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Online Dating - A Woman's Journal


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Ethan sounds promising for you. And John is taking you to a chocolate place so I like him already.


The one with the issues with the phone I can understand why you gave up now.


Yes, I can understand too. Thanks for clarifying that you didn't mean you believed cell phones are always reliable.

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Last night I went to a dancing event. A friend of mine is in a dance group and took me with her. I had lots of fun and got asked to dance a few times...sadly, only by guys in their '20s.

I don't know what's up with men my age. Guys in their '40s and '50s were dancing with girls half their age! At our table, there were 3 guys (my friend's friends all of them and all of them single/divorced). A 50yo, a 53yo and a 33yo. Well, guess who was talking to me and wanted to dance with me the whole night. Yep..the youngest one. I danced with him a few times (he was a great dancer and a nice kid, in general) although I'm glad to still have my kidneys today...LOL...he lifted me up and swirled me around until I got dizzy...it was fun, though! I had a couple of sangrias, too..I rarely drink, so, I enjoyed them...in general, it was a very good night. I hadn't heard so many Latin songs in ages

My only complaint, as I said, was that NOONE my age asked me to dance. I start to understand why I know so many women who go out with younger men....because older men go after girls!!!

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I don't understand the mentality of older men wanting to date women significantly younger than them. I suppose having something in common didn't matter to them as much as the physical stuff?


A friend of mine says that when men get to their 40's or 50's they feel they're getting old, so, they're looking for someone younger to make them feel younger, too. Most of them have been married, divorced, had long relationships, etc, and now they're only looking for fun. I don't know if that's true but I don't know what else to think.

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A friend of mine says that when men get to their 40's or 50's they feel they're getting old, so, they're looking for someone younger to make them feel younger, too. Most of them have been married, divorced, had long relationships, etc, and now they're only looking for fun. I don't know if that's true but I don't know what else to think.


Two of my close friends are in their 50s with boyfriends the same age, another one is 49 married to a guy in his 50s who she's been with for years (all met on line) - I have more examples as well. It depends on the person. My husband and I started dating when we were almost 39. His ex girlfriend is a year older than him.

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Yes, I know it can happen. Hopefully! It's just last night it really got on my nerves seeing young ones asking me to dance and men my age asking girls...and I liked a couple of those men, too..lol


On other news, I found my daily online flirt by John. Admittedly, he never forgets it

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I got an email by John...at 4pm....'what are you doing tonight? let's meet'.


I'm not going to answer it. First of all, he has my phone numbers (both cell and home phone) and, second, he should know better than sending a last minute invite.


If he turns into Mike, the date we had the other day will be the last one



Also, the guy from yesterday (the one with the phone problems) emailed me with some more excuses and asked me to call him again. I replied saying he can call me after 6 if he wants to and if he has kept my number...and that's as far as I'm willing to go (I didn't tell him that).

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I think its great that John emailed you and ask you out. What is up with all these rules you have...

I'm not going to answer it. First of all, he has my phone numbers (both cell and home phone) and, second, he should know better than sending a last minute invite.


I don't mean to be rude or harsh... John seems to really like you but you seem to only accept certain ways of people contacting you. If that is something you don't accept, last minute invites or emails to ask you out for a date, at least let him know before you throw yet another possible relationship away.

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I think its great that John emailed you and ask you out. What is up with all these rules you have...


I don't mean to be rude or harsh... John seems to really like you but you seem to only accept certain ways of people contacting you. If that is something you don't accept, last minute invites or emails to ask you out for a date, at least let him know before you throw yet another possible relationship away.


Most of the guys I've dated have emailed or texted to ask me out for dates....I think it's just the times now. I agree with telling people upfront how you would like to be communicated with. Put it in your profile- "I prefer phone calls to email" and say it again if they email you. I had to teach my bf to call.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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I think its great that John emailed you and ask you out. What is up with all these rules you have...


I don't mean to be rude or harsh... John seems to really like you but you seem to only accept certain ways of people contacting you. If that is something you don't accept, last minute invites or emails to ask you out for a date, at least let him know before you throw yet another possible relationship away.


What's great about emailing someone at 4pm to ask them to go out at 7?

All that makes me think of is 'I was bored and thought, hey, let's email missmaprle to see what she's up to and if she's free tonight'..which is fine when it's a friend but not when it's a guy I'm dating.


I HAVE let him know even before our first date that I hate last minute invites and that I'm not on the pc all day long...actually, it was a matter of luck that I was on the pc at 4pm...I'm usually in bed long before that...and he knows that, too.


I have very few 'rules', in my opinion. Basically, I have one rule: treat me like a woman, not like one of your buddies.


The fact that even after I didn't reply to his email, he didn't bother to call convinced me I was right not to reply to his email. Because (and I'm sure you'll agree on this), if you really want to see someone, you don't just send an email...you call because you want to make sure that the other person did get your invite!

