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i've made a decision, just can't stick to it.


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thanks guys but i can't say to my mom, mom i'm a cutter. I just can't and i believe the counselor will tell my parents or something. And i don't really have someone to talk to about it. Don't get me wrong i want to stop,but its just not working.And latly i've been doing it more and more.I'm kinda scared.


a counselor wont tell your mom if you tell her or him not to. neither would like a counselor, or somoene else you trust that could help you. if you say you want it confidential, they have to do it. keep it up. i'm glad to see you want to change so much. i beliieve you can do it. keep up the great progress, we're all here for you!

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i have noticed that more poeple are reading this. so i wanted to update everyone. Well since i've posted this of course i have cut agian and i feel bad because i have.But i guess the good news is i haven't for like a week now. i know i will probly agian sometime soon. But atleast i'm trying and making an effort.

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a counselor wont tell your mom if you tell her or him not to. neither would like a counselor, or somoene else you trust that could help you. if you say you want it confidential, they have to do it.


as much as I want you to get help I have to let you know that this is not true. We, as counselors, don't HAVE to keep information from someone's parents, epecially if we feel treatment for what is going on requires something only a parent can authorize...or we are concerned that there is a sucide risk. Remember, we are talking about a minor here...if you were over 18 your medical privacy right would kick in...but not when you are under their roof or I'm being paid by their insurance.


Anyone "like" a counselor...has even less obligation for privacy than someone in my profession.

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believe me, i know what you're saying. but fear not, you would not be hurting them my involving them. it's hurting them more for them not to know, so they can't try and help you. you will not be a burden to them. people WANT to help you. you won't be hurting anyone but yourself, so please, if you feel that need, go for it. i don't think you'll be sorry that you did. hang in there, we're all here for you

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It's difficalt and there will be times that you may turn back or relaps. It's like a drug, you yern to do it yet you know you should not. Then you see the scars and know that it was there. That it is still there and it is still an option. Which is why I think it's so hard to stop. But it can be done and I'm sure you can do it! You want to and that will alone should be enough to help.



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just keep it up. it's hard to stop cold turkey. make sure you do your best to stay away from things that could trigger you. get rid of sharp objects, all of them. throw them away. and if you ever feel you could share this with others, maybe they could help you stay away from things that could trigger you. please keep up the good work, we're still all here for you. take care and good luck

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