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Online Dating - A Woman's Journal


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Dealbreaker comment for me, simply for LENNY being a douche.


I feel that teachers aren't paid ENOUGH for their hard work, based on actually meeting teachers and hearing stories about their workload and personal dedication to their students vs. the relatively low pay they receive.


I agree. Many of my friends are teachers and it is such a difficult job emotionally. And lots of paperwork too. Here in the UK they are not paid well at all for what they do and the expectations placed upon them.


Regarding the smoking he possibly wanted to see if you were willing to quit. It tends to be a big issue for non smokers. Maybe aim only at smokers?

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Regarding the smoking he possibly wanted to see if you were willing to quit. It tends to be a big issue for non smokers. Maybe aim only at smokers?


I always make sure I talk about smoking before I meet someone in person, even though, as I said, it's right there, on my profile. I had already told Lenny before meeting that I'd like to quit (who wouldn't, really) but that, for me, even smoking less than a packet a day (which has been very difficult for me to do) is a victory...and he had said 'well, it's your life'...and, after the date, he said what he did.


Some men really don't mind...I would say 50% of my dates have been non-smokers and I rarely have to deal with such comments as Lenny's..actually, it was the first time I was called 'tasteless' for smoking!

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Agreed about teachers not getting a decent salary. Its the same here and in most countries. Especially considering the long and hard studies they achieve.

On the other hand they get far more vacations than most other people. 2 months in the summer plus some at spring break and Christmas etc.

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Agreed about teachers not getting a decent salary. Its the same here and in most countries. Especially considering the long and hard studies they achieve.

On the other hand they get far more vacations than most other people. 2 months in the summer plus some at spring break and Christmas etc.


I don't see it that way (former teacher here). From what I experienced and can tell from my teacher friends they often have to take on summer jobs to make ends meet. Without the summer "vacation" the time away from school is no more than the typical time someone else would get and many teachers have to work during those breaks on lesson plans, etc.

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I have a teacher in my family and several close friends that are teachers. Those women are saints. Nobody will ever comprehend the time and energy they put into their kids' education. All of them teach elementary grades, and the sheer exhaustion they must feel at the end of the day is incomprehensible to me.

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At my son's school the end is not really the end -we get emails from the teacher (most often to the whole class) in the evenings and on weekends. She is obviously working when she's not in the classroom or even in the building. Also we can email her whenever we like and she does respond (which I do very very sparingly!).

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Teacher here, at a uni and as many others have pointed out, we do not get summers off!!


Why would employers pay us for the summer months if we are doing nothing at all?? They aren't all that benevolent and manage to suck out their money's worth over summer.

For me, summers and esp. Christmases are the worst bc you have to scramble to get the grades in and play catch-up with all the work you delayed during the semester!


Anyways, Lennie and that other guy sound extremely condescending (and rude)

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Well, I teach Junior High and I can assure you that some of my students are more mature than some of those guys I've met on dating sites


Hahaha- I can see that from reading through your experiences. Some people never grow up!


Good for you MM, for teaching at that age level! My ex used to teach that age group and I know it takes a lot of patience, resolve, and a sense of humor...


And for those of you that think summers off are a vacation - last summer the teachers I know were going to school to update their knowledge and getting professional development hours for their licenses, they were working summer jobs, they were re-organizing and painting their classrooms, creating new lessons for the year, the kindergarten teachers were meeting with the new students to get them used to the school and to them, they were updating their CPR certification, they were garage-saling to look for items for their classrooms, they were flying off to workshops to update their knowledge, they were meeting with each other for collaboration for starting out a fresh new year, they were leading students on a summer trip to Europe, tutoring studebts, and so much more...


Most teachers I know work many many more hours than they are paid for. They do check email and answer them when off the clock. They stay long after school is out, correcting papers and preparing lessons. Almost all of them that I know go in on Sunday to prepare for the week. They are paid very little and yet they are the most passionate and dedicated people I know. I am so thankful for the dedicated and caring teachers that have taught my sons.


Sorry for high jacking your journal MM...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Haven't heard from you in a while, miss m. Did you and Mike run off and elope?


LOL..no, I haven't heard from him at all..and nothing new to report, either. Lots of men have asked to talk but it's either a/too young, b/too old, c/too stupid. So, yeah, a dry spell.

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For the first time of your journal you seem jaded, MM.


Its been two years and nothing substantial has happened.


You are not alone in this. Hang in there.


I completely disagree. MM has learned a lot about herself and what she wants/does not want and had interesting experiences. Seems pretty substantial to me.

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Well, here's an example of no 3 (too stupid). I just talked to a guy on the site. 45, retired army officer, divorced, nice pics, nice chat, lives close to me. We had been talking for about 20 minutes when I asked if he has any kids. He said he has a 15yo daughter who lives with his ex wife...but, in his profile, he said he doesn't have kids (I always ask because it's shocking how many people say they don't have kids and then say they do!) So, I asked why he said no kids on the profile..and he goes 'would you prefer me to lie now that you asked?' I said 'no, I would have preferred your profile to be honest!'..and deleted him on the spot.

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omg. . people are retarded.

I might (might) be able to wrap my head around height and ages. . not condoning it mind you.

But to deny your children is inexcusable.


It's funny. My roommate is doing this. She's not mentioning that she has a child in her profile...or that's she moved out of the home she shared with her husband less than 6 weeks ago. I asked her how that's working for her...she hasnt had a single second date....so I guess she says, "I have something to tell you." And often they have a secret confession for her too! Maybe "like attracts like"?


MM is smart to get out at the first sign of deception.

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I've gone out with 2 women from OKC who didn't tell me about their kids until we were already well into our first date, as well as 4 women who didn't tell reveal that they were married (but getting divorced, really!) until the first or second date.


Similarly, my ex KATE told me she was living with "her best friend" when we met, admitting about month later that he was also her ex-fiancée.


All of the above were irritating... but I ended up seeing several of these women more than once, and even having sex with a couple. So I guess the strategy works. :splat:

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