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Online Dating - A Woman's Journal


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Neal called this morning at about 11am but I was at work and didn't even hear the phone ringing...I found the missed call at 2pm and I called back but he didn't pick up. It's his turn now


Sam, the 55yo guy I have a date with tonight, texted me to ask if the date is on, I said of course it is and we're meeting at 8pm.


As for Jon, I plan on asking him to exchange phone numbers next time I see him online (hopefully today) and when we talk on the phone, I'll tell him about meeting.

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The date with Sam was one of the worst I've had so far.


First of all, we met at an awful place, a cafe next to a busy street..I hadn't been there before, it was his suggestion. Then, he looked much older than his pics...and he was! He told me he's 60 but everyone tells him he looks much younger blah blah (he doesn't).

We didn't even have a pleasant conversation. He was very tense (what sounded as lively on the phone turned out to be full of nerves), barely laughed and all he talked about was business and money.

10 minutes into the date he asked if I want to see him again. I said I don't know, I just met you. He asked again at the end of the date. This time I said 'we'll see'...I should have said NO but I felt cornered and didn't want to be rude. In any case, it seemed like he understood that he won't see me again and we just said good night it was nice meeting you.


Right before the date with Sam, I had found Jon on the site..well, actually, he had found me because I was doing my make up and wasn't paying attention. I told him I have to go soon and he goes 'ok, I'll do something daring'..I said what? He said 'can I have your phone number?'..lol. So, we exchanged phone numbers and he also gave me his home number. I said we can talk tomorrow, he asked if I can call him when I come back home tonight..sooooo, I did and we just had a very nice convo


He has a very sweet voice and we found out that we have many things in common. He is also a planner, he doesn't drink, he likes computers and hanging around the house, he always has his watch on him (I do, too!), he lives in the same building with his parents (same as myself) and he hates drama and fights. After we talked for about 45 minutes, I said that we should meet and he said that was why he had asked for my number....soooooo, we have a date for Saturday

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Jon is sounding very promising! It sounds like you like him already!


I do like what I know about him and, unless he's very different in person, I believe I'll like him in person, too. His personality that is.

Chemistry is a whole different story, of course.


However, it's true that it's been a while since I was excited about an upcoming date!

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Jon called me and we talked for a while..among other things he told me about his daughter...that she had been born with a problem which thankfully she overcame at around 6 months old. He loves her to death (naturally). He sent me a pic of her, too..sweet, little girl who looks just like him.

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Dont write Neal off yet! Second date?


Well, Neal has disappeared, too. He had called the day after the date, I had missed the call, had called him later, he didn't pick up...and have heard nothing since.


I haven't written him off and I will go on a second date if he asks...key word here being 'IF'..lol

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I have a new date for tomorrow.


Tom is 51, divorced with 2 sons (17/20), works at a food company, he's 5'9. brown hair/eyes, goatee, looks nice enough and we've talked 2-3 times on the phone and he's also on my f/b. He had asked me to meet last week, too, but it was a busy time for me, so, we finally agreed on tomorrow. I don't expect much from this date but, at least, he sounds normal on the phone, so, who knows?

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Tom messaged me on f/b asking if we can meet tonight because 'he's going to be in my area'. I replied that I can't but if he's busy tomorrow, it's ok, we can make a date for another day.


After all, I agreed to meet him tonight at around 9pm..I have to go to a friend before but, hopefully, I'll be there on time.

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Jon called me and we talked again (he calls every day so far). He told me he likes photography (he's part of an online group) and he's going to send me some wallpapers for the computer. We talked a bit about the site, too. He told me that I was the first person that caught his attention, that he's only talking to me and that he doesn't care if I talk to other people or not...I think it was an indirect way to ask if I do but I just said 'ah, ok' and changed the subject. I think it was the right thing to do.

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The date with Tom was pleasant although he's not my type.

He looked just like his pics, except shorter and thinner. He was talkative, had a good sense of humour, polite and had a lot to talk about. However, he was a bit too superficial for my taste (a big part of our conversation, for example, was about him not liking fat women - he was telling me his experiences in online dating). Also, he's the sort of person who is mostly interested in himself and his life...it was all about his family, kids, ex wife, ex gf, parents and so on...it wasn't boring but not interesting either.

But the biggest problem for me was when he said he's not divorced yet..although he's been separated for 5 years. He said the divorce will 'probably' be final in the next 6 months.

Also, his sons live with him, which isn't a problem on its own (they're 17 and 20, not little kids) but, still, it's something he hadn't mentioned before.

In any case, he's not someone I could see myself with but I did have a pleasant time, at least.

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Well, Tom called me while he was driving back home (he lives about 40 mins away) and he kept me on the phone for about half an hour..he said he wanted 'company for the road'. Among other things, he told me he liked me, he asked me to go swimming with him on Sunday (I said I can't), then he asked if I want to go out Saturday night (I said I can't) and then he said I have a nice butt


Lovely, isn't it?

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I don't like that he lied about his marital status (at least I think he did).


He did. His profile on the dating site says 'divorced' and he had also told me he's divorced when we had talked on the phone. The part about 'not being officially divorced' was only mentioned during the date.

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He did. His profile on the dating site says 'divorced' and he had also told me he's divorced when we had talked on the phone. The part about 'not being officially divorced' was only mentioned during the date.


Nothing to do with official. He is still married.

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I messaged Tom on f/b saying that it was nice meeting him, etc, but I don't want to date someone who's still married..and I added that if he had put 'separated' on his profile, we wouldn't have talked at all...and then I unfriended him.


He replied immediately.


'Ok, in 2 months, when I have my divorce, I'll call you...if I want to be honest, you are a person that really stood out for me..I wanted to hug you and kiss you...but?'


I didn't reply.

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