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Online Dating - A Woman's Journal


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So.... do you think that means he is the same guy? Or maybe he just deleted it on that site and is continuing on other sites?


I have no idea, I don't know what to think. If he never calls back, I think it will mean he's the same guy, yes. Maybe deleting his profile had nothing to do with me, who knows? I'll definitely ask about it if he calls.

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I have no idea, I don't know what to think. If he never calls back, I think it will mean he's the same guy, yes. Maybe deleting his profile had nothing to do with me, who knows? I'll definitely ask about it if he calls.


My guess is it is the same guy and because of that you don't hear from him. Mysterious!

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I talked to a new guy on the phone..for 2 minutes..lol.

Dan is 53, 5'9, black hair/brown eyes, ok looking, a businessman, divorced, with a daughter, and lives very close to me. That's all I know for now because he was in a hurry (meeting friends) and so was I (meeting friends, too). We talked a bit online and he suggested I give him my phone number. He called me, sounded nice enough and we agreed he'll call me tomorrow to continue our chat.


On other news, Thomas re-activated his profile and messaged me asking if I want to marry him I wouldn't even reply but out of curiosity I asked what had happened to his profile. When he replied with something irrelevant, I blocked him.

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So, he did call but first, I didn't find him interesting enough...the way he talks is like he's bored out of his mind, not my type at all..and, second, he asked when I'm free to meet and when I said tomorrow he said he'll call me after work to let me know..which I don't really understand as he said he's off work at 4-5pm, so, why couldn't we make a date?


Blah, I don't think I want to meet him at all.

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Do you think you'll meet him if he actually makes a plan?


No, I'll message him later tonight that I don't think we have enough things in common and there is no need to meet. If we had agreed on a time/place for tomorrow, I would risk it..but, as it went, no, I don't feel like it at all.

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New guy. An interesting situation...the world is small.


Max is 48, 5'9, long dark hair/dark eyes, good-looking, a piano teacher + writer, divorced, no kids. We just talked on the phone for about an hour and we're meeting on Tuesday.

He lives about an hour away but he works in my neighbourhood on Tuesdays and Saturdays, at a music school. Actually, our date is for a cafe about 3 mins on foot from my house and 10 mins from his school!

The house he lives at he bought about 10 yrs ago...it's in a suburb, close to the sea and almost like a village. He told me he likes the quiet and nature and he was sick of the city...he doesn't mind driving for about 80 mins back and forth almost daily (he works here, in the city, 4 days a week). He also loves animals although he's allergic to cat hair...he told me he feeds cats outside his house but he can't live with them...that could be a problem in the future, I guess.


So, as we were talking, he mentioned he also gives piano recitals and I said that a close friend of mine is a music teacher and she may have heard of him. He asked me her name and, well, it turns out they had met a couple times a few years ago but nothing had come out of it. He had met her through a student of his who had been her student, too....and mine, too, as I work at the same school with her...lol...coincidence or what? We talked a bit about that, he said he'd rather I didn't tell her I've met him on a dating site. I didn't promise anything because I will tell her. She's a close friend and a colleague for over 15 years and a very clever person..I trust her judgement and I'm dying to know her opinion of him. I asked if anything bad had happened between them, he said no, they just drifted apart.


So, I'm meeting him on Tuesday but he said he'd like to talk once more before then and I said I'll call him on Sunday. He said I could text message him, too, until then and I said I will. Oh, and tomorrow morning, I'll ask my friend about him and tell you what she said

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So, I asked my friend about him. We didn't have much time to talk (it was during a break at school..lol) but she told me she thinks he's very nice but not my type. The serious, rather shy type and she wasn't impressed with his looks, either. I have seen many pics of him (I know his f/b account, too) and he seems good-looking to me but sometimes pictures aren't that accurate. In any case, she told me I should meet him as he's interesting to talk to and I'll have a nice evening, at least.


When I returned home I texted him good afternoon and stuff and he called me...we only talked for a couple of minutes (he was out shopping and I was about to take my nap) but he was nice and cheerful. Who knows? I may make a new friend if there's no chemistry when we meet.

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A couple days ago I had sent a message to some guy whose profile I liked.

George is a little older than I usually go for (57) but I liked his pics (6'1, grey hair/brown eyes, good-looking) and the rest of the stuff on the profile..a businessman, he's been divorced for over 10 years, he's studied abroad and he says he appreciates individuality in people. So, I had sent him a message introducing myself and commenting on some joke he'd written and he replied today thanked me for my message, said he works in my neighbourhood and would I like to meet over a cup of coffee. I replied saying sure and asked what days/times are convenient to him.

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I texted Max good morning and confirmed our phone date for tomorrow. He called me immediately and we talked for exactly 2 minutes. He said he was happy to hear from me and will be waiting for me to call him tomorrow (I've got his home number) and then he asked if I talked to my friend about him...I said yes, he asked what she said, I said she said you were very nice and then he insisted to know if she told me why she had disappeared. I said she just said they drifted apart (which is the truth) but I didn't really like his insistence on the matter.

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I texted Max good morning and confirmed our phone date for tomorrow. He called me immediately and we talked for exactly 2 minutes. He said he was happy to hear from me and will be waiting for me to call him tomorrow (I've got his home number) and then he asked if I talked to my friend about him...I said yes, he asked what she said, I said she said you were very nice and then he insisted to know if she told me why she had disappeared. I said she just said they drifted apart (which is the truth) but I didn't really like his insistence on the matter.


Maybe she actually poofed on him (or it felt like it to him if he was more into her) and he's wondering what he did.

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Maybe she actually poofed on him (or it felt like it to him if he was more into her) and he's wondering what he did.


Well, they had met through our student...actually she had contacted him first to talk about the kid. The boy is autistic, he had problems at school in almost all lessons except music. My friend/colleague also knew the boy's family (as in she visited them, etc) and when they told her he was doing great in the music school she wanted to meet his teacher there. So, according to her, they just met a couple of times, talked about the boy and that was that. According to him, there was some interest there...knowing my friend, I think that was all in his head. She's a very sociable person (much more than me), she has many male friends (just friends, not FWB) but she hasn't had a relationship in over 10 years...she's extremely picky.


Anyway, I guess it was a misunderstanding of some sort.

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You know...there are 87 billion reasons to disqualify anyone. Try to find more deal makers


LOL I didn't 'disqualify' him. I'm calling him today and, unless he says something really stupid, I'll meet him on Tuesday as planned. He has many qualities I like (from what I know so far)...but that doesn't mean I'll stop observing what he does and says. For now, it was just some discomfort I felt when he insisted (after I had told him 'I'll tell you on the phone tomorrow').

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I called Max and we talked for about 20 minutes. He was upbeat and talkative, as usual. He did ask more details about what my friend told me about him and pleased that she said he's nice and that it hadn't been his fault they had drifted apart. He told me he was worried that maybe she was upset with him because she was the one who had called last and then he got very busy or something and didn't get back to her.

Anyway, then, he told me a bit about his life, that he likes spending time at home and working on his house, that he loves trees (he has many pics on f/b where he plants trees) and...that he has IBS and that makes eating certain things impossible. He's quite slim for a guy (140 pounds) but he does work out, so, he doesn't look thin.

He asked me to text him tomorrow if I can, I said I will and we confirmed our date for Tuesday.

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I texted Max good afternoon and he called, as usual. He told me he was in pain because of his IBS (he had some fries yesterday) and that he won't eat anything today so he can come to the date tomorrow. I told him not to worry, if he's in pain, we can meet some other time (I know it's a painful condition) but he insisted he'll be ok.

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