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Online Dating - A Woman's Journal


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ND, I'm not sure why you quoted me on 'I said I should go after an hour' or that I said he didn't have to pay for me...I do that in all my dates.


You may do that on all your dates (or... not, as you point out! ), but for most first dates those are sure signs that the woman's interest level is hovering around zero.

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You may do that on all your dates (or... not, as you point out! ), but for most first dates those are sure signs that the woman's interest level is hovering around zero.


Really? I always told people prior to meeting that I wanted to meet for a quick coffee or a quick walk. And I would joke, "And that way if we don't like each other we aren't stuck together for a 2 hour dinner" and they all seemed to appreciate that. If things were going good- often times first meets/dates would run 2-3 hours because we'd be so immersed in talking that we wouldn't notice the time. But if they were lame meets, we would be checking the time, and they would end around the hour mark.

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The date with Peter was fun.

He's not exactly my type looks wise (a bit too thin for my taste) but he is my type personality wise. He laughed with all my jokes and he joked himself, too...but he was serious when we talked about serious things. Also, it was easy for him to follow different subjects at the same time (I do that all the time and many guys can't keep up with me). There were no awkward silences except some moments when he stopped talking and stared at me (not in an annoying way). He made some comments that showed he liked me..without actually complimenting me on something specific...I found that cute. He talked about his family a bit but, mostly, we talked about stuff like holidays, funny stories from the past, friends (he's very sociable), music and politics..and he is an interesting conversationalist - very important for me.

He asked me if I wanted to go somewhere else after the coffee we had but I suggested we do that some other time. He also asked if I liked his company and if I'd like to see him again - I said yes and yes...and, finally, he called me about an hour after the date to repeat he had a great time and that he hopes he'll see me again soon.


A good evening

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Peter texted me this morning


I don't know what you're thinking but don't worry, you'll see me again (humour and stuff)....which made me laugh out loud because during our date I teased him a couple of times for his sense of humour


I replied


oh, good, I was soooo worried! good morning, duck (he told me his friends call him duck because, well, he looks a bit like a duck..lol)

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The Jon story is over.


He messaged me on the site today. Apparently, he was off work. I asked how he's doing, how come he's off work, etc, he replied and added a few more things about his job. Then himself and how valuable he is at his workplace. Then a song he was looking for on the computer.

15 mins went by like that...during which he never once asked how I am...and well, I'd had enough. This isn't discretion, this is self-absorption.

So, I said something like 'I'm fine, too, by the way, thanks for asking'...and he goes 'gee, what did I do wrong this time?'....at which point I realised that there's no way I could ever be with a guy like that...so, I said 'you know what, your ego is too big for me...good luck, I'm out' and he said 'ok' and that was that.


And now I feel relieved.

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It's also possible he would be different in person or on the phone but given his lie and the other "flags" I agree. Sometimes messaging becomes a little one-sided because of the mechanics of it, etc. but he's not a good match for you otherwise, I agree.

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Geez about Jon. Glad you got rid of him.


I don't think that messaging made any difference. It doesn't take much to message "I'm well, how are you going?" rather than going on and on about his job and how important he is. *vomit*


Also the "what did I do wrong this time?" um what?! Where did that even come from? Also, very passive aggressive.


Anyway you dodged a bullet.

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Geez about Jon. Glad you got rid of him.


I don't think that messaging made any difference. It doesn't take much to message "I'm well, how are you going?" rather than going on and on about his job and how important he is. *vomit*


Also the "what did I do wrong this time?" um what?! Where did that even come from? Also, very passive aggressive.


Anyway you dodged a bullet.


Yes you are right (that is how it works for me) but as we all know, communication on text can be different/difficult/misinterpreted so that needs to be factored in especially with a new person.

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If I hadn't already met him in person and knew that that was exactly what he was like in person, too, I wouldn't be as annoyed. But I did and exactly because of his love for the word 'I', I was hesitant about a second date...today I got convinced that there was no need to see him again.

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If I hadn't already met him in person and knew that that was exactly what he was like in person, too, I wouldn't be as annoyed. But I did and exactly because of his love for the word 'I', I was hesitant about a second date...today I got convinced that there was no need to see him again.


Absolutely -I agree - I think it was more pronounced over text because it is texting and because partly you were looking for it because of his I thing and other reasons.

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Bill called and asked me out for Saturday. He's going to pick me up and then drive me back home.

I don't know how this second date will go but he seems to be so nice that I really hope there is some chemistry between us this time.

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Peter texted me and we exchanged a few messages. After some general stuff, he asked when I'm free to meet again. I said Monday and he goes 'what??? aren't you free before that?' I said no, I've made plans for tonight and tomorrow and expecting a visit on Sunday, so my first free day is Monday. He said ok, we'll talk..and I said ok but let me know before Sunday...he said he will.


I wasn't thrilled at all. First, he asks for a second date by text, then he finds it strange that I've made plans for my weekend (it's Friday afternoon here!) and then he doesn't even make sure we have a date for Monday!

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Bill texted me asking how I am and wishing me a good time tonight (I had told him I'm going out with friends). I thanked him and we said we'll see each other tomorrow.

So far, he shows the right amount of interest without being clingy..I really like this guy..I just don't know if my friendly feelings for him can change..but we'll see.

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