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I go out walkin' after midnight...


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So last night I dreamt that my brother and I were hanging out with this pretty famous musician.  I'm not saying who it was because they are basically a one hit wonder and no one I'm a fan of so it's kind of embarrassing.  Not sure what triggered this dream.  But my brother and I were hanging out with him on a beach at some resort place and he was buying us drinks and stuff.  It was really hot and my arms were getting sunburned.  My Mom was there also and she was surrounded by all these young hot surfer guys. 

My dreams aren't as vivid as they were when I started this thread.  I think it's because now my sleep schedule is completely different and I just don't remember them as much.  When I worked nights I woke up organically and had time to sit and process what I just dreamt.  Now I get up at 4am with an alarm clock and start getting ready for work.  So there's no time to actually think about it. 

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So, I was home sick yesterday from work and binge watched season 8 of Wentworth.  There was a scene toward the end where a main character was slipped a large amount of Acid to get her to confess to a crime.  I'm sure that's what triggered this dream.

I dreamt last night that I was at a concert with my brother and a bunch of other people.  This guy a few rows in front of us was selling acid and I bought two hits from him for $20.  It was dark though so it took me a little bit to count out the money to give him.  I had a bunch of singles. 

I gave one hit to my brother and then I was going to take the other one myself but I chickened out and couldn't do it.  So I just pretended to take it. 

A couple weeks ago I dreamt that new neighbors moved in across the street and Z and I went over to hang out with them.  They offered me some coffee and what they gave me was gourmet coffee like you would get in some fancy high end cafe'.  I mean it was in this really fancy cup with cream on top and chocolate shavings, etc.   It was really good and I drank it really fast.  Then when I was done these people were all laughing at me.  I asked what was so funny and they told me they put about ten hits of acid in the coffee I just drank. 

The walls started melting and everything started pulsating.  The news was on tv and the reporter's head started spinning around and ticking like a clock and he turned purple and orange.  I told Z we needed to leave.  I said if I was going to be tripping my ass off I at least want to be home in a familiar environment. 

So we went back home and sat down at my dining room table.  Then she looked at me and told me there are drugs hidden all over this house and the cops are on their way to arrest me.  I was speechless.  And then she said "I also told them you've been forcing yourself on me for months.  I never actually gave consent all the time's we've done it."  I was like, "What!  How the F could you do that?"  Then the cops were there and they broke down the door. 

That was the end of it, thankfully. 

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I dreamt last night that L and I both worked at the old movie theater where my ex husband and I had our film premier back in 2007.  The building is still there, but it was converted into a church a long time ago.  But in my dream universe it's apparently still a theater. 

The owner was this short, stocky balding guy named Larry who was a real perv and hit on all the girls.  And it seemed like I was the only one who had a problem with this.  It was an all female staff, and Larry was always slapping asses, making sexual comments, etc. 

He had an assistant who was this tall drop dead gorgeous dark skinned girl with black curly hair.  I don't remember her name.  But she told me one day that Larry wanted to have a private meeting with me and that it was mandatory if I want to keep my job.  I was talking to L about it and she was like, "Well everyone else had to do it with him.  I did too." 

Then they put me in charge of making the schedule so I just took myself off the schedule and left. 

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Last night my dead ex husband made an appearance in my dream.  There was this girl who was dying of cancer and she was only 16.  She was really into the Gothic subculture.  My ex and I went to see her at this house that I've been to before.  It was my Aunt Ella's house, which is weird because I haven't been there in over 20 years and my Aunt Ella hasn't lived there for a really long time.  But we went and saw this girl and she was really soft spoken with a really velvety voice.  She had long black hair with bangs like Betty Page. 

I used to carry this Tripp purse with me a lot back when I used to go clubbing every weekend.  And all my accessories and my makeup were kept in it.  I had that purse with me and I gave her one of my bracelets from it.  My ex gave her something too but I don't remember what it was. 

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