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Online Dating - A Woman's Journal


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Is it just me or does it bother anyone else when guys on dating sites use terms like "honey", "Dear", "sweetie", etc when they don't even know you? It just seems kind of condescending.


Now, IRL, I give old guys a free pass when they call me "honey" or "sweetie" or "sweetheart" because it's a generational difference. I don't take offense. But guys my age? Puh-leaze. Address me using my full first name or call me "ma'am" for godsakes.

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Is it just me or does it bother anyone else when guys on dating sites use terms like "honey", "Dear", "sweetie", etc when they don't even know you? It just seems kind of condescending.


Now, IRL, I give old guys a free pass when they call me "honey" or "sweetie" or "sweetheart" because it's a generational difference. I don't take offense. But guys my age? Puh-leaze. Address me using my full first name or call me "ma'am" for godsakes.


generational or regional thing.... people around here who don't know me call me "hun." First I was annoyed when a man said it, then a woman said it too.... so I think it can be regional but yes, I agree....

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You're right, could be regional too. People don't usually do that here, unless you're an older man or woman and that's how you address strangers. Maybe I'll do that when I'm old, I don't know. Definitely can't stand it in guys my age when it's done IRL or online dating. Makes me think that they are players or trying to butter me up or talk down to me.

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I don't know if it's regional or what but in my (European) country we only use those words (honey, baby, etc) for people we sleep with..lol...so, when someone who doesn't even know you or knows you very little uses it, it's not accepted well, in general. Maybe among younger people (my students, for example) is more common. I hear them using those terms all the time.


PS My new avatar is the picture of my cat

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I always thought BAE was an acronym and I just found this in an article:


"Bae, Urban Dictionary says, is an acronym that stands for "before anyone else," or a shortened version of baby or babe, another word for sweetie, and, mostly unrelated, poop in Danish."


That's what I thought it meant and I also really enjoy that in Danish, it apparently mean poop. lol

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Just talked to a new guy...Thomas is 49, 6'4, brown hair (well, no hair but used to be brown, it seems..lol) brown eyes, nice-looking, single, no kids, a civil servant.

Our chat online was nice and he can write very well and, what's more, he seems to be the practical type like me..lol..he is a fellow Aquarian, too, after all

We exchanged phone numbers and he'll call me tomorrow. He wanted to arrange a date for tomorrow evening but I'll be busy, so, we'll probably meet on Tuesday.


The issue now (yes, it's me, so, there had to be some issue..haha). The more we were talking, the more I was connecting dots in my head.

Right now, he lives about half an hour away but he told me he used to live somewhere closer to me up until he was 22...that's what made me think...hmmm, familiar name (he has an unusual first name, I've only ever met one guy with that name), familiar territory where he used to live...his age..and, well, this is what I remembered:


From 17 to 21 I used to go to a particular cafe in this guy's neighbourhood (his old neighbourhood). My best friend at the time (we don't talk anymore and haven't in many years) was head over heels for some guy...same name as this guy..same age..and look similar in the picture although it's hard to tell because a boy of 22 is very different to a man of 49. That guy had treated her very badly, they had never been 'together' actually but she kept hoping and he was flattered...until he had hit on me. I had never liked him. He was very good looking but not my type at all. After he had hit on me, my friend finally decided to give up on him.


I asked him about it..I asked if he ever went to that cafe, he said yes, I told him my friend's (first) name..he would definitely remember her..it was 4 yrs after all. I wasn't satisfied with his answer..he said something like 'well, I'm talking to you now....and, after all, it wasn't me, I didn't know any so and so'.


I really hope it's a coincidence. Not because of what had happened with my friend but because THAT guy was a jerk. I guess until I see him in person, I won't know.

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Wow! What a small world -I had things like that happen to me, too. Sounds like you feel that there's no harm in meeting him -but that's impressive that you were able to connect the dots like that. Here's my guess - if it is the same person he will "disappear" over the next day or two.

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What a strange coincidence! Small world, right?


Just curious, MM, does the astrology community think it's good to date "your own sign"? Just curious. I don't really believe that stuff but I think it's interesting.


It depends on the sign but, in general, no, it's not considered a good idea. My experience says that, too. I've only ever been with one Aquarian and it was one of my worst relationships. He wasn't mean or anything but he was..well..too much like myself. He said something and I thought 'wow, do I look so stupid when I say the same thing?'..and stuff like that. We connected very well mentally (which makes sense as Aquarians are quite spiritual) but emotionally we were both detached and cold. It had only lasted for a couple of months until we gave up and decided we were better off as friends.

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if it is the same person he will "disappear" over the next day or two.


If it is the same person and if he's anything like he was back then, he will think he can get away with convincing me he's not the same person.

One of the reasons I didn't like that guy was that he took confidence to new levels...he was convinced he was God's gift to women and quite upset when I had turned him down.

I just hope it's not the same guy.

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If it is him, it's possible that he's grown up and matured over the last few decades..... I would hope....??


Nah, I don't believe in that notion. I mean, I believe that people can change some things about themselves but not their character. If someone is a bad person at 22, I don't think he can be a good person at 40. He wasn't just immature back then..he was mean.

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That's interesting, MM. Guy I'm with now is a Libra and I am a Libra. My ex N was an Aquarius but overall, most of my exes have been Tauruses. Everyone is different but I really like being with someone who is a lot like me, although maybe a tad more emotional and feeling. I find that I have fewer disagreements with someone who is more practical.

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My first husband was an Aquarius and it was the worst relationship of my life. Its funny because all of my sisters married Aquarians too and we all had the same experience. Terrible!


I think a person at 22 is way different then person at 49. There is life lessons that are learned and relationships that we experience, maturity occurs in most people. I think people change a lot in there 20's and 30's. But knowing how most of these dates go, its a loss already if you think its him you probably won't give him a chance.


That long distance guy acted in the correct way. I mean go out and meet the guy then decide if long distance can work for you there has to be some flexibility.

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That long distance guy acted in the correct way. I mean go out and meet the guy then decide if long distance can work for you there has to be some flexibility.


This is what I would have done if he hadn't turned defensive and started talking about loss of magic and stuff. I'd only wanted him to tell me something concrete..which he did in his last email but coupled with all the rest..it was because of 'the rest' I stopped talking to him, not because of the distance.


Regarding Thomas, I found a missed call by him after work, so, I texted him about an hour later saying sorry I was at work, had the cell off, can I call you now? He hasn't replied yet.

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