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Online Dating - A Woman's Journal


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Is it because he's too cheerful?? (Sometimes someone being too upbeat and cheerful makes me feel like.... Screw your happiness, I'm not feeling it!! Hahaha)


Not exactly. I mean...that, too, but mostly because I feel we appreciate different things in life...I don't care much about money and 'things' in general and he sounds the opposite..but I'll see what he's like in person..maybe he was just nervous on the phone.

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Another new guy.


George is 48, divorced for 12 years, with 2 kids (boy 20, girl 18 ) - the girl lives with him, the boy is studying abroad - a hotel owner, 6'2, grey hair, brown eyes, and very much my type looks-wise.

We talked on the site for a while, then we took it to phone (his home phone). He's very talkative, laughs a lot and we talked about many things. His last relationship was 2 years ago and I found out we have many things in common re. what we're looking for. He said he doesn't want to settle, that he lives a happy life, has many friends, loves his job (which keeps him busy in the summer only - he travels during the winter) and the only thing missing is a relationship. He also said he gets bored easily (fine by me as I'm the same) and he doesn't want to get married again (that was why his last relationship ended), also fine by me as I'm the same on this, too.

Many things he said I could have said myself.

He's been on the site for a couple of months, he's been on one date with a woman who had lied about her age by about 10 years and he said he left on the spot. He told me he was introduced to the site by a close friend of his, who happens to be a woman he had a relationship with. I asked him about that..he said they had been friends for years, that then they tried to date and it had only lasted for 2 months and they decided they're better as friends...which they still are.


We talked about many other things, too (it was about an hour long phone-call!) and the conclusion was that we'd like to meet. So, I said I'll call him on Monday morning to arrange a date either for Monday or Tuesday (I'm off work both days) and he gave me his cell-phone, too. He didn't ask for mine which threw me off a bit but I'm not going to dwell on it. I'll meet him and see if there's anything there.

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Interesting that you feel hesitant -I'd just file it away unless something comes to you as to why. Is that why you didn't make a specific plan yet? Is Anhel off the radar (not sure if I missed something) . Have a good time meeting Steven.

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Is that why you didn't make a specific plan yet? Is Anhel off the radar (not sure if I missed something) . Have a good time meeting Steven.


No, I couldn't make a plan because I've promised a friend of mine I'll help her with something and we had left the date open, we had said Monday or Tuesday..so, I have to talk to her first and she has to talk to her b/f...long story but I'll know for sure Monday morning, so, I'll call him right after.


As for Anhel, I don't know. After his last email on Thursday, he hasn't contacted me.


Thanks about Steven

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Yes, sounds good. I had a number of first dates where the guy shared/overshared personal, negative details about his past and then didn't contact me even if my reaction was fine. Maybe he wanted to hear that you had cheated in the same way so he would feel more comfortable. Who knows.

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I texted Steven at around 2 pm to confirm our date for tonight and he called me and said he's sorry but he got sick and 'he would call me later to let me know' (not sure when!) and that he'll call me when he's better, maybe tomorrow, to arrange the date.


I can't say I'm disappointed. It's not a date I'm looking forward to, anyway..however, it did annoy me that I had to text him before he told me the date was off!

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Well you can't be sure of the timing but I wouldn't like it either and the fact that he didn't text you or explain why he didn't makes me think he might not be sick. Put him off the radar please unless and until he reschedules a date.

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New guy.


Chris, 53, 5'9, grey hair/green eyes, good looking, is a musician who also teaches music, divorced for 10 years with 2 kids (boy 27/girl 25) and lives very close to me (5-10mins away).

We talked on the site for about half an hour and I enjoyed the conversation. He seems to be smart, quick-witted, with a sense of humour and we have many things in common, too. He loves animals, he loves the nature, his dream is to retire at a farm he has (which is my dream, too) and he plays the guitar..what more could I ask for? LOL

When I said I had to go, he gave me his home number and I'm going to call him later today.


Fingers crossed..this looks promising.

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I just got off the phone with Chris. He was equally charming and lively as he had been online. He laughs a lot, he talks about anything and everything and....we made a date for tomorrow afternoon because from Tuesday he'll be working every afternoon from 3 to 9pm. I don't know if there will be any chemistry between us in person...I think he might be a bit too 'rock' for me...lol..but we'll have a good time, I'm sure.

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Well, my instinct has never betrayed me so far.


George, the interesting guy I was supposed to call tomorrow morning to arrange a date, just took me off his list on the site. I sent him a message (on the site) asking what happened...no reply and he went offline. Of course, I won't call him tomorrow...but, yeah, something felt off about him anyway.

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Yet another new guy (I'm on a roll..lol).


Jim is 47, a retired army officer, divorced for 2 years with 3 daughters (10, 14 and 15). He's 5'9, brown hair/eyes, eloquent in his messages and not bad-looking at all. I emailed him my phone number and asked him to call me tomorrow.

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Jim called. He sounds nice, with a sexy voice and my type of person..and we arranged to meet tomorrow morning (I'm off work) BUT I don't see this going anywhere. He lives with his 3 daughters (10,14 and 15) and he couldn't make a date for the afternoon because, I imagine, the kids are at home. If that's a permanent situation I don't see how we could ever date. It's fine to meet in the morning when I'm off work or during the summer but I can't keep doing that for ever.

Anyway, I'll have that coffee with him tomorrow and see what happens.

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I would not meet Jim because as it is he has very little free time and you already know his schedule/lifestyle won't work for you -how about tell him that you don't want to waste his time - talk to him more about his time to date- make it clear you are not high maintenance but that logistically you don't see how it will work. Who knows - maybe when his two older ones are away in college it could work, for example. (Not meaning to stay in touch for years, just you never know).


And who knows he might really appreciate your honesty and introduce you to someone more suitable.

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Well, he did tell me that his ex wife lives close to him and the kids go to her house, too. But, mostly, I thought I'd meet him first before I have a conversation about his free time etc. If tomorrow I like him, I'll ask about his schedule..if not, I'll have just lost an hour..and it's time that I have nothing else to do, anyway.

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Well, he did tell me that his ex wife lives close to him and the kids go to her house, too. But, mostly, I thought I'd meet him first before I have a conversation about his free time etc. If tomorrow I like him, I'll ask about his schedule..if not, I'll have just lost an hour..and it's time that I have nothing else to do, anyway.


Rather than wasting an hour of his time plus him getting there and back have a five-minute or less telephone conversation about his lifestyle/schedule - again, you might make a new acquaintance who might know other men who are a better match for you (or keep you in mind if his custody arrangement changes). You wouldn't like it if you did your hair and went to meet someone who would never date a smoker but figured that since he had nothing to do anyway and you had a sexy voice why not.

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