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Hey guys, how are you all? It's been ages since I posted a thread on here, shows how much things have changed for me.

If you don't know my story, I was with my ex for a year and then she cheated on me and left me for someone else. Then she thought it would be nice if she cut me out of her life.




Well yeah, my ex messaged me today. Someone made a tumblr up and they started following me, as soon as I saw some of the stuff on there, I knew it was her. She messaged me not long ago saying she's sorry for hurting me and she hopes that I could forgive her. She also said she's not happy and she's tried to kill herself by overdosing. And she said she'd understand if I didn't want to be friends.


I literally cannot believe it.

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Sounds like she needs help from a professional first and foremost.


If you have contacted her and are in contact with her, you should tell her to see someone to get help.


Sounds to me like you still need to heal from the betrayal and hurt that she caused. You should probably go NC asap if you are not already. She needs help from the right people - that is not you. She needs a professional.


I only suggest that you keep moving forward, focussing on yourself, and take the time you need to heal. Feel good about yourself again. Be confident again. Be true to yourself and be happy.

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Yes, she did do the kind thing by "cutting you out of her life".... did you REALLY want to be hanging out with her and the woman she cheated on you with and dumped you for??? Be Facebook buddies and see all their posts and the pics of the two of them together?


As for her contact now.... do you REALLY want to be *just friends*? Because it sounds like that's all she's offering... she could use an emotional crutch and who better than the girl you just rejected, who's hoping for a way back into her life?


I wouldn't be responding to any message like this.


And I don't say ANY OF THIS lightly or to come off smug -- I say it having also been cheated on and dumped for someone else. It HURT like no other breakup I had before.... It would take more than that to get me to agree to any communication with the person who put me through something like that.... especially if they were only now reaching out because THEY wanted me to help them feel better, after ignoring the months of pain and suffering they caused!

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