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my gf is drifting away


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Im not sure if its just me or not but it seems like everytime i am with my gf, it is like she is trying to push away from me. Today we went over to a friends house to watch a movie, but she didnt sit by me, or even talk to me that much. Im not sure if its just because our friends parents were in the other room or what (friends parents are really strict, we were barely allowed to watch a pg13 movie) also when we drove over, she didnt even want to ride with me, she went with her friends.


I feel like im being regected, and it all kind of comes back to her friends. Whenever we are alone together we are great, and i love her most during those times. When we end up hanging out with her friends, she almost makes me seem invisible. I end up having more fun with just her friends than her. One time she told me on the phone basically that boyfriends come and go, but friends last forever. That made me feel like crap, like im lower than friend status. i though going out meant that we were "more than just friends" but beyond. Does anyone see the point of that? i need some help with these feelings...im kinda confused

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Hey man??

i seem to have the same problem and everything.... cept i got the response " well my friends never make me depressed like you do.. " .... oh great thanks?/ She acts totaly different... and if you just let her go by herself.. you'll probably get jelous or something... We all know " alone time " is the best time.... i don't know how to explain it but, the best way to do it is just go out with your friends more and when your offered to hang out with her and her friend's then just say no ... go like everynow and then.... but if nothing changed eventually stop going...Girls have a thing for that whole boys go but friends last forever... its because girls look toward their friends when they are having problems with there boyfriend.. and there friends dont' Dump them... its just a women problem ... A lot of girls act different when they are with a bunch of just girls... and i think she wants to act that and she doesn't want you to go she just doesnt want to hurt you... hope i helped

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Get ready for a breakup. Ok I don't know that for certain. But has she met any other guys recently, has she been talking to any exs.


Now that maynot be true, but it's something you should watch out for. But it seems in the very least this girl is a little immature. She may need to grow up a bit. Maybe she really doesn't want to be in a relationship righ tnow.


not sure. good luck

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I agree with The_Tiger.


That isn't cool that she does that. It is clear she does not want to be around you. At you ages...most likely she is interested in another guy, he may even be a friend of her friends or in the same group of friends. I went through this BS when I was younger too.


Cut your loses now, and walk away a man. If she wants you she will come get you. If not look at how much time you saved by not wasting on something that was coming eventually. Only two things can happen out of kicking her to the curb...she either runs back or she doesn't. Pretty straight forward.


Good Luck and Stand Strong.


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im certain its not another guy...she would tell me about this stuff. She has like really good christian values. I also trust her mom a lot, if she suspected anything like that, she would get involved. Her mom is awesome about that kind of stuff, and she wouldnt let my gf hide something like that.

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That's not good that you get her mom involved. Christian values don't mean anything to me and from what I have experienced them values don't mean nothing to even the most dedicated Christians. I don't think I said she is cheating on you, but it is apparent that she does not want to be with you. Who knows the real reason, but 99% of the time, the woman probably has her eyes set on another guy. Also don't think that she would tell her mom everything...and especially do not think that her own blood will turn against her in favor for you.


If you really want to know the deal cut her loose, see if she comes back or starts dating another guy.



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wtf, dumping ur gf doesnt solve anything. u act like ur 15, but ur thing sais your 33? I trust my girlfriend enough to say that i know she wants to be with me, and not another guy. She actually just talked to her ex about a week ago, and ended up telling him to not call her again cause she has me.


I think the problem is that she gets worried about us breaking up, and that if she hung out with her friends more, that we wouldnt end up getting sick of eachother. I also trust her mom a lot, her mom didnt allow her to get a boyfriend because she kept breaking up, and getting hurt. Her mom wouldnt let that happen to me.

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no offense DBL but dumping her wouldn't solve anything... it would just be harder for her to come back?? And having a mom involved is alright my relationships mom is involved and it doesn't hurt anything just like a second mom.. I guess dating in your 30's is way different.... Girls have problems through a relationship and chances are shes just confused and doesn't wanna show distress or doesn't wanna show it... Don't dump her things should straighten up.. hang in.. good luck

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You all think I didn't date when I was younger?


I can tell you that at your ages I was not looking for a relationship like you all are. At your ages I wasn't thinking of one girl, but many girls.


I don't take any offense. I said my piece, you don't have to agree with it or take my advice...I see things only as black and white...there is no inbetween to me. She is either with you or she's not, I don't see maybes or doubts. From my experiences her behavior indicates that she doesn't want to be around you, so it would be safe to assume that she will eventually cut you lose.



Good Luck


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Are you her first boyfriend? Because she may just not know how to act with a boyfriend while around others. Have you been dating for a short period of time? I know some people are pretty distant for a few months into a relationship. Did she used to be different? Only if things are changing for the worse should you really be worried. Maybe you should just be straightforward and ask her..

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weve been going out for a lil over 2 months. I talked to her mom, and the reason shes been acting that way is because shes greatly values her friendship, and i guess not me. I dont see this relationship going anywhere, and i might end up kicking her to the curb if she doesnt decide what she wants anytime soon. DBL, i might be taking your advice afterall. I treat her so good, and even her friends think she treats me like crap. I feel like ive been used, ive bought stuff for her, and given her money. She lives like 30 minutes away from me, yet i still find time to drive over and be with her, because i want to. I feel as if she isnt doing her part. A relationship requires equal effort from both sides, not from just the guy.

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Aight well whoever said it was right. I think all yall did. We broke up, and im almost glad we did. I feel so much better now. If she even tries to go come back, the answer is no for real. She brought me down way to much, i dont need that sh*t in high school. Dude i just wanna have fun while it lasts, relationships suck!

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HAHA~ =D Good luck and have fun!


^_~ Be a gentleman to her anyways. It'll magnify her "omg I can't believe I let him go!" thinking 10 fold. Then she'll start wondering if you still like her even though you went to formal with her friend... =D and you can really start having fun.

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