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On other news, the phone guy..let's call him Lenny called at 7pm. I could hear noise so I asked and he said he was on his way for coffee with a friend. I found it strange that he called from the street to talk to a new person. I don't know if he's weird or he's hiding something. Anyway, he says he's been divorced for 8 yrs, he has a 14 yo daughter and he's a retired policeman. He said he's only interested in a serious relationship and he insisted on that...I said that's what I'm interested in, too. We talked for about 10 mins..he didn't sound bad, he laughed a lot...and he comes from the same town as my ex husband..a town I had lived in for 4 years, so, we had one thing in common.

After we had said the basics I told him that I believe in meeting someone in person and not communicate endlessly on phone etc but he said he'd rather we talked a couple more times on the phone. I said no problem and he asked me to text him tomorrow afternoon when I'm free and he'll call me.

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I think it's fine to ask out over email, but asking at the last minute - while I can understand it, sometimes people have unpredictable schedules - doesn't really send the message that you're a priority.


I probably would reply something like: "Hi John, unfortunately I already have plans for tonight. I would love for us to go out again sometimes, but I usually need a few days' notice" or something similar. I don't find what he did enough of a mortal sin to write him off - for all you know he was just excited, and it's true that a lot of people who have smartphones are on email all the time and can see it as quickly as a text.

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I emailed John after I talked to Lenny...that I just saw his email, that I was in bed and that I'm not doing anything tonight but, unfortunately, it's too late to go out now. Hopefully, he will get the message 'YOU HAVE A PHONE, USE IT'. Then I logged on to the site and he had emailed me there, too..10 mins before his other email saying 'when are we going to meet?'


He emailed me after my email (we're still talking on email right now)...and he's analysing the Oscars to me..lol

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I think it's fine to ask out over email, but asking at the last minute - while I can understand it, sometimes people have unpredictable schedules - doesn't really send the message that you're a priority.


I probably would reply something like: "Hi John, unfortunately I already have plans for tonight. I would love for us to go out again sometimes, but I usually need a few days' notice" or something similar. I don't find what he did enough of a mortal sin to write him off - for all you know he was just excited, and it's true that a lot of people who have smartphones are on email all the time and can see it as quickly as a text.


I think that's a good suggestion - just say you'd love to meet, but need a few days advance notice.

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I don't find what he did enough of a mortal sin to write him off - for all you know he was just excited, and it's true that a lot of people who have smartphones are on email all the time and can see it as quickly as a text.


But I didn't write him off. I would never write someone off for something like that. When I said I wouldn't reply I meant I would reply at my convenience, later (as I did)..not that I wouldn't talk to him again..lol

Only if he continues doing it (like Mike did for a while), I will write him off...especially because, as I said, he knows exactly where I stand on the subject.

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I think that's a good suggestion - just say you'd love to meet, but need a few days advance notice.


He knows it, annie. We just talked yesterday about our next date at the chocolate shop, and I specifically told him let me know a day in advance and he specifically said 'of course'.

So, what's the point in repeating I'd love to meet but, etc etc ??

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He knows it, annie. We just talked yesterday about our next date at the chocolate shop, and I specifically told him let me know a day in advance and he specifically said 'of course'.

So, what's the point in repeating I'd love to meet but, etc etc ??


You can counter yourself with a date offer. "I can't meet tonight, but we can go to the chocolate shop on friday night if that works for you..."?

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But I didn't write him off. I would never write someone off for something like that. When I said I wouldn't reply I meant I would reply at my convenience, later (as I did)..not that I wouldn't talk to him again..lol

Only if he continues doing it (like Mike did for a while), I will write him off...especially because, as I said, he knows exactly where I stand on the subject.


Well, I thought when you said you wouldn't reply, you wouldn't reply

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You can counter yourself with a date offer. "I can't meet tonight, but we can go to the chocolate shop on friday night if that works for you..."?


Actually, I was thinking of doing that but in his emails he mentions nothing about tonight, no comment on what I said (that I was in bed and just saw the email etc) and it all makes me think 'buddy'...and I don't want to be the one to schedule our next date after what he pulled today.

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He just told me to have a good rest, that he's been emailing from his cell phone as he's out (guess he found some other buddy to go out with..lol) and that he hopes some day he can rub my back when I'm in the bath (I had mentioned that I'm going to take a bath later).

I replied with '1. thanks 2. have fun and 3. behave'

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The saga continues...


His next email: I hope I didn't offend you with that comment..it was just something I wish I could do..and I've never denied that I like you (he'd never said it before openly, either)


I replied: 'it's ok, thanks for clarifying..and glad you like me' (yeah, yeah, I know, not too enthusiastic but that's my style..lol)


His last email was a picture of a rose and I don't think that needs an answer. Cute

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To be perfectly honest, I often try to fit my phone calls into otherwise "wasted" time, like walking to work, cooking dinner, cleaning my house, etc ... (Probably wouldn't do the last two with someone I didn't know). I don't really find it odd.


Agree, and rarely use my phone otherwise.

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