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Online Dating - A Woman's Journal


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Sounds like Andy and Bill are tied for last so far.


The bad breath could be from needed dental work or a sinus infection or as someone else pointed out: something they ate. Dental work and sinus infection can be taken care of and food choices may require extra care in breath control like gum and mouthwash.


Hope you hear soon from Anhel.

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Just curious if you could tell what kind of bad breath it is, i.e. is it like food related aka temporary, or more seem like bad hygiene or like stomach issues / other. My ex used to complain about my "bad breath" if I don't eat anything in the morning (from acid reflux) but he had a super sensitive smell / taste sensory, no other bf's (including Z) had ever had any complaints about my breath. But people with stomach issues (like acid reflux) can often have bad breath depending on the severity of the issue and it can definitely be controlled.


I think maybe 1 more date is warranted for a final decision on Andy!


Well, the smell was there on our 1st date, too, I just hadn't realised it was coming from him because we were sitting next to a restaurant and I thought it was their food! I don't know what it is but it's something like garlic and very strong..and I imagine he didn't eat garlic before both our dates..lol

Plus...I also have a SUPER sensitive nose..in the past, I've detected stuff before anyone else...like a small fire in a building...4 floors below where I was..I can also tell when food is even very slightly burnt..so, you understand that this is torture for me

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I think you said before that you like things to be a bit more traditional, but would you be willing to give Anhel a call first?


I have thought about that...especially because during our first date he had said something like 'when a man shows a woman he's interested, it's up to her to let him know she's interested, too'....however, my instinct tells me not to contact him first...and every single time I didn't follow my instinct in the past, I regretted it.

I even went as far as picking the phone last night..but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I think it's a combination of a/his disappearance between the last 2 dates, b/his comment about not wanting a serious relationship, c/the fact that I'm not sure myself I want something more with him and d/that I prefer the guy to contact me first when things between us aren't clear.

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Well, the smell was there on our 1st date, too, I just hadn't realised it was coming from him because we were sitting next to a restaurant and I thought it was their food! I don't know what it is but it's something like garlic and very strong..and I imagine he didn't eat garlic before both our dates..lol

Plus...I also have a SUPER sensitive nose..in the past, I've detected stuff before anyone else...like a small fire in a building...4 floors below where I was..I can also tell when food is even very slightly burnt..so, you understand that this is a torture for me


Ok I guess that settles that!


I wonder if he just loves garlicky food haha...


I once had garlic bread before a date (not first few date), even though I brushed my teeth, the guy still tasted / smelt it when we kissed haha...

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Ok I guess that settles that!


I wonder if he just loves garlicky food haha...


I once had garlic bread before a date (not first few date), even though I brushed my teeth, the guy still tasted / smelt it when we kissed haha...


I love garlic in food myself...but I wouldn't eat it before a first or second date. What I usually did in the past was make sure I had garlic when the guy did, too...when we had dinner together, for example.


IF we go on a 3rd date, I'll ask him if he likes garlic..lol

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I love garlic in food myself...but I wouldn't eat it before a first or second date. What I usually did in the past was make sure I had garlic when the guy did, too...when we had dinner together, for example.


IF we go on a 3rd date, I'll ask him if he likes garlic..lol


Haha that might be a good hint for him to stop eating garlicky food before a date if that's his problem!

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I have thought about that...especially because during our first date he had said something like 'when a man shows a woman he's interested, it's up to her to let him know she's interested, too'....however, my instinct tells me not to contact him first...and every single time I didn't follow my instinct in the past, I regretted it.

I even went as far as picking the phone last night..but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I think it's a combination of a/his disappearance between the last 2 dates, b/his comment about not wanting a serious relationship, c/the fact that I'm not sure myself I want something more with him and d/that I prefer the guy to contact me first when things between us aren't clear.


I agree you should go with your gut instinct on this MM.

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I agree about Anhel in particular and I like your thinking when it comes to a guy who already told you about his cheating on his wife and not wanting something leading to marriage/living together - consistent picture of his boundaries and values and it's consistent with him not being in contact because he is probably busy meeting other women. Nothing at all wrong with what he's doing, just consistent with a guy who knows he doesn't want to be tied to one woman for the long term.

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Bill texted me this morning and asked if I want to meet tonight for a drink. I replied that I'll be having people over (my cousin and her husband) for dinner but I could meet him for coffee at around 7pm (keep in mind dinner over here is after 9pm). He said no, since I've already made plans, let's leave it for some other time. I said ok, just make sure you let me know in advance.


I was a bit annoyed with the whole interaction. He texts (doesn't call) on Saturday morning and asks for Saturday night. I try to make time to see him, despite being asked so late and he declines. I think that if he really wanted to see me, he would have agreed to coffee or suggested a different day.


Meanwhile, Anhel has disappeared and Andy has disappeared, too. Imagine if he (Andy) hadn't been thrilled to meet me...LOL

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New guy.


Tony, 48, 6'4, grey hair/green eyes, goatee, looks very attractive, is a company manager, divorced for 6 years and has 3 kids..boy 17 and boy/girl 11 (twins). We talked on the site for a few, then exchanged phone numbers and he called me. I didn't have much time to talk as I was about to leave the house but I told him I'll call him tomorrow afternoon. He's new on the site...1 day old..lol.

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I called Tony and we talked for about 15 minutes. I liked his way...sounds like a simple person, with a sense of humour and to the point, like myself. He told me he doesn't like talking endlessly on the phone/net, that we're all adults and we know what we're on that site for and asked if we could meet tonight. I told him that I've got papers to grade and could we do it tomorrow..he said ok and we made a date for 8pm. He's going to be on his motorbike..and I don't like motorbikes (bad experience)..that was the only thing I didn't like..lol

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Tony called me 3 hrs before the date and said he was at a business meeting that was taking too long and he wasn't sure if he could make it tonight. I said that's ok, maybe we could meet tomorrow? He said that tomorrow it's going to be a very busy day but maybe Thursday. Then, he added that he'll be taking his kids to the sea on Thursday morning (he has the day off) but he 'should' be free later in the afternoon.


By that point I was sick of it all and I said he could call me when he's free. He said ok, he'll call on Thursday.


Frankly, sometimes I wonder why do I even bother.

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I don't know if he was being genuine but he did talk to me on the site around the time we were supposed to meet and said he'd just come home from work, so, who knows? He also asked me to add him on f/b, so, I saw his f/b account and looks real. I guess we'll see...if we do go out on Thursday.

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This morning I texted Tony asking how he is, etc and if we're on for tonight (I had to know as a friend had just invited me to her house). He replied that he was with his kids and they were about to go swimming and he'll call me later. Well, 4 hrs later, I haven't heard anything from him. I was in such a bad mood that I told my friend I can't go. I realise he's with his kids and probably having fun at the sea but how hard is it to make a quick phonecall or even send a text to say 'yes, we're meeting tonight'?

In other news, Bill texted asking how I'm doing. I said I'm fine, asked how he is...and heard nothing back.


I swear sometimes I feel that some of these guys want a woman to chase them!

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Bleghhhh to both!


You've been more than accommodating with Tony. It's annoying that he can't lock in a plan even on the day. More annoying to me is that it's like he thinks his time is more valuable than yours. Like, sure he has plans in the day and may or may not have time later on, but he doesn't consider if you would like to make other plans and get on with you life, not waiting around all day for him to decide if he's free?

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Actually MM, I didn't like his comment of " We're all adults, and we know what we are on the site for." Sounds creepy to me.


Well, he had been explaining that he didn't want to waste time chatting online or on the phone...and since that is also what I want, I had considered it a positive comment.

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