and seems to be more interested in the sense that he asked me when we can talk again. Anyway, we'll see if anything comes out of these 2 cases.

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Just like I expected, Gary continued communicating with me and Bill disappeared. We talked a few times online and today he asked for my phone number and called me just a few minutes ago.

The phone conversation was nice and interesting. He sounds easy to talk to and I found out he's lived abroad for a while..2 years in America and 3 in Europe and he told me a few things about his impressions from both. He liked my voice, I liked his voice, too. We also talked about general stuff...from diet to cats to sports (the final of Euro '16 is tomorrow..hehe) and he asked when I'm free to meet. My next 3 days are booked with friends and family but I suggested Monday morning and he said he'll let me know if he can make it (he works in the mornings but he can leave for a couple of hours).

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Who are you rooting for? The country where I was born and raised is in the final so think carefully before you answer, he he.


LOL...well, I hope you were born and raised in France because that's the one both Gary and I are rooting for

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Well, not only France lost the cup (and to a Portugal without Ronaldo, too!) but Gary just messaged me 'good morning' yesterday and nothing since then. I guess we're not meeting this morning after all (it wasn't a concrete plan but he was supposed to let me know if he could make it or not). Oh, well.

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Maybe he's just bummed out about France's defeat and need time to regroup???


LOL..I doubt it..France's defeat was late last night and he had had all day to contact me. Anyway, he sent a good morning message today, too. One more day of this and he'll get blocked

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He messaged me at noon asking if I want to meet for coffee tonight. When I had already told him I'm busy and with what. No mention of this morning.


I don't want to be difficult but how hard is it for people to remember things? Even if they date multiple people. Maybe I'm the weird one, I don't know. Anyway, since I haven't been on a date in ages I figured I'd give him a chance and suggested tomorrow afternoon...he said he'll let me know in the morning...sounds familiar, doesn't it?


In any case, if he does it again (not contact me when he says he will), I'm done with him.

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He messaged me at noon asking if I want to meet for coffee tonight. When I had already told him I'm busy and with what. No mention of this morning.


I don't want to be difficult but how hard is it for people to remember things? Even if they date multiple people. Maybe I'm the weird one, I don't know. Anyway, since I haven't been on a date in ages I figured I'd give him a chance and suggested tomorrow afternoon...he said he'll let me know in the morning...sounds familiar, doesn't it?


In any case, if he does it again (not contact me when he says he will), I'm done with him.


Ugh. Honestly I think you should just refuse to do these "let's confirm at the last minute" sorts of plans, where you agree to firm up on the same day. Much more often than not, it leads to problems. I would just insist on setting a firm place and time when you agree to the date instead of these confirmation calls, and if the men don't want to, then move on.


Bummer about France.

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I would just insist on setting a firm place and time when you agree to the date instead of these confirmation calls, and if the men don't want to, then move on.


I did try but he said he has to check something work-related first and (apart from this morning) tomorrow afternoon is my only free time until Sunday and I didn't want to leave it that long before we meet.

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Ugh, that is utterly frustrating. People are just rude. How hard is it to message and say "I can't make it for this day/ time, how about this other day/time instead?"


It's very easy i agree. And nothing to do with dating or meeting strangers. If anything, it's even more impirtsnt to be reliable and clear with strangers who don't know your routines - true mark of thoughtfulness is with someone you may never seea again.

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He texted me early in the morning (before 10) asking if I'm up, I replied I am and he called me. He said he wanted to hear my 'lovely voice'. Then, he asked if I could meet him in about an hour, I said I can't (he really has to stop the last minute invitations) and then he asked about the afternoon (which was the original plan, anyway)...and we are meeting at 6pm at a café near my neighbourhood (he was born here and his home is still quite close to mine...about 20 mins away).

Let's hope the meeting will go well as it's been months since the last one.

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Fingers crossed for you, Miss M!


I hate it too when people make impromptu plans but I guess we can give him *some* credit for actually making a concrete plan to meet up, rather than resorting to phone calls.


Hope it goes well

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The meeting with Gary was ok. He's nice-looking and nice in general but I wasn't attracted to him at all. We could be friends, perhaps. I think the feeling was mutual and the conversation we had was just like the conversations I have with my friends. He didn't say anything about meeting again but if he asks, I wouldn't mind seeing him again. He gave me some useful tips about my diet..lol (he's into healthy eating and all that).

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Depends on his reason why. I would not be interested in someone who had a history full of ONS/casual sex but if he was working a lot/socially awkward/etc for a long time and just wasn't ready, then I'd consider.

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Initial thought would be that something is wrong with him but I would take time to get to know him if all else seems good. Also if he's willing to share why he's only had short relationships, I would consider the reasons he give as well.

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Question: What do you people think about someone who is 49 and his longest relationship so far was 6 months?


I would not think there was potential for anything long term unless the reason was that he had a chronic medical condition that is now cured or in remission or something like that. I guess I would want to know the reason if he otherwise seemed like an interesting person.

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