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Online Dating - A Woman's Journal


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He just called me. We talked for about 15 minutes. He asked about my news, I asked about his mum, he told me she's doing much better, then he told me about his restaurant, daughters, etc, and, eventually, he asked when we can meet. He asked if I'm free tomorrow, I said I'm not and he said he'll call me next week to meet for lunch or something. He also asked about the site's event this Sunday, I told him I plan on going and he said we may meet there, too. He made some comment that ' I had disappeared', I said that so had he, and then we said good night.


PS He also asked if I've met someone new, I said I haven't but didn't ask about him. I don't care if he has or not.

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A friend just called. Apparently, a lawyer friend of hers told her about some nice guy she knows and asked her if she knows 'a good girl' to introduce him to. He is 57, an architect and looks much younger..according to the friend. My friend mentioned me and called me to ask if it's ok to give him my number. I said sure. I don't hold much hope that something will come out of this but I figured a phone conversation never hurt anyone...and, besides, at least with this guy, I'm sure he's not married


False Alarm. The lawyer just called me herself to tell me details about the guy and....he hasn't gotten a divorce yet. He caught his wife with someone else and they've just started divorce procedures. I told her thanks but no, thanks. She said she understands but she'll keep me in mind if she finds someone who IS divorced

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I talked to a new guy on the site today. He sent me a nice message saying my smile had won him over and I replied with 'I like your star sign'...lol. He's a Libra, by the way. Anyway, then he sent a friend request and we talked for about 20 minutes.


George, 56, 6'2, grey hair/mustache, very good looking, divorced for 18 yrs with a 30yo son who's about to make him a grandpa. He's a retired air force officer and lives close to me. Our conversation was nice, mostly about our life/work/families and he said he hopes we'll talk again..he also gave me his f/b name but I've learned my lesson with f/b. Next time we talk, I'll ask him to talk on the phone.

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Tonight was the event at a bar. I took a friend with me but the bar was awful and we decided not to stay. We found a nice place down the road and sat there.


Mike called asking where I am when he didn't see me at the event, I told him and he came over. He knew my friend from my birthday dinner and the three of us had a nice time. He mentioned again that I 'disappeared', I told him again that he did..same old. He also said how disappointed he was when he didn't see me in the first bar and that he had only gone there hoping to see me (as if he had no other way to see me!). His passivity is getting on my nerves..not even sure it can be called passivity. Anyway, I'm back to feeling like I did when I had first met him, so, it's all good.

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I spent 4 hours with Mike today. First, we went for coffee and then for lunch (we split the bill). We had a very good time without any flirting and he invited me to his restaurant (and his house) again and, again, I said no. Overall, it was a good day and, just like I had felt from the beginning, we work much better as friends than anything else.

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Trey (45, divorced, lives an hour away, we had talked once, like a week ago, he'd gotten my number but never called) messaged me on the site tonight. He apologised for not being in touch (without giving the reason, though) and asked for my number again..apparently, he had deleted it. At first, I didn't want to give it to him again but he insisted and said he'll call me tomorrow and explain what happened. Eventually, I gave it to him and I'm curious to hear what he has to say tomorrow.

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Why do people have to lie about their age?!


A 50yo guy (according to his profile) sent me a friend request. The profile was new, very well-written, said he's divorced, a manager, looking for something serious, etc, but had no pics. I emailed him on the site asking for a pic and he replied, very politely, giving me his f/b name. I indeed found the f/b profile, very detailed and with lots of pics and stuff BUT a completely different date of birth...not only the year (6 yrs older than what he had put on the site) but even the month and the date! I emailed him good luck, etc, but I don't like liars and he said it's my loss..blah blah.



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I don't get it either! You are totally right to write him off. People who lie about their age are shady to me. Only met one of those so my sample size isn't exactly huge, but he did give me the impression of being untrustworthy! He also lied about the month and day in addition to year on his profile, and acted like he didn't know what happened / it was an accident when I found out and confronted him. How can someone get all three numbers wrong?! Pulease!


Also I don't like people who say it's your loss for not giving them a chance. Sounds arrogant and bitter at the same time. I doubt I'm losing out on much by avoiding dating a guy who would say that!

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If Mike stepped up his game a bit (OK, a LOT!!) and actively pursued you, would you be interested?


No, not any more. He had made me feel like a fool. I know that he didn't technically do anything wrong, but, he said he liked me, he made me look at him in a different way and then, poof, he disappeared and re-appeared over a month later. Not cool at all. Friends, yes...but for anything more than that I need someone much more consistent than Mike.


On other news, Trey called. Nice, pleasant voice and a pleasant chat. He told me he hadn't saved my phone number and he was too embarrassed to tell me...that he was hoping I might send him a text message or something and when he saw I didn't, he reached out. He did remember everything from our chat. He asked me to meet next week and we made a date for Tuesday. He'll be travelling (well, not a long travel....1 hour..lol) over here for our meeting although he barely knows my part of town. So, we'll wait and see

